Newcastle 2008
[hide]Peats Ridge Festival Cancelled
Moved to Confest
Peats Ridge Festival Cancelled
Peats Ridge Festival Glenworth Valley 2007,
Sustainable Arts & Music Festival,
29th Dec to 1st Jan, half way between Sydney and Newcastle.
World Naked Bike Ride planned to hold promotional naked bike rides (with emphasis on the upcoming Sydney and Newcastle rides to be held on Sat 8 and Sun 9 Mar 2008) in conjunction with other bike activist groups followed by skinny dipping in the river. See poster for details:
Planning Dinner
- Date: Thursday, 15 November 2007
- Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
- Location: Premier Hotel
- Street: 1 Brunker Road (the Nine Ways) Broadmeadow
The proposal is to discuss WNBR Nudecastle 2008 over dinner. Menu
Everyone is welcome! Please bring your ideas and enthusiasm.
Any topics that are relevant are open for discussion.
As you probably know, the next World Naked Bike Ride is on Saturday the 8th of March 2008. Marte is organising both the Sydney and Newcastle rides this year and getting some valuable help. It is a big task and if there are any people who can help it would really be appreciated.
The number of people who have come along to Critical Mass rides in Newcastle over the recent months has been pretty low. After each of the CM rides is an opportunity to get a bite to eat together and discuss bike things including the planning of WNBR.
Because of time contraints that will be put on Marte to attend and organise both Sydney and Newcastle on the same day, we are considering holding the Newcastle ride on Sunday the 9th of March. Having the rides on different days will make it more manageable.
Does anyone have any suggestions or comments about this proposal?
Please come along.
Newcastle Community Bike Library at This Is Not Art and Working Bee!
With many interstate people arriving in Newcastle via train or bus, the bike library
is a great way for visitors to travel around the Festival sites.
In Civic Park there will be a “bike library” and "bike repair workshops" over
three days of the This Is Not Art festival.
1. NBEC provides a number of bikes which are ready to ride for people to borrow:
$20 refundable deposit (helmet and lock possibly included)
2. NBEC to bring a supply of bikes which are easily fixable, our bring your own.
3. NBEC to set up stall with bike info, CM, WNBR, NBEC, and NCM info as well.
Times: 11am – 5pm on Friday, Saturday & Sunday, at Civic Park
(and to 7pm on Sunday for late returns).
To pre-register for a bike (there will be some spare if you don't pre-register)
1. Contact (02)49616582 or
2. What kind of bike you want (working or non-working) / size / gears / lock / helmet
3. Leave contact details and where you are from
4. Availability will then be confirmed.
Dates: This Is Not Art runs Thurs 28 Sept - Mon 01 Oct. This Is Not Art for more information.
This Is Not Art Bike Library working bee!
Help NBEC fix library bikes so that other greeny, enviro hugging peeps will ride them. September at NBEC is This Is Not Art focused : 1st, 8th, and 22nd Sept. 9am - 5pm at Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre, Islington. Stay for an hour or so or the whole day! Previous bike fixing experience not required, bring old clothes.
This Is Not Art is an annual festival of independent, emerging & experimental arts & media.
Featuring Electrofringe, National Young Writers' Festival, Sound Summit & Critical Animals.
27 September - 01 October 2007 Newcastle, Australia
This Is Not Art is supported by Newcastle City Council Tourism NSW - Regional Flagship Events Arts NSW and The Octapod Association (
NCM president helps promote the library:
And NCC CLean & Green Newsletter jumped on the bandwagon too!
Mattara- a celebration of the city! 29th of September to 7th of October.
Sunday 7th October
12PM TO Completion
Special Attractions
- Dora the Explorer and Boots
- Marching Bands
- Dance studio displays
- Car clubs (boooo!)
- Bike clubs (Yeeeah!)
- Kavon Theatre
- Local Businesses
- Sporting Clubs
- Religious Groups
Cultural Stomp 2007
Push bike fun at CULTURAL STOMP Festival at Civic Park Saturday 19th May.
The Bike Corral is where lotsa FREE STOMP bike fun happens!:
1. Start point (every hour) for All Day Bