San Francisco

From World Naked Bike Ride
Revision as of 14:33, 13 March 2011 by JamesAZaun (talk | contribs) (Updated for the June rider)
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San Francisco WNBR Header

Join us for San Francisco's Northern Hemisphere World Naked Bike Ride: an international demonstration in protest of our dependence on fossil fuels. This will be our 8th year of doing this. Last year we had close to 150 participants. Come out and make this our biggest ride ever.

Just a short report on the March 12th ride. We had a sizable turnout compared to last March of about 40 riders with a nice mix of genders and ages including a family with a young daughter and a couple of transgender riders. It was a nice mellow group. Most of the riders went naked including several women despite the cold coastal breezes at times. When riding further from the coastline the weather was actually quite pleasant. This year we road traffic heavy Van Ness Street, the main route to the Golden Gate Bridge. We received loads of smiles, laughs, thumbs ups, honks and cheers even when the group took up one entire lane of traffic. Everyone in passing cars had there iPhones out taking pictures. The new route up and over Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world, was much better than last June. Most riders were able to ride to the top without walking. All-and-all a very successful ride.

Where we are meeting

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Date: Saturday June 11, 2011.
Time: 12 noon.
Location: North end of Justin Herman Plaza near Market St. and the Embarcadero, across from the Ferry Building. Meet on the north or east side of the large fountain next to the large grassy area. See the map on the right.
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Ride details

WNBR San Francisco Style


  • 12 noon: Gather. Self safety-inspections. Group consensus on route details. Bike/body decoration. Professional body painting will provided on this ride.
  • 1 pm: Ride starts
  • 3 or 4 pm (approx): Main ride finishes.


Last year in June the weather was perfect. Lots of sun and temperatures into the 80's. However, coastal fog does roll in on a regular basis in June and that can drop the temperatures into the 60's. Check the local weather at the following sites:

Getting there

If you live out of town, please try to use public transportion to get to the start of the ride. Parking in the area is limited and expensive. Both BART and CalTrain take bicycles. Check out these websites for details:


The route for the June ride is still being planned. The SF Police let us ride fully nude anywhere we want except within city and federal parks. We generally tour the more picturesque and populous areas of San Francisco which usually, but not always includes: The Ferry Building, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Aquatic Park, The Marina, The Palace of Fine Arts, Union Square and the Civic Center. A significant portion of our regular WNBR riders live in the Castro District so that has become a popular stop, as well.

Ride Pace and Difficulty

The ride is at a slow to moderate pace with frequent stops so we can show off our decorated naked bodies and bikes, chant protest slogans and allow the public to take photos. We try to stay on level ground but San Francisco is a hilly place, so some hills are to be expected. If the route takes us up the rare steep hill we walk so no one is left behind.

Alternative Participation

Being California, everyone does things differently. We want to offer the broadest possible welcome. First of all, obey all the Laws of Comfort! There's no nudity requirement. Whether you come clothed in a full-length Fun-Fur or just a top hat, come as bare as you dare. Most riders carry some minimal clothing to wear when arriving and departing the group.


Skater on Lombard

Secondly, skaters are welcome. Some skaters have joined us repeatedly! Since skaters tend to expend about 2x as much energy, and tend to roll 50% slower than bikers, skaters may wish to follow an abbreviated but comparable route by linking the level grades in the beginning and ending segments of the ride. One very accomplished naked skater in the 2010 SF WNBR skated up and down the steepest part of Lombard Street, The Crookedest Street in the World, to everyone's amazement.

Public Nudity in San Francisco

Liberal San Francisco is accustomed to people going completely naked on public streets in broad daylight. Other city events where open nudity is common are Critical Mass rides, Bay-to-Breakers, Nude Olympics, the Folsom Street Fair and Gay Pride events. Basically, as long as you only go naked in public streets and stay out of any city or federal parks you are good. Going naked outside the main group does increase your chances of being cited for something whether justified or not. There's more safety in numbers.

Inform yourself of the local nudity laws before you bare all in case you have to explain yourself. This File:SF WNBR.Nudity laws.pdf (~1.7Mbs) contains the actual codes and regulations (with references) regarding nudity so you can educate anyone who may question your right to go naked in public. Always treat the authorities with courtesy and respect and dress when ordered to do so. (If you need help interpreting the codes, please seek the advice of a lawyer.)

Our fearless ride coordinator did have a run-in with one somewhat misinformed SF police officer in the early days of the SF WNBR. Since then the police have been better informed and even helpful in escorting naked riders through crowded intersections and in guiding the group to certain destinations when necessary.

Critical Mass with more ass!


Main WNBR website

Discussion group

Location Links

Please also visit


Publicity, Media Coverage and Ride Reports

This page contains links to press releases, media coverage and ride reports covering previous SF WNBR events. (Some of the coverage contains images of public nudity.)

Promotional Materials

This page contains links to flyers and other promotional materials for past and future SF WNBR events. (Most flyers contain images of public nudity.) Help us get the word out. Print these flyers and distribute at other protest events, sport/bike shops and college campuses. Or, create your own flyers by combining your own ideas with the materials provided.


This page contains links to photo collections covering previous rides. (Obviously, these photos contain images of public nudity.)


This page contains questions and answers to many of the more common concerns regarding the SF WNBR. Thanks to Leo for this.

Ride Safety

This page discusses safety issues when riding around San Francisco. Thanks to Leo for this.
