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Home > List of rides > Australia > Sydney , NSW •  Google this ride!

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Date: 23 Mar 2025
Time: 1pm meet, noon ride
Location: Mrs Macquarie's Point

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Date: Sun 21 Jan 2024
Time: 1 pm
Location: Mrs Macquarie's Point

Ride details

The Facebook page for World Naked Bike Ride Sydney is All necessary ride details will be continually updated on the Facebook page.



Add photos here!

WNBRS 20100313 IMG 3870 - 2010-03-13 at 11-15-18.jpg WNBRS 20100313 IMG 3880 - 2010-03-13 at 11-17-41.jpg WNBRS 20100313 IMG 3886 - 2010-03-13 at 12-41-47.jpg

<youtube v="0KLhmZmd9PM" />

  • MEFEEDiA movie of the ride By Brian Yap (yewenyi) CC Licence, NC-BY (same raw footage as above with a different musical soundtrack).

Getty images


Getty Images


Media enquiries

World Naked Bike Ride - Sydney organiser: to be advised

Critical Mass

All riders interested in participating in the Sydney WNBR should consider participating in Sydney Critical Mass. Marte will be attending some Sydney Critical Mass rides in the lead up to the Sydney WNBR to promote participation, encourage people to help organise and holding organising meetings after the CM ride. We meet at the Archibald Fountain at the Northern end of Hyde Park, on the last Friday of every month at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm departure. You can find a map and pictures of the location on the Sydney Critical Mass wiki page.


The laws that are relevant to public nudity in New South Wales are applicable throughout the state. For discussion of this topic, please refer to the separate page about New South Wales Laws.

Other upcoming events where WNBR Sydney will participate

Earlier events where WNBR Sydney was represented

Publicity: flyers, posters, images etc

Add flyers and posters here!


Some people confuse WNBR with the Sydney Body Art Ride but they are two different and separate bike events.

Sydney 2012

Date: Saturday 10 March 2011
Time: 1 pm
Location: Very end of Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Sydney 2012 page.

Ride details

Ombuds Man says:
Everyone, it's the harbour end (Rozelle Bay to be precise). let's meet right on the board walk that runs along the waterside.
All the available ride details are on the facebook event for the WNBR sydney 2012.


WNBR Sydney 2012

Poster / Flyer

Sydney 2012 poster

Sydney 2011

Date: Saturday 19 March 2011
Time: 12 noon
Location: the Archibald Memorial Fountain, Hyde Park
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Sydney 2011 page.

Sydney 2010

Date: Saturday 13 March 2010
Time: 12 noon
Location: the Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Sydney 2010 page.

Sydney 2009

Date: Sunday 15 March 2009
Time: 12 noon
Location: South West Corner of Sydney Park, St Peters
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Sydney 2009 page.

Sydney 2008

Date: Saturday 8 March 2008
Time: 12 noon
Location: the Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Sydney 2008 page.

Media coverage






In August 2007, Marte volunteered to help organise WNBR in Sydney for 2008 and this continued in 2009 and 2010. In 2011 cycling activists from Sydney who often participate in Critical Mass organised the ride. New volunteers are always welcome to help make WNBR Sydney 2012 a big success. Your contribution of ideas and practical help is welcome. People interested in participating or organising a WNBR in Sydney should at least try to come to Sydney Critical Mass rides (see above) and the occasional WNBR meetings that follow, join the discussion group, try to make contact with others with similar views and demonstrate some initiative. Please refer to the Organizing a ride page for more information about how to help organise a WNBR.



Discussion group/s


Location information
