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Home > List of rides > United Kingdom > Canterbury  •  Google this ride!

Canterbury WNBR June 30th 2019 
Start area in the car park of
Canterbury City Council,
Military Road

Other nearby southern UK rides you can join:

"Please note - ALL participants will be riding bikes. No skaters, NO runners, Bikes, trikes and tandems only!" and NO face masks are to be worn.

Ride As Bare As You Dare! Eliminate All Dependency on oil and make roads SAFER for cyclists

Under 16's must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.

The world naked bike ride (WNBR) is an annual demonstration that draws attention to the absurdity of oil & gas dependency and celebrates the potential of cycling and the human body. The overuse of the planet's vanishing oil reserves causes pollution, global warming and leads to war, inequality and injustice. Many politicians want to subsidise the car industry and build more runways. They call such follies progress but this is progress towards disaster.

WNBR is an international movement, with rides taking place in over forty locations in the UK and around the world. Riding naked emphasises the vulnerability of cyclists on the road, at the same time as celebrating humanity in the face of mechanisation. If it seems a little crazy, think about the total madness of car culture and its inevitable results.

if your worried about going nude on the day don't panic as it's fully clothing-optional bare as you dare, Full and partial nudity is encouraged, but not mandatory and if the route is too long for you, you can pull out at one of the rest points.

Please donate to the WNBR UK Fund

The UK World Naked Bike Ride fund meets the cost of insuring rides
across the UK, and provides local organisers with money for
poster/flyer printing, advertising, ride equipment etc.
Please give generously.

Canterbury World Naked Bike Ride


The route may be announced beforehand, otherwise, simply turn up at the assembly point for details.

Bike hire

Bikes can be hired from several places in Canterbury,

Cycle Shops and Cycle Hire Canterbury'

Meetings and events

The ride planning currently takes place on the WNBR UK Yahoo! group. When there is sufficient interest, we'll probably put together a dedicated Canturbury WNBR list.


The Canterbury ride publicity materials will be provided here for download and distribution.

Canterbury WNBR Planning Collective

Rides in the UK are normally planned by a collective where possible. It is hoped that Canturbury will follow the example of York, Sheffield, Manchester, London, Cardiff, and Brighton rides, and adopt the collective style of organisation. This would mean holding open planning meetings where decisions were be taken collectively. Sometimes, a few riders will act as sole organisers until there are enough people involved to arrange meetings.

All UK rides typically have a "ride coordinator" who will facilitate the ride planning process whether or not there is a planning collective. At the moment, the Canterbury ride co-organisers are being selected and finalised.

Here's what the coordinator normally does:

  • answers people's questions with care and consideration
  • keeps track of who is doing what, and how far through things people are
  • deals with problems and follow the discussions at the national level
  • provides email updates to let people know what's going on
  • points out where and when help is needed
  • acts as a contact point for general enquiries (email and sometimes mobile phone)
  • maintains contact information (and keeps it secure)

Additional responsibilities that the coordinator choose to take on:

  • arrange meetings, compile agendas, provide minutes
  • ensure that the collective remains non-hierarchical but organised
  • moderate an email list for Canterbury ride planning

Media coverage

There is always plenty of TV and Radio coverage locally, plus some mention in national media. Here we will provide links to stories which are available on the internet, and apply specifically to Canterbury.




Flickr search: "Canterbury WNBR" 55 photos



Related links

Location information
