Seattle video and photography
Includes film, video and photography coverage by third parties and participants. Coverage is sorted by the date of the event.
- See also the global Film and video and Photography pages.
[hide]- 1 Policy
- 2 Video and photography
- Compare with the global Photography policy for guidelines about people videotaping and photographing WNBR events.
The Seattle WNBR event has adopted a photography policy which
- Prohibits photography taking place closer than 15 feet from subjects.
- Prohibits taking pictures with cell phones or cameras in an aggressive manner and with the intent of getting extreme closeups of personal areas, especially without permission. This makes many people very uncomfortable.
- Prohibits photography inside body painting tent areas without permission from those getting painted.
This policy is intended to curtail any inconsiderate photography which might otherwise take place. We wish to create a safe and supportive environment for all riders. All photographers present at the ride must abide by this policy. Those who do not will be asked to leave. This INCLUDES any riders or press who take photos.
To ensure that this policy is clear to all present, it will appear on leaflets distributed at the event. If you are attending the ride as a photographer, we would like to remind you that there are various points along the route which feature particularly striking backgrounds for photos of the ride.
Photographers are encouraged to give out contact info on small cards to those who ask.
Riders and supporters are actively encouraged to enforce these policies.
Please report any problems with photographers to ride organizers.
If it makes you uncomfortable, let the photographers know that they don't have permission to photograph you. Keep in mind however that this is a public event and you are in a public park. That does not give people the right to be disrespectful or to harass you with their photography. Also, let other riders know this so they can tell photographers not to photograph you. Another approach is to keep your clothes on during the first bit of the ride, and take them off after you have left the assembly point. We recommend this approach too. Both of these approaches will cut down on photographs taken at the start of the ride, but it's not really possible to stop people from photographing during the ride.
WNBR local events often do have a documentary team taking pictures and video, but they are generally very considerate people and will try to keep your best wishes in mind as much as possible. You can see many of their images on this website and on WNBR-generated media, which is sometimes shared with other non-profit progressive groups.
There are also those who are at the event to use the images for other reasons, and you won't know without asking. If someone is being aggressive, acting suspiciously, or making you feel uncomfortable please tell a WNBR team coordinator or someone who can confront them and tell them to back off a bit and give people personal space. People need to understand the positive message of WNBR and understand that part of respecting each others' bodies is giving each other enough personal space to be comfortable. This is especially important for those that have never been naked in front of strangers or in public before. They have their own issues they are dealing with and aggressive gawking or unwanted exposure adds an additional unwanted complication to their experience. So speak up!
Video and photography
- See also Seattle coverage page to view pictures from bloggers, press, media and others.
- See/add commentary on these images at the ride report pages
We need to figure out a good way to distribute these photos and videos to participants. Ideas?
Flickr notes: You need to do two things for the Flickr photos...
- 1. Have a (free) Flickr account
- 2. Set your "Safety Filter" to allow Moderate (nude) content. To do this, go into Your Account, click on Privacy and Permissions, scroll down to "Content Filters," and turn "Safe Search" off. Then you should be able to see the images there.
16 Aug 2009
- Flickr: saborista: "Hemp fest" 23 photos, linked to Seattle P-I Story (Formal photo credit when using images is C Makela)
- From the Seattle P-I Photo Gallery
- August 16, 2009 Joshua Trujillo/ "Jenna, a participant in the "hemp ride," waits in the crowd for fellow riders".
- August 16, 2009 Joshua Trujillo/ "Jimmie Cramer, left, sports his birthday suit with other "Hemp Riders" while answering questions from a Hempfest participant, center, during day two of Seattle's celebration of cannabis culture at Myrtle Edwards Park on Sunday, Aug. 16, 2009."
- Flickr: dlj Daniel took 107+ on iPhone 3GS, mainly inside of Hempfest 2009.
- Mathew took some during ride
- Flickr: studiod_baltico1: World Nude Bike Ride 2009 at Seattle Center
- Flickr : M_Picchu: WNBR Seattle Hemp Ride 7 photos.
- Jaybee took some at DBP?, Dexter Ave, SC and ?
- Aaron took some at DBP
- Flickr : SeattleHoagie: Hemp Fest Seattle 2009 World Naked Bike Ride Seattle Hemp Ride 21 photos.
- Other photographers at DBP.
- Pistilwhipped on Twitpic (photo seems to have trouble loading)
- Daniel's iPhone 3G S video: walking through Hempfest (28.1 MB .mov file). Download from Organic Living Party server.
- Daniel's iPhone 3G S video: Hoagie talking to Rohm on mobile phone (9.12 MB .mov file). Download from Organic Living Party server.
