Newcastle (Australia)

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World Naked Bike Ride – Nudecastle

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Date: Saturday 10 March 2012 (tentative date)
Time: to be decided
Location: to be decided

Ride details

Newcastle will ride on Saturday the 10th March 2012. Assembly location and time is to be decided. You must arrived CLOTHED and stay clothed at the assembly location. We will not strip at the assembly location. Organisers will lead participating riders to a secret private venue for stripping and body painting. Clothing is optional on the ride so you can wear as much or as little as you want. Go as BARE AS YOU DARE!

It is usual practice that visitors from out-of-town can be helped with the loan of a bike on the day. Body painting is optional (though strongly encouraged) so you can write slogans and protest messages that tell the public what the ride is about. Peace signs, hearts and flowers are always in theme. This year organisers are allowing plenty of time to do elaborate full body murals. If you do not participate in the body painting you will have to wait patiently for everyone else to complete their body painting. By the time the body painting is completed, then we hit the streets of Newcastle in all our decorated glory. The ride is fantastic fun. The public really enjoy the event and line the streets cheering. We ride as a group and try not to get straggly. The route we take is NOT PUBLICISED in advance. Organisers will lead the way along the route. There will be a party after the ride at a venue to be determined which will feature music and a selection of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

The official Southern Hemisphere World Naked Bike Ride date is Saturday the 10th of March 2012. Sydney will have a ride on, or about that date. Keen riders could attend Newcastle and Sydney if the dates do not coincide.


If you would like to volunteer to help with publicity, media, party organisation or other roles that help make the ride a success, please come along to the Planning Meetings. Please come along with your ideas.

The Planning Meeting Dinners are organised from time to time and usually take place in a friendly pub.

You can also participate in planning decisions by joining the WNBR Newcastle Yahoo! Group. Less formal discussion and planning also happens at monthly Newcastle Critical Mass bike rides or as advised.

Ride location and how to get there

Assemble with clothes ON in the little park on the Southern side of Hamilton Railway Station. Please do not drive to the event because it will create greenhouse gases and contradicts the purpose of the event. Please ride your bike to the assembly place or take the train if it is too far for you to ride. CityRail allows passengers to take their bikes on the train.

CityRail Timetables

Hunter Line
Newcastle & Central Coast Line

How to participate

Please read the following information first. This page is the most important source of information on WNBR Newcastle.
After this page you can follow the links in other sections of this page for reports of how the ride went in previous years and things that interest you and have a look at WNBR Australia (official site).

What to bring

  • A bike in good working order. If you have a bike in need of repair or do not have a bike please visit the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre .You can ride a scooter or skates if you want to because any form of human powered transport is OK.
  • You MUST have an approved bike helmet. Riding without a helmet is ILLEGAL.
  • You might consider bringing your bike lights, front and rear, in case you need them to get home after the post ride party which may go into the evening.
  • Bring a bike lock.
  • Bring your friends.
  • You need to arrive clothed. Seriously, some people have not done this.
  • You need decent shoes for cycling because you may hurt your feet otherwise.
  • A pair of swimmers (just in case you need them on the ride). Your bike might break down.
  • You need somewhere to put your clothes while you are riding. A backpack or bag where you can store your stuff. Secure storage will be provided so you can leave all but an emergency pair of swimmers at the body painting venue. Clothing is optional on the ride and you are perfectly welcome to ride clothed or naked or somewhere in between.
  • Bring a bottle of water.
  • Bring a noise maker like a whistle, a horn or a bell.
  • Bring some money for the party to pay for your refreshments.
  • A donation of $ money to help the organisers cover the expenses.
  • A paint brush.

What not to bring

  • Alcohol or drugs. Ride in control and safe. There will be alcohol available at the after party.

In months before the ride

It may seem like things are quiet between World Naked Bike Rides but the Newcastle organisers are working now to make the upcoming WNBR Nudecastle enjoyable for everyone. In the lead-up to the WNBR there are many other community grassroots events in Newcastle that are of interest to Naturists, Biketivists, Pacifists and Environmentalists. Some events are featured on this page below. Have a look at the links to organisations that endorse the WNBR in Newcastle (see Endorsement below) and Australia and you will find something that will inspire your passion for expressing yourself for the benefit of the planet. All the organisations that endorse WNBR are friendly though our closest ally is Critical Mass (see Critical_Mass below). WNBR Nudecastle encourages everyone interested in participating in WNBR to also participate in Critical Mass.

Get a bike

Do you need a bike? Are you broke? Bike Love Corral has going bikes at super low prices or you can fix an old bike for yourself for FREE! Volunteers & bike/part donations welcome. (volunteer groups promoting pushbikes as happy, ethical, safe sustainable transport.) Trade-in/cash or buy/borrow 2nd hand bikes/parts/fixing/etc. We turn-over 33 bikes a week. Donate bikes/parts. Traffic skills workshops (end car annoyance) and more.

We have moved into the new bike workshop at Bike Hub East on The University of Newcastle Callaghan Campus(Wed 6th Aug 2014, 10am official opening)
Location: Off Richardson Road, Callaghan 2308.
At the end of Richardson Rd go left into Design Road. We are at the corner of the next right, At the back of the Bike Hub East building.
Map :
Three 15minute visitor parking spots near Commonwealth Bank. Free car parking on Saturdays, and for drop off / pick up goods.
Use of the workshop is kindly provided through NUSA and Newcastle University Bike Users' Group (thanks heaps!) Everyone welcome. We are hard to find with little signage, so follow these directions and have a street directory

Bikes/parts: We usually can supply bikes and parts to people within 10 minutes (over 95% success for requests). But for newer things or to save a trip send us an email to check we have it, or we could bring it in from our warehouse for you. Open Times: Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm Closed Times: Public Holidays and other times displayed on web Contact: [email protected] and Facebook Membership: Bike Love Corral members get $5 off most goods/services Workshop rules/OHS: Safety and Health are our top priority for visitors. The afternoon sun pokes through the high security window mesh, be sun smart. If you want to use our tools please email us to obtain a workshop pass.

Getting email updates before the ride

If you want to have emails sent to you with details of pre-ride events, reminders of the WNBR Nudecastle time and start location, or discuss any apects of the upcoming ride: you need to join the discussion group (see Discussion_group/s below). If you have not got a Yahoo! account, you can set one up for free in about 5 minutes. You can use your existing email account or get a Yahoo! email account for free. You can set the email account up using a nickname if you want to as well. The management of Yahoo! have classified the discussion group as "adults only" but only because they are puritanical prudes who do not know the difference between the human body and pornography. WNBR is nothing to do with pornography so do not worry.


You do not have to register, pay money, sign anything or give your personal details to anyone. There are suggestions on the international pages of WNBR websites that say you should complete the on-line registration process. This is NOT mandatory for the WNBR Nudecastle. Vetted media people will attend the WNBR Nudecastle 2010 to photograph and video the event so if you have any concerns about this you should consider painting your face, wearing a novel mask or big dark sunglasses to preserve your anonymity.


THE RIDE IS LEGAL! Non-sexual public nudity is legal in NSW. 5000 people stripped naked outside the Sydney Opera House on the 2nd of March 2010 to be photographed by the artist Spencer Tunick with no arrests. The ride is a totally NON-SEXUAL event and this is strongly enforced by the organisers. The laws that are relevant to public nudity in New South Wales are applicable througout the state. For discussion of this topic, please refer to the separate page about New South Wales Laws. No one has ever been arrested on a World Naked Bike Ride in Australia.

Women’s Support Woman

Christabel has volunteered for the role of Women’s Support Woman for WNBR Nudecastle. The Women’s Support Woman (WSW) role is to offer special support to women who have any concerns about their participation or potential participation in the event. The WSW will be attending the whole of the event and will be available to help all women participants. The WSW will be making a special effort to ensure that female participants feel comfortable while being a mentor. If you wish to assist in this role or would like to ask any relevant questions, please approach Christabel before the ride.


Media enquiries for Newcastle: please contact Marte Kinder the WNBR Newcastle Organiser.

Please think ahead if you want to have a media presence on the day of the WNBR Nudecastle and contact Marte well ahead of time because your involvement will need vetting.

Media coverage

Publicity: flyers, posters, images etc

This is the current poster / flyer, to be used for the WNBR Newcastle 2011 to help promote participation. Please print these and stick them up where people will see them. Why not colour one in and stick it to your refrigerator?

Poster / Flyer

Critical Mass

Critical Mass Newcastle and the World Naked Bike Ride endorse and participate in all events held under both names in Newcastle. Critical Mass ride on the first Friday of every month and starts from Civic Park, opposite Newcastle Town Hall. Assemble at 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start. Ride Daily! Celebrate Monthly!

For more information on Critical Mass see: Critical Mass wiki, or Newcastle Critical Mass Discussion Group or email Daniel on newcastlecriticalmass{at}

Newcastle Cycling Strategy and Action Plan

World Naked Bike Ride Newcastle supports and endorses the Newcastle Cycling Strategy and Action Plan motion submitted to Newcastle City Council for consideration on 17 February 2009 by Micheal Osborne of the Newcastle Greens.

Other Upcoming Events where WNBR Newcastle will participate

Earlier Events where WNBR Newcastle was represented

More earlier events

For more events held since the previous WNBR in Newcastle, please follow the link to the Newcastle earlier promotional activities page.

Newcastle 2011

Date: Saturday 12 March 2011
Time: 2 pm
Location: The little park on the South side of Hamilton Railway Station
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2011 page.

Newcastle 2010

Date: Sunday 14 March 2010
Time: 5pm
Location: Civic Park, opposite Newcastle Town Hall
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2010 page.

Newcastle 2009

Date: Saturday 14 March 2009
Time: 2pm
Location: The little park on the South side of Hamilton Railway Station
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2009 page.

Newcastle 2008

Date: Sunday 9 March 2008
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Next to Warabrook Station in Rosegum Road Reserve, Warabrook
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2008 page.

Newcastle 2007

Date: Saturday 10 March 2007
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Next to Warabrook Station in Rosegum Road Reserve, Warabrook
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2007 page.

Newcastle 2006

Date: Sunday 12 March 2006
Time: 7am
Location: Merewether Surf Life Saving Club
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2006 page.

Newcastle 2005

Date: Sunday 13 February 2005
Time: 5:30am
Location: The car park on the Fern Street side of Hamilton Train Station
For more information about the event and see the ride report on the Newcastle archive page.


See Newcastle archive for:









Discussion group/s


The following organisations support and/or endorse the WNBR in Newcastle:

Location information
