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Ride reports



30 riders partipated in the 4th annual WNBR Nudecastle. The ride went from Warabrook Station to Newcastle Beach. One arrest occurred at New Lambton after a rider drew a complaint from the public after his bike had a mechanical problem which halted his progress. Supporters of the WNBR are urged to contributre to the international legal defense fund by purchasing the WNBR T-Shirt which has a free feature length DVD documentary. Funds raised will contribute to the legal defense of the arrested Newcastle rider and any others riders arrested around the globe.

Daniel Endicott

I started my World Naked Bike Ride day off by heading off to the Loop The Lake Charity bike ride. There I set up the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre stall and went into bike promotion mode. With little (only 1) approach to the stall I had to make a more direct approach and walked around handing out free bike magazines, and other local bike handouts including BNSW, NCM, Critical Mass, NBEC, WNBR, etc. Thanks to all the NBEC vollies that helped me. Many people wanted more info about Newcastle Cycleways Movement, so I will be recommending to NCM to be more pro-active in handing out more info to more people. At 1pm, and with a lighter load we rode to the Newcastle University to the WNBR start point.

About 30 cyclists then prepared themselves and their bikes. A family with 2 kids had a great time hand painting themselves all sorts of colours. There were love hearts, peace signs, and slogans a plenty. Dave had a personal plea on a stop sign painted on his chest “Stop F’n crash’n into me”. Dave is slowly recovering from being hit by a car door. I am slowly convincing him not to ride in the car door lane, but there is so much pressure to ride there (no matter how dangerous), it is difficult.

Group photo’s finished, we were off east towards the inner city. Early on it became apparent that some riders would need assistance. I helped 3 riders change their gears, one to tighten handlebars, and another to put their chain back on. Emerging from the Uni cycle way, and crossing Newcastle Road we got lots of applause from onlookers who supported some of the protest themes for naturism, environmentalism, peace and the rights of cyclists to use the road safely. We promote environmental consciousness and practices at every level of society in attempt to save the planet.

I tried to entice the boy of the family participating by telling him that after the Jesmond cycleway hill it was all down hill for a long way. But exhaustion got the better of him and the grandparents support ute picked him up. This is the only downside of having a lovely sunny and hot day for the ride! The 8 year old girl was determined to get over the hill and was all smiles rolling down towards the Croudace St traffic lights.

In Lambton a man’s chain went off the low side into the frame at the rear wheel. While stopping to dislodge the chain, and re-attach, we heard a man yelling obscenities at us and getting very angry. Later on the East-West cycleway we got a call from the police that the angry man had complained. The police paid us a visit, and the man was arrested, put his pants on and continued with the ride.

Being the tail-runner, I was relied upon to know where we were going. Going over the train hill into Hamilton caused another spreading out of riders. When we reached the Beaumont St turn we again lost sight of the main group. The lights went green and the family set off in front of me, but confusion over taking the footpath or road led to a parent-child collision at about zero speed. The lady put her bike in the ute and hitched a ride to the end.

We re-grouped with the front bunch and headed towards the beach. Riding down a small section of Darby St we got a great reaction. Thanks to all the onlokking Novocastrians for encouraging the colourful, cheerful cyclists. Whoever thought protesting could be so much fun?

Finally, when the last incline up Scott St came, the 8 year old girl’s legs could go no further, and she walked the remaining 200m. At Pacific Park, all the front group gave a huge cheer for the girl. And the girl almost died of embarrassment, and hid behind a parent. Some riders already redressed (I wore my shorts for the 4th time, going “As bare as I dared”) and we headed to the Newcastle Surf Life Saving club for the post-ride party.

Thanks for James who is a better Electrical Engineer than me for getting the music system working (James is also a good bike fixer, having sourced and fixed a bike at the NBEC the day before to ride on the day). Thanks to the chef’s and other WNBR organizing committee for the food and beer, more people helping this year was great. Thanks to mother nature again for a great warm wash off in the ocean. Thanks to the little girl who made a remarkable recovery and showed everyone how well she could dance. And thanks to Marte, the WNBR organizer who also had a major part in Sydney and Melbourne’s WNBR rides this year aswell. We all had a bike-tastic day and next year will be even more fun!



  • Ride Report from Marte
  • 26 riders participated naked or semi-naked in the the WNBR Nudecastle 2007.
  • The length of the ride was 18.2km = 2.3km clothed + 15.9km naked. Collectively, the riders covered 413.4 naked kilometers.
  • No arrests were made by Police. The Police reaction was to send 3 Highway patrol cars to the assembly area of the ride and speak to the riders before the event.
  • Post ride party was held at Newcastle Surf Life Saving Club again as in 2006.

World Naked Bike Ride – Nudecastle 2007
Protest for: Naturism, the Environment, Renewable Energy, Peace & Safe Bicycling!
Protest against: Cars & Climate Change Chaos!

In Newcastle, on Saturday the 10th of March, 26 naked bike riders took part in the 4th annual World Naked Bike Ride. The local event is also nick-named Nudecastle in recognition of the policy that clothing is optional.

The ride was held simultaneously across the southern hemisphere with compatriots in Brisbane (32 riders), Melbourne (25 riders), Golden Bay in New Zealand (70 riders), Pretoria in South Africa and Lima in Peru (300 plus riders). The northern hemisphere will hold their WNBRs in June due to suitability of the weather.

Arriving at the assembly area
The potential riders in WNBR Nudecastle 2007 were told to assemble by 3pm in Rosegum Road Reserve on the Warabrook side of the Warabrook railway station. When I arrived a few minutes before 3pm, I could see from a distance that the normally empty car park was full of cars, people, bikes and 3 Police cars. I wondered how many other riders had seen the Police from a distance and decided to bail out because their presence was unprecedented for Newcastle. NBN were there filming, the car park was full of spectators and a really good turn out of riders were ready to have fun. Other riders told me that the Police had done the rounds asking for the leader to be identified to which they replied that WNBR has no leaders! Good one guys!

Police Liaison
At about a quarter past 3 a senior Policeman with lots of silver pips and epaulettes made an announcement to the crowd of riders. He warned the riders that arrests could occur as the intended ride would (in his opinion) breach section 4 and/or 5 of the NSW Summary Offences Act 1988 because we would expose our genitals in public. One of the riders disagreed with the policeman saying that the intended nakedness of the riders was not obscene and although the wilful exposure of genitals might meet the definition of indecent exposure, this offence no longer existed, much to the distress of the Reverend Fred Nile as mentioned in Legislative Council debate on the Local Government (Nude Bathing) Bill. The rider also asked why semi-naked lesbians could simulate sex with strap-on dildos during the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and although no opinion of the right or wrong of this public behaviour was offered, it was questioned why such sexually charged behaviour was allowed by the Police while disapproving of the non-sexual World Naked Bike Ride. The rider also asked why the Police had chosen to visit when there had been no public complaints and no Police action in 2005 or 2006 and whether there had been any complaints this year. The Police responded that there had been no complaints that he knew of, though by accident or design, WNBR had received a lot of publicity in the media this year and that prompted their visit. He was right of course; people had been conspiring to publicise WNBR. The riders made it plain that they did not want to offend anyone, the event was intended as fun and had been accepted in that spirit by Newcastle people in previous years. The riders did not want to inconvenience the police with unnecessary effort or paperwork over an essentially harmless activity. In the end the Police said that if we were found on the street and an offence could be proven, we faced arrest without warning but the Police would not be following the riders and hence their action depended on a complaint from the public. The Police were thanked for the message.

By this time the Maitland train had come and gone from the station and as it was the last opportunity for riders to arrive, the whole pack of clothed riders escaped the Police, the onlookers, the uninvited press and their useless stinky cars by crossing the pedestrian bridge into the grounds of The University of Newcastle. If only the Police had thought to bring bikes …

Days later I heard that a photographer from The Herald had turned up at the assembly place late wondering what was happening and where he could get some pictures. He asked the Police what was going on to be told that the riders had been warned and dispersed clothed. For several days The Herald thought the ride had been aborted due to Police intervention.

Anyway, safely on Commonwealth Government property and within the Uni grounds, we found a beautiful bushland spot to strip off and paint ourselves with body paint. We did a quick headcount to find 8 women and 18 men had turned up to ride beating all previous WNBR records in Australia.

Painting up was fun and the most popular colour was fluro red. Peace signs, hearts, flowers, women’s symbols, ying yang signs and heaps of environmental, peace, bike activism and anti-consumerist messages were featured. One guy went crazy with blue paint and covered himself head to toe only to find that it was the most durable of all the shades and refused to wash off at the end of the day. He looked like a smurf!

Heading off
We posed for pictures on campus and headed off with a little trepidation considering the earlier police attention. About half the men had chosen to go completely naked and all but one of the women went top free. Everyone had fun shouting and chanting our protest messages which included: No Blood for Oil, Burn Fat not Oil, Burn Bras not Oil, Bring our Boys Home, This is what Democracy Looks Like, Stop Burning the future, Safe Cycling, Save the Walrus etc.

