Seattle preparation
Events generally take place regardless of the weather, bring appropriate clothing for before, during, after ride. Make sure you check out the info below on what to bring' to help ensure your experience fun, safe and comfortable..
In addition, some riders also support other clothing-optional rides including Solstice Cyclists, Body Pride Ride (BPR), Hemp Ride and Seattle Critical Ass. We try to offset our ride date to not conflict with other local rides.
Global mission
The message of WNBR focuses on promoting cycling. Find out more about the WNBR global message see the global WNBR message section
Local goals
"Reclaim our streets, our bodies, our parks, our city, our self-reliance!"
Beyond the above goals, the WNBR Seattle event focuses on the following:
- Community building. Have fun and express our creativity while engaging and enjoying various communities in Seattle. Celebrate both the diversity and the oneness of the human experience.
- Protest oil dependency and advocate renewable energy sources; the joy of cycling; sustainable, car-free transportation solutions; and walkable communities. Bicycles are BEST - Better Ecologically Sustainable Transport.
- Bring attention to the local safety concerns of cyclists. Help people begin to see cyclists [1] and share the road. Sharing the road does not mean cars get the lane and bikes get the gutter or car door lane! (See also
- Rejoice in the power and individuality of our bodies. Promote body-positive ideals and activities. Advocate the development of free beaches in Seattle and encourage more family-friendly, clothing-optional use of community spaces.
- Show solidarity with other naked cycling events around the world. Many WNBR events will be riding on the same date.
- Generate interest in similar progressive and artistic regional events such as those organized by The City Repair Project - Village Building Convergence, Car Free Seattle, Seattle Hempfest, Fremont Arts Council, Solstice Cyclists (, Seattle Critical Mass/Ass, Body Pride Ride (BPR), Naked Pumpkin Run Seattle, Green America's Green Festival Seattle, Burning Man and Regional Burning Man events.
For more info, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Survival basics
- Water for the ride (we don't want you to die). First leg of ride is about 15-30 mins (Some riders may just want to go on the short ride from Gas Works to the International Fountain). The full ride is expected to ride about 6 - 7 hrs or so including at least two moderate hills (which may be a challenge for some riders). 2 - 3 bottles of water at least.
- Sunscreen (several people reported burns last year, facial/waterproof sunscreen is recommended if you want some on the face without being blinded by it dripping into your eyes). Put on the sunscreen FIRST then allow it to dry a bit before putting on bodypaint. Be sure to reapply it when necessary, especially after getting wet and sweating.
- A "minimum" to wear if necessary (please bring it with you on the ride). We also are recommending a t-shirt (possibly with long sleeves), if you are concerned about burning. Remember t-shirts do not completely protect you from UV rays. If you want more protection try Sun Precautions (there is a store in the Madison area).
- Any snack you may want for the ride.
- Your mobile phone, if you have one.
- A Seattle Bicycling Guide Map [2] and/or a basic understanding of how to get to your post-ride destination, wherever you may end up.
- A large beach towel. The more colorful the better. You may want this for drying off after being in the water/getting sprayed, using at the beach and for yoga/stretching.
- A date with your bike mechanic. Your bike should be tuned up and ready to ride! Check your tire pressure before rolling out. Don't wait until these events before finding out what kind of maintenance attention your bike needs.
- Your human-powered mutant cycle/skating vehicle (be sure to check it and ride it to make sure it is safe and problem-free before the ride). Be prepared to deal with a flat tire. Ride will probably not stop to help fix your bike (another reason to bring a "minimum" with you to cover up). You never know if your bicycle will fail and we can't throw you and your bike on our backs and bring you with us. Leave plenty of time to schedule your bike to get looked at by a fully qualified mechanic. Check your tire pressure they day before and morning of the event.
- A bike lock will come in handy, you might want to have a lockup buddy to lock your bike up to if there is no rack available at any given stop.
- Your helmet. Bike helmets now required in Seattle. Fine can be as high as $30. More info and [3].
Night Rides
WNBR Night Rides are all about blinky bike light insanity, radical costumes, kustom bike art culture and over the top body paint jobs to maximize the experience for riders and spectators alike. WNBR (and any other large bike ride IMHO) IS ABOUT BEING SEEN, HAVING FUN and getting others excited about cycling! You can buy bike lights at any good local bike shop. Top bicycle shops listed here:
Aside from your standard LED lights which you can find at any good bike shop, here are other sources for funky bike lights
- Bicycle Tire Sparx
- Hokey Spokes Trippy hypnotic spoke lights - Very cool!
Good karma
- $5 - $50+ "love donation" to help pay for our permits, promotional expenses and sound system rental equipment. Help prevent the event coordinators and artists from going broke! They need your help! If you have money and feel strongly about this event and want to see it continue, please donate $$$. This can be done on the day of the event. Thanks for helping! Every little bit helps! (The Work Less Party USA and The Organic Living Party do not yet have a bank account, and BFC has offered to help out).
- Invite others! Your significant other, friends, neighbors, co-workers, rabbi, and your entire family to help paint you (Our bodypainters will not be able to get everybody, find a buddy at the ride to help paint you if you need help).
- Your creativity, a non-antagonistic, fun-loving attitude and common sense when it comes to respecting peoples' personal space and ride safety.
Express yourself!

See Body art and Art bike pages for more details.
While some will simply just like to remain clothed or simply naked, we highly recommend participants and artists to be creative and colorful! Bodypainting and bike decorating is highly encouraged! We will provide some areas for privacy from park visitors while bodypainting. We also have a restrictive photo policy.
Where to get stuff locally
Here are some good places in Seattle to get art supplies for WNBR:
- You can get facepaints, costumes, decorations, wigs, masks and other things at Display and Costume.
- Champion Party Supply downtown also has quite a bit of stuff.
- Pacific Northwest Theatre Associates in the industrial area also has Ben Nye makeup supplies.
- Archie McPhee in Ballard has some knick knack decorating shtick.
- For really cool vintage, retro costumes we go to Vintage Costumers. Very cool place.
What to wear? Do not fear!
- For details, please see our Frequently asked questions
The World Naked Bike Ride dress code is "Bare As You Dare"... How bare is that ? How dare is that ?...Its all up to you, you decide what you are comfortable with. NO ONE IS EXCLUDED OR DISCRIMINATED AGAINST based on levels of clothing, bodypaint, or anything else, for that matter!
PLEASE be creative and colorful! Bodypainting and bike decorating is highly encouraged! See the above section on creative expression and also visit our body art page.
The laws on nudity, for the most part are a bit vague, difficult and often unpopular to enforce. The principal concern of most citizens is to eliminate creepy, predatory, exploitative, destructive and abusive behavior. WNBR is a fun, inspirational, non-confrontational body-positive event with a positive message of hope. That is why the ride has been such a huge hit and so many are supportive. Just use common sense and mind your manners! Nude is not lewd!
Since most of us did not grow up in a body-positive society, many will look at you with curiosity and amusement. You will probably notice that different sections of town have different cultural reactions to nudity. Some may feel mildly intimidated because they still might have issues with their own bodies and your shameless ways are unsettling to their body-phobic world. Just be friendly and respectful and things should be fine. Remember we are all human and we all have the same parts.
- "Gymnophobia (from the Greek word for nude gymnos) is the fear of being (or seeing others) naked. A gymnophobic person usually wants to prevent others from experiencing the freedom of not wearing clothes."
If you are concerned, you probably don't need to cover up much to be "legal". With the incredible transforming powers of a little body paint, liquid latex, a strategically placed sock, or a piece of duct tape you too can transform the average city streaking naked wild cyclist into "The legal city streaking naked wild cyclist". Be creative: a little imagination can change everything.
Secondary info
- History General history of WNBR Seattle and ride reports.
- Official Ride Reports
- Coverage Press and media coverage
- Donations
- Video and photography Images and video. Please also read our policy on documenting our event.
- Seattle art Flyers and promotional art
- Concerns Concerns and complaints during the ride
- Press Releases - most recent and previous releases
- Networking: networking, fundraising etc
- Calendar Support other local events
- Meetings
- How to avoid trouble
- Eco and Cruelty-free compliance Find how WNBR is trying to maintain a low ecological footprint
- Seattle Timeline (This is a new page and not currently being used) for both past and future event info, ride dates and times, etc.
- Seattle people for info of our staff of volunteers and consultants.
Community support
We appreciate all the local support and endorsements we have received! Please see a listing in the Endorsements: Seattle and Endorsements: Global wiki areas as well as links on our main Seattle page at
Other links
- Bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards, and thefts. By sharing our experiences with each other, and with researchers and relevant agencies, we aim to make biking safer and more fun. You can help by adding your reports.
- Car-Free Seattle see also Resources, Tactics, and Propaganda to Subvert Automobile Dominance.
- Seattle Critical Mass Message Board see also Seattle Critical Mass
- Bike Works To build sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling. We teach young people how to fix bikes, reward them with their own set of wheels, and provide affordable bicycle services to the community.
- Biketivism and Critical Mass Resources