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Home > Staff

See also Contact and Partners info pages.

There are many more volunteers and personalities that have made a huge difference in developing and staging WNBR events around the world. This is just a start. There are many who don't appear on this page, and some who do appear haven't updated their info. This page just gives you an idea of the folks who make the WNBR happen around the world.

Listed alphabetically:

Current staff

Aurora Danai

Aurora Danai has been the coordinator of the Chicago ride since 2004. She a mural artist, poet and writer and is active in Chicago Critical Mass and THONG (Topless Humans Organized for Natural Genetics. Aurora developed the first WNBR t-shirt design in 2004. She is the first credited with thwarting police from stopping a WNBR event during the WNBR Chicago 2004 ride, the largest reported ride in 2004.

Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson is an artist and social activist who helped Conrad Schmidt with the initial development of WNBR in 2003, including much of the Web site development. He currently helps with admin, art, global organization. He helped promote the idea of having rides during the middle of the day. He is currently the coordinator of the Seattle ride. In 2004 and 2006 respectively, he introduced the idea of doing body painting parties and yoga sessions in public parks before and during the ride. Like Jesse Schust, he has also worked with municipal government officials in the planning the local ride, attending private meetings, and meeting with the City of Seattle Special Events Committee. He also co-founded Body Freedom Collaborative (BFC) which initially hosted WNBR in Seattle in 2004 and The Organic Living Party/Work Less Party USA which has hosted the event since 2005. The 2006 Seattle event, lasted about nine hours and covered nearly 27 miles. He is a vocal proponent of individual cities weighing what date is best for their own rides based on weather and event conflicts while trying to stay in solidarity with when most rides in the world are riding. He is also the founder of Raw Wiki and Naked Wiki.

Marte Kinder

Marte Kinder is the WNBR Newcastle (Australia) and Sydney, (Australia) Organiser, WNBR Australia Coordinator and Media Liaison. Marte is also very active in the local Critical Mass. Marte believes the integrity of WNBR in holding true to the mission statement and ride requirements is essential. WNBR is rumoured to have began in Australia in 2004 with a 6 person ride in Tweed Heads although the people involved with that ride did not continue to organise for a subsequent event and no photographs exist. Marte revived WNBR in Australia in 2005, organising the first Newcastle (Australia) ride with the online assistance of Conrad Schmidt and Daniel Johnson. It was the first WNBR in Australia that can be confirmed and it was photographed. After the 2005 WNBR in Newcastle, Marte was asked to Coordinate WNBR in Australia and has helped the expansion of WNBR in terms of number of participants and number of cities holding rides by finding, mentoring and supporting new volunteers. In 2007 Marte began a world tour taking in 7 World Naked Bike Rides in Newcastle (Australia), Southampton, Brighton, London, Brussels, Seattle and Vancouver, 2 Critical Mass rides in Brussels and Vancouver and a naked protest organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)against the cruelty of bullfighting called the Running of the Nudes. In 2008 Marte organised both Newcastle (Australia) and Sydney rides and found new Organisers for Adelaide, Byron Bay and Melbourne. In the one year period between the 10th of March 2007 and 9th of March 2008, Marte participated in 9 WNBRs in Newcastle (Australia), Southampton, Brighton, London, Brussels, Seattle, Vancouver, Sydney and Newcastle (Australia) and claims the world record for participating in the most WNBRs in one year. In 2009 Marte established the WNBR Democracy group which is a forum for deciding the structure, roles, rules, special cases, disputes, direction and processes of World Naked Bike Ride by Democratic Methods. The group is open to all Organisers (the convenor of a city organising team) and Coordinators (the convenors of national WNBR efforts and/or multi-ride organisation). Also in 2009 Marte called for nominations among Australian Organisers for the position of WNBR Australia Coordinator and for an election to be held to decide the Organiser who would take on the role. In late 2009 Marte was expelled by Conrad Schmidt from membership of the WNBR-Coordinators Yahoo! group, World Naked Bike Ride Yahoo! group, and other Australian Yahoo! groups or had moderator functions removed. Conrad Schmidt also removed Marte's webmaster control over the World Naked Bike Ride - Australia sub-domain (the main .html Australia website). On 23 June 2010 Conrad Schmidt attempted to block Marte's ability to edit this website too. You can find Marte Kinder on Facebook and via email wnbrnudecastle{at}yahoo{dot}com{dot}au

J Steve Mayo

J Steve Mayo came up with the idea of using Wiki software for developing a collaborative WNBR Web site. He has been one of the main WNBR Seattle organizers since 2004 and is also the organizer of the new Body Pride Ride (BPR) (one of the two other naked bike rides in Seattle). Beginning in Spring of 2006 he reintroduced nudity during the monthly Seattle Critical Mass bike rides.