The first half of the ride from Uni to Tighes Hill TAFE was fairly quiet in terms of seeing members of the public. We took all the back streets. A glimpse of a Police car at Waratah sent ever naked bloke scrambling for his daks. If they even saw us, they did not stop or come back so that was a relief.

The second half of the ride followed the cycleway from Tighes Hill along Throsby Creek and the foreshore all the way to the end of Nobbys breakwater. We arrived at Honeysuckle just about 6pm and the harbour side restaurants were absolutely full of Saturday night patrons. “Oh my God! It’s the Naked Bike Riders! Look! Look!” was the first reaction followed by roars of laughter, cheers and standing ovations. Everyone enjoyed the parade.

A long way
In all, the riders covered 18km, 16 of which were naked. It was the longest WNBR in Australia and by the end there were a couple of people who were ready to quit but everyone made it OK. I gently reminded people with sore legs that helping with WNBR planning is open to everyone so your input to route and ride length will be considered if you get involved.

The ride finished in the Nobbys car park and then we went to the Newcastle Surf Life Saving Club for a beer, a swim, a BBQ and music. Lots of riders helped out with the cooking which was great. Everyone had a really nice time and said how it had been terrific fun. I was pretty busy and for a couple of reasons, did not manage to organise the riders for their competitions to see who had brought the most friends or had the best body paint. No one put their hand up for the participation competition so we ran the body painting contest as an online competition after the event. By the time this article is printed, the competition will have concluded and you can check the details of the winners on the website. The Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre donated the 3 prize bikes.

As in 2006, WNBR Nudecastle was well supported by students from The University of Newcastle. A bike activism stall was set up at the Uni during orientation week (12th to 16th of February) promoting Critical Mass, Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre, World Naked Bike Ride and a newly formed NUSA affiliated club: the Eco-Peace Biketivism Love Co-operative. Keep an eye out for EPBLC on campus in the coming months for heaps of bike fun events. Many students took an interest in the various organisations and their related themes. The organisers were helped during O Week by the Newcastle University Students Association (NUSA), the NUSA Environment Collective (who have both given their endorsement to WNBR) and the University Union. Big thanks to everyone at Uni from WNBR.

Melbourne WNBR went off successfully with 25 riders. There a policeman met them before the ride and did everything he could to protect the cyclists from possible bad behaviour of the public. The organisers gave the VIC police a copy of the ride route and the police gave a heads up to the local commands to keep a look out for the rider’s welfare. The cops were even happy for them to ride as bare as they dare. Isn't this great?

Final Note
WNBR Australia had 83 riders this year and I think that the event has come of age. The approach taken by the Police in Melbourne Victoria is marvellous and perhaps next year Newcastle can get the same sort of support rather than disapproving warnings even though there were no arrests. Perhaps next year WNBR Nudecastle can get the same approval that other harmless cultural, artistic and political protests like the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and the naked mass public photography of Spencer Tunic.

How do I find out more?
Go to and follow the link or just go straight to If you do not have a computer or internet connection you could use an internet café or any libraries’ computers.

The following organisations support and/or endorse the WNBR in Newcastle:
Critical Mass
Critical Mass Newcastle and the World Naked Bike Ride endorse and participate in all events held under both names in Newcastle. Critical Mass ride on the first Friday of every month and starts from Civic Park, opposite Newcastle Town Hall. Assemble at 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start. Ride Daily! Celebrate Monthly!
Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre
Newcastle University Students' Association (NUSA)
NUSA Environment Collective
Eco-Peace Biketivism Love Co-operative
Second Sight Photography
Purple Spider Studio
Rowanmacs - Photography
Newcastle Nudists for Peace
The Octapod Association
Michael Osborne of Newcastle Greens
Lee Rhiannon of NSW Greens

A dozen more organisations support and/or endorse WNBR Australia wide and details can be viewed on the website.

Photographs of WNBR Nudecastle 2007 for the media:
© Second Sight Photography
Glenn Mac Fadyen
Second Sight Photography
61 Maud St.
Mayfield West NSW 2304
phone: (02) 4967 3939
email: [email protected]

Credit MUST be given to the Newcastle photographers when using their work.

The Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre (NBEC)

  • Protest ride fun ending at hoon carpark

“On Saturday, 10th of March, the World Naked Bike Ride was a fantastic success in Newcastle. The police met us at the start and wanted us to have a safe & fun ride, but to cover up our natural bottom bits. Not deterred, the riders rode from Warabrook in towards Nobby’s beach, and the 26 push-bike riders made it the largest Southern Hemisphere ride numbers ever.”, Daniel from the NBEC says.

“People and families of many ages (8 to 60ish) and many lifestyles decorated their bikes and had colourful bodypainting showing protest slogans, peace signs, trees, hearts, and flowers. A large tree branch was in the NBEC trailer to signify sustainable bike culture’s harmony with nature: If you rescue a pre-loved bike from being scrapped, we can save on the whole destructive process of producing a new bike“, Daniel continued.

The World Naked Bike Ride is a clothing optional protest ride, and the Nudecastle 2007 protest themes this year were: Protest for: Naturism, the Environment, Renewable Energy, Peace & Safe Bicycling! Protest against: Cars & Climate Change Chaos!

“After the ride had concluded at Nobby’s Head, the riders returned to Nobby’s Beach car park, and to make their way to the Post-ride party elsewhere. The fun ended when a bunch of young car hoons threw a 2L container (filled with petrol possibly) towards an 8 year old and father. Thankfully the hoons didn’t succeed in hospitalising anyone and they raced cowardly away in their car. I later found out that they had waited for us to return after previously projecting other things at the family in the Nobby’s car area. Video footage will be studied to find the license plate number and if any of the public know anything else they should contact the police.“, Daniel said.

“This was the first long ride for this family. They were saying it was a practice to enable the 8 year old to be able to ride to school. After a longer time & distance then expected, at Carrington tiredness set in and the 8 year old’s bike was put in the NBEC trailer (with the tree) and the 8 year old finished by riding dinky with dad. I hope this doesn’t put them off riding to school. Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in Newcastle and walking and cycling to school is a major solution & health benefit for society.”, Daniel said

“These car hoons are at the extreme end of the spectrum for road rage against cyclists. But for the average cyclist, they can be victimised daily by just getting from a to b. So the next time a motorist gets angry for a push-bike rider using “motorists” roads or hogging the road we need to learn: The roads are for everyone, like parks from Tax payer money (not from rego money), and the cyclist is probably riding safely away from the deadly car door lane and to the right of the more deadly “bike picture lanes” in Newcastle. If a motorist gets angry of being safely stuck behind a cyclist for 10 seconds I hope over the years their anger doesn’t build up to what we saw the car hoons do. The council, government and RTA have encouraged this road rage by ignoring requests from the NBEC to educate the public about the “bike picture lanes” in Newcastle.”, Daniel explained.

Some painted slogans on riders were: Save the Walrus (threatened species due to climate change), vote green, safe cycling, end consumerism, I love oil wars [sic], Clean is not necessarily green (clean coal reference). All riders had a bike-tastic time laughing, cycling, singing, and chanting in towards town. When we rode along the Newcastle Foreshore Promenade area many 100’s of pedestrians cheered us on for protesting for a better world“, Daniel concluded.

Daniel Endicott Co-Ordinator of: Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre Your local environmental, not-for-profit, community based, sustainable transport, no green-wash cars, bikefun centre

Push-bike co-op and fix your bike (most Saturdays): We take pre-loved bikes & parts that are then restored by volunteers. Free workshops on how to fix bikes, cycling tips, & traffic skills. If you want a bike or parts, we help you recycle one, for free! Volunteers welcome to help save the world through BIKEFUN!

2007 Body Painting Competition

These are the 2007 WNBR Bodypainting Competition Entrants (and results):

  • Vote Green (2nd Prize)
  • 100% Bare (3rd Prize)
  • Peace OK (4th Place)
  • What Democracy Looks Like (1st Prize)

Entrants and winners have "me" on their head or knee in the same colour as their indicative name. Look for more photos at WNBR Australia © Second Sight Photography (same as in the link below). Prizes were bikes donated by the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre.

2007 WNBR Bodypainting Competition Entrants



By Marte Kinder

On Sunday the 12th of March, sunny warm weather and bemused locals greeted two ladies and nine gentlemen who assembled at the Merewether Surf Life Saving Club at 7am.

After introductions and orientation, the sexes divided and retreated to the dressing sheds at the ocean baths to prepare for the ride by painting peace signs, hearts, flowers and protest slogans on our bodies. Some riders said their initial apprehensions soon faded after the painting was underway and stripping down seemed natural when among a supportive group doing the same thing. (Nudity is not compulsory in the WNBR and you can wear as much or as little as makes you feel comfortable. You should try to challenge yourself to wear as little as possible without frightening yourself).