- Nuts on bikes
8 Aug 2009
- Gregory shot video
31 July 2009
- Flickr: Daniel Johnson some pictures from start to finish. 49 images taken with iPhone 3GS.
- Flickr: carfreedays' photostream: nakedbikers and [4]
- Video was taken by Gregory.
24 July 2009
- Lots of photos taken. Nothing in yet
- Matt
- Video was taken by at least three people.
- Video was shot by Gregory (Daniel Johnson now has raw footage on DVDR)
- Flickr: Random naked ride Uploaded on August 13, 2009 by 13angelo
- Video footage of naked bicyclists on 2nd Ave in Seattle. Warning, THEY ARE NAKED. Voice: "Why are they all naked?"
- YouTube "Riding Commando" Naked On Bicycles in Belltown on a Friday Nite meet hoots and hollers from people on the street. Posted by pxleyez July 25, 2009
11 July 2009
- Flickr: housefinchbc "Seattle WNBR 2009" [5][6] 2 photos downtown
- Flickr: WNBR Seattle 2009 World Naked Bike Ride Seattle 50 photos
- Flickr: clikr73: Seattle WNBR 2009 58 photos. Great selection of shots from Louisa Boren Park, on the ride, at Westlake Park, Downtown reaction shots and Pike Place Farmers Market.
- Picassa : photosbykathyann at Louisa Boren Park
- Fllickr: SeatacTSO : wnbr2009 29 photos from LB Park and SC.
- Flickr: jimwilks8: WNBR SEATTLE 2009 74 photos.
- Flickr : jayd 20 photos from above
- Flickr : cam2yogi 7 photos
- Flickr : maddytayl 4 photos
- Flickr : SeattleHoagie 1 photo at LB
- Flickr :spackler 1 photo at SC
- Flickr: Polish Sausage Queen 3 from Pike Place market
- YouTube: housefinchbc: Seattle World Naked Bike Ride (1) Todd, Emily & Bill riding to Louisa Boren Park talking about Seattle, Portland & Vancouver WNBR's (Pre-ride footage only)
- YouTube: housefinchbc: Seattle World Naked Bike Ride (2)Contains nudity & celebrating on bicycles & cheering in a water park
- YouTube: konahoagie: My First WNBR Experience Seattle July 11, 2009 Picture of my first World Naked Bike Ride experience in Seattle. July 11, 2009. They're picture of the body painting party, the ride, playing in the big fountain at the Seattle Center and a lot of smiles. Look at our web site for upcoming ride you could join (WNBR Seattle) The video was made with Apple iMovie HD. Photo Credits: Holger Sippach, Jim Wilkenson and Kathy Ann Bugajsky. Music from Butch's CD Laid Back Behind Da Eyelids
- Current TV: JImmyjumpnjive : WORLD NAKED BIKE RIDE SEATTLE 2009 (video)
- YouTube : talk2hao : World Naked Bike Ride Seattle 2009
- YouTube: End of nude bikeride.
26 Jun 2009
No photos seen yet
20 Jun 2009
- Galleries of photos taken at the Fremont Solstice Painted Naked Cyclists ride by one of the participants are available for the years 2006, 2008 and 2009.
6 Sept 2008
- Daniel Johnson. Has iPhone pictures from ride, as well as images from his Nikon Digital camera, some taken by Randall? at Lincoln Park beach.
- Ty took some during the ride
- Aaron Bonner (working on permissions). Took pictures from painting party at Camp Long to Alki (north side)
- Paul?
- Wedding photographer and videographer at Alki (haven't heard anything yet). They took pictures with us.
- Three pictures also sent in to West Seattle Blog.
17 Aug 2008
- Mike Adams
- JC
- clikr73 (Flickr) a.k.a Peter
- sparklingallison (Flickr) One image only of two guys on Burke Gilman Trail.
- Aaron Bonner (working on permissions). Daniel has CD of images, there is a website, just waiting for word from Aaron.
- There were tons of other photographers but no pictures from them yet
- Richard Cummings?
12 July 2008
- Mike Adams
- JC (Flickr)
- WNBR Seattle (Flickr) All taken around the Seattle Center (the last two were taken around Mercer and Aurora)
- pdgibson (Flickr)
- Avi Levi (Flickr) Gas Works Park
- jayd (Flickr) Shot from way above near SAM.
- Sierra Echo Alpha Av8r ---=.O.=--- ...Graham (Flickr) + Group Pool (after permission given to view)
- Various Photographers
- SeatacTSO's photostream (Flickr)
- tgd1220's photostream (Flickr) A.k.a Tom (some from 2007 too)
- laceyeatstreacle's photostream (Flickr) Awesome! Includes the pictures of the Judgment Day brigade near Westlake!