Jerome Jolibois

Jerome JoliboisOrganizer, promoter and motivator of CycloNudista Brussels since 2005, he organizes also regular meetings during the year to advertise the event and welcome new members.

Nick Sayers

Nick Sayers is a graphic designer for web and print, based in Hove, UK. He is the Brighton & Hove (UK) ride coordinator and has also been heavily involved with the main global WNBR websites. His involvement with the WNBR wiki site has included creating and editing pages, categories and templates, some of which he has moved from the main site to the wiki. He would describe himself as something of a tweak freak.

Conrad Schmidt

Conrad Schmidt (Wikipedia article), is a social activist, writer and computer programmer who came up with the idea of WNBR in 2003. He is the principal global coordinator. He is also the Vancouver and Canada coordinator. Conrad has provided much of the initial script writing for the forms which have made it very easy for individuals to start up their own rides all over the world. Prior to WNBR, Conrad had organized the Naked Bike Rides of the group Artists for Peace/Artists Against War (AFP/AAW) which took place in the early part of the same year, as well as other high-profile political/media events leading to the creation of The Work Less Party of British Columbia. He is the author of the book Workers of the World Relax. Conrad developed the first WNBR calendar in 2004 and the first global WNBR film in 2006.

Telephone number 604 346 1328 [email protected]

Jesse Schust

Jesse Schust has been riding in the WNBR since 2004 and helped to facilitate rides in the UK from 2005 to 2010. He helped to found the London ride planning collective, and helped to organise London rides between 2005 and 2010. During this time, the London ride grew to be one of the largest daylight rides (with 1000 participants by 2008. Jesse appears in the Johnny Zapatos film "World Naked Bike Ride" - a documentary London's first ride in the city streets. While Jesse stepped down from UK ride facilitation and London ride planning after the 2010 rides, he remains quietly active with the WNBR in a behind the scenes way.

Corky Stanton

Corky Stanton, Founder of ClothesFree International, has donated web hosting space for the main WNBR domain name Web site and has helped with technical support.

Michael Beals

Michael Beals, Michael Beals is the founder of [ANFA (American Naturist Family Association] Formerly in Los Angeles California a family oriented group now based in Hillsboro Missouri dedicated to providing several community services for local needy families as well as family safe activities for those who cannot afford some of the things other people can afford for kids. The owner of BBR Studio Services in Los Angeles, a father of six, married to Lorraine Beals who also contributes to the community as an employee dedicated to helping mentally and physically handicapped adults. Michael is was a WNBR rider for 2 year, then co-organizer of the WNBRLA for 3 years, then taking over as sole organizer if the ride in 2011. He has brought media attention to the WNBRLA as a safe, fun ride for even children to participate in to help raise awareness of the severe need in LA for alternative transportation and bicycle safety. Michael started the [WNBRLA facebook] page as a social media outreach other than just an event. Michael volunteers at many local charity events that are designed for community awareness, Such as : NOH8LA, Friends of San Ono Fre, AIDS Walk, American Breast Cancer Foundation and more. He has been the key founder of the petition to FACEBOOK for Terms of Use changes which resulted in changes being made to allow family important photos such as breast feeding, children playing in bathtubs or beaches topless or without diapers, and other similar changes that in the past were classified as pornography by FB. Bike ride photo contributions: [email protected]

WNBRLA: Contact: [email protected]

Past staff

Simon Oosterman

Simon Oosterman, organizor of the Auckland 2005 WNBR, and the first ever to be arrested during a WNBR event, is credited with going further and refocusing the issue on oil-dependency. He urged "Stop the indecent exposure to vehicle emissions!". Oosterman later defended a charge of indecent exposure in the Auckland District Court in 2006 and after hearing evidence the Judge dismissed the charge.