Once the body painting was completed, we all re-assembled to commence the ride. Five of the gentlemen had chosen to ride completely naked and one of the ladies went top-free. Everyone wore a smile. The riders stopped along the beach promenade for a photo opportunity for the press and then we were off!

The locals at the Merewether SLSC gave us a cheer and we hit the road! We made lots of noise with whistles, bells and singing out our protest messages. From Merewether we rode along the streets to Bar Beach and then into Darby St where many of the Café set roared their approval and hooted with laughter. Every business in Darby St that was approached to place a WNBR promotion poster in their window before the ride had agreed, so it was great to see their patrons enjoy the spectacle.

From Darby St we turned right into Hunter St (for the benefit of those unfamiliar with Newcastle, this is the busiest shopping street in town). When we were approaching the intersection with Crown St, a big white Police paddy wagon passed in the opposite direction. The World Naked Bike Ride in Australia had never seen the Police on any ride before this and I had no idea what would happen next. I thought if I looked straight ahead, kept riding, quietened down and avoided eye contact with the Police in the paddy wagon, then they might not feel compelled to do anything. Maybe they did not notice a pack of 11 naked painted people on bikes? This delusion was quickly dispelled when the riders behind me waved at the Police in the paddy wagon. I couldn’t see how the Police reacted, but was told later that the two Policewomen were “pissing themselves with laughter”! In any case, the paddy wagon didn’t do a U-turn and kept going. That was a relief, even if short lived. Two or three Policemen were on foot at the western end of the Mall as we were just getting to Scott St. The Policemen stopped a few of the riders at the tail of our group. Apparently, they asked a few questions and made some disapproving noises but did not give any directives so the riders set off again and quickly caught the rest of us up. One of the riders said the Police were concerned that we might ride our bikes in the pedestrian-only Mall (which we hadn’t planned to do anyway). After that, we didn’t see the Police again. We had got away with a Police “grumble”. No dramas.

We continued up Scott St and into Nobbys Rd then all the way to the end of Nobbys breakwater where the winners for the three free bike prizes were decided from the competitors. Critical Mass had donated three bikes in excellent condition. The prizes were awarded to the rider who recruited the highest number of participants, the female rider who recruited the highest number of female participants and to the rider who was judged to be best decorated with body paint by the most acclaim of the other participants. We all cheered each other for such a wonderful event for critical global issues. We set some milestones for the WNBR in Australia: it was the largest ride to occur to that time, the first ride to confirm the participation of ladies, the first ride to encounter the Police and first ride to encounter the Police then let go. There were no injuries, damage or pollution. Everyone was very happy and the whole town was in giggles. To everyone that took part: THANK YOU!

We put our clothes back on and went to Newcastle SLSC for a post ride party. Newcastle Nudists for Peace had donated slabs of beer and the winners of the bike prizes chose which bikes they wanted. Two of the riders who brought guitars with them played while we drank, talked and reflected on a fantastic morning.

The World Naked Bike Ride – Nudecastle 2006 was endorsed by Newcastle Nudists for Peace, Critical Mass (Newcastle), NUSA Transport Collective and NUSA Environment Collective. At least half the participants are students at The University of Newcastle (maybe that should be the Uni of Nudecastle?). The organisers were helped during O Week by the Newcastle University Students Association (NUSA), the NUSA Environment Collective, Rising Tide and the University Union. Big thanks to everyone at Uni from WNBR. Thanks to Glenn, Mark and Consolidated Press for recording the event.

The next WNBR is on Saturday 10 June 2006 and is the northern hemisphere event. All cities are welcome to participate. Newcastle has not yet decided whether we will participate in the June ride although will be definitely riding in 2007.


By Daniel

or read it here.

On 12th March 2006 I participated in a fun bicycle event with many other people that reached double figures. We were protesting for clean air, less oil exhaust deaths, more sustainable less toxic energy solutions, less greenhouse gases, fewer wars for oil, more bicycling. Men and women from Newcastle including overseas people visiting our region met at Merewether Beach front at 7am and did body painting of the protest themes. So lots of colour, and peace signs, flowers, “clean” messages, adorned many bodies. This display and body and painting of the body with slogans is in protest of being indecently exposed to toxic emissions every day. So for one day a year this World protest event exposes and celebrates the power and individuality of our natural bodies against the unnatural toxic emissions of the World.