- ttrygve (Flickr) Just one shot of us at Pike Place Market
- Richard Cummings? Took some pictures with wedding people as well at Gas Works.
- Successless (Flickr)
14 July 2007
- Steven Bradford (Flickr) Mostly of Timothy, whom he painted.
- JC Taken up to Seattle Center stop
- Marte Kinder - Daniel has these, photos not online
- WNBR Seattle (Flickr) Seattle Center photos
- Tom (Flickr) "All pictures taken during park-stops. I came up from Portland especially for the ride, and had a wonderful time. Thanks to all for a great day." -Tom
- davins06 (Flickr)
- Tulse's photostream (Flickr) From 2007, Nice golfer shot
- Marte Kinder Shot on his digital camera 31 MB, 1 min 23 secs, 320 x 240 pixels
- KG - Footage not yet looked at, not online. Daniel has copy
- YouTube: Naked Seattle bicyclist Naked bicyclist in Seattle
30 June 2007
Night Ride
- Mike Adams took some photos. Daniel has these.
10 June 2006
- JC
- JC's photo page In development, new photos being added.
- Gas Works Park
- Cal Anderson Park
- Quinton, Daniel has these, not online
- Team SKA. Daniel has only one image taken outside of Madrona Park bathroom?
- Wall. Images not online
- Eduard Koller
- Ty
- There are also Photos by Ty in the main WNBR Yahoo! Group.
- See also and view the two albums called "2006 0610"
- WNBR Seattle
- For some reason, people dismounted their bikes way too early and we ended up walking much further than was necessary to comply with safety requests from the city. We were supposed to go single file first, then dismount. Oh well. You have to have some chaos and unpredictability in every ride and we had enough to keep it fun. I bet the older people were wondering why we were walking our bikes all around them, or perhaps they had other questions they were thinking about. D 22:22, 11 Jun 2006 (PDT)
- Mainly around Seattle Center
- Check this reaction shot out A picture says a thousand words. Very, very few people had a reaction like this. That's why we had to get this shot. One of JC's shots [7] shows one of the kids with his hands over his ears and one of the boys just can't seem to stop from turning around to look at us.
- This is one of the most bizarre reactions I have ever seen in the ten naked public/urban rides I have done. Its hilarious, but you have to feel sorry for the kids being told to turn around. One can only imagine what life at home is like for them. One of the mothers just can't seem to keep a straight face. Priceless. They almost look like they were praying for us. Well, the prayers were answered. The sun finally did come out for us and we had an amazing, very positive ride! D 22:13, 11 Jun 2006 (PDT)
- Quinton, a WNBR rider, noted this interesting juxtapozition with the other: "...while next to her was another woman with children saying 'look! look!'"
23 April 2006
Those of you who missed the Seattle WNBR meeting on 23 April 2006 with Conrad Schmidt can now see the footage we shot in Washington State Park Arboretum, on a very busy warm day. There were tons of people in the park that day using this trail. A lot of people got a kick out of the streaking, which went on for about an hour or so, on and off (we certainly looking highly conspicuous as we waited for people to walk by). One lady asked if she could join in.
To help encourage all 5 billion people on the planet to participate in this celebration of two-wheeled naked splendor we have made a small video promo:
- Low-res video: QuickTime / Windows Media
- High-res video: QuickTime / Windows Media
This footage was later incorporated into the film Indecent Exposure to Cars: The story of the World Naked Bike Ride, produced by Conrad Schmidt in 2006/2007.
24 Sept 2005
Images from the Autumnal Equinox Mini Ride are posted on the ride report page.
11 June 2005
- ClothesFree TV. Courtesy of ClothesFree International
- JC. Photos online. Link?
- Richard Art. Daniel has? Photos not online
- Richard Cummings
- Promotional images. Small versions can be seen here. Larger images here.
- Mark Storey. Photos not online
- WNBR Seattle (Flickr)
- Mike Adams. Daniel has some prints. Nothing digital. Not online
- Kyle Snodgrass. Does Daniel have these? Not online
- Ben. Not online
12 June 2004
- Eduard Koller
- DM White. Photos not online
- JC. Photos no longer online
- Brad L. Photos not online
- Marc M. Photos no longer online
- PC [8] Gas Works, Burke Gilman Trail, Seattle Center
- Richard Cummings International Fountain
- Dave Lewis Lewis Art and Photo
- Ty. Photos not online
- Getty Images. Link?
- Darrell Scattergood. Images are online, but we are asked not to post link. Mostly Gas Works and Seattle Center.
There was video of the event taken by KG.