Riding with less clothes than usual is very natural and very funny. All the people I talked to on the ride usually never go in public with less than their usual amount of clothing. So this special fun event allows them to “go free”. The bicycle itself of course is not natural (walking is the most natural form of transport). But the bicycle is the most environmentally friendly form of transport for travelling the distances the average Newcastle travels each day. Cars are the worst urban polluter so this is a perfect event to protest that bicycles are better than cars. It is a fun event creating a situation where Bicycles were the dominant form of transport on the road as we rode safely down the road.

The bicycle ride was great fun and I heard many cheers from passer-by. We were a group that believed in simplification, human harmony and love and we rode together. We rode down Darby street Cooks Hill and out to Newcastle Station. These roads may be usually bicycle “unfriendly” but in a large group it is a perfect opportunity to learn to ride safely. The bicycle “lanes” are too narrow and riding in the lane is the safest option. Riding in the “bicycle” lane usually means the “parked-car-door-opening” lane. Newcastle Council knows about the lanes being too narrow and unsafe but they as yet have not removed the dangerous bicycle pictures on the road. So a large very colourful group riding safely on the road not worrying about the ignorant motorists was very liberating for everyone. Most Newcastle motorists think a bicyclist riding in the “traffic” lane is just being a “smart-ass” and deliberately making motorists go slow. Motorists want that bicyclist in the gutter or “car-door-lane” where they usually see almost all bicyclists ride. But most bicyclists ride very dangerously in the “car-door-lane” and a literally playing Russian Roulette with a small child opening a car door in front of them. So this fun protest event is important for cycling safety as well.

We rode our bicycles from Merewether out to Nobbies break wall where everyone cheered for a great event. Prizes were awarded for best body painting. We went back to Newcastle Beach for a Post ride party. Everyone had so much fun and it was great to meet so many lovely people who care so much about humanity.

Parts of the ride were filmed by a local filmmaker who made a film this year on Newcastle Bike Activism. There are photos of the ride that will be posted on the web. You should be able to use them if you give credit to the photographer (the photos should be free).

This was a clothing optional ride and some people wore more clothes than others. The name of the bicycle ride was “World Naked Bike Ride” and the sub-title is “Nudecastle”. Even though the name of the ride offends many people, its protest themes certainly do not. I also went in the first “World Naked Bike Ride” “Nudecastle” in 2005 and the next one for 2007 will be just as much fun. The name of the ride may put people off from participating, but it is for a number of reasons. It creates media attention and a funny side of people riding as naked as they want to be on bikes. It can be very hard to grab media attention these days so this can be seen as another option for protestors. Lobbying and writing letters to governments does not seem to work very fast these days. People willing to expose their bodies to Newcastle have shown the way to have fun and spread good messages at the same time.

Bicycling invisibly in gutters & "Car door lanes": An unseen 6 year old opens a car door in front of you. An instinctual reaction has you swerve around it; the 1st car passing you swerves quickly and misses you. The 2nd car tailgating behind the first car hasn't seen you yet. BEFORE bicyclist's rights (& safety) on the road get reduced further (recent reductions within last 8 years are not known by 99.99% of people), once a month we can become the dominant transport form displaying a better way and possibilities towards a car free city.


WNBR Nudecastle 2005 flyer


by Marte Kinder.

The protest themes were against oil dependency and war; and for peace, environment, sustainability, human rights, personal freedom, harmony, love and to save Newcastle’s trains. The event was free.

5 men (3 of whom were completely naked) braved an unseasonable chill wind and pre-dawn start for the 7 km ride from Tighes Hill TAFE to the end of Nobbys Breakwater.

All the riders had their bodies painted with peace signs and a combination of slogans (including Save Newie Trains and No War), love hearts, flowers or reggae stripes. Drawings of bowsers with a bar through them represented the rides antipathy to oil dependency and likewise for cars.

Many people who were out for their morning walk or run (some with their dogs) and other cyclists, Sunday drivers, locomotive engineers and fisher-folk had a good laugh and cheered their approval. The most fun belonged to the participants who will remember the day for a long time. The riders rated their World Naked Bike Ride a great success! It was terrific and hilarious!!!

Despite a huge amount of publicity inviting participation prior to the event the Police did not show up. Perhaps they had their bikes stolen?

There were no injuries, damage or pollution. On completion of the ride, one of the nude riders pronounced; “One small streak for Man, ONE GIANT STREAK FOR MANKIND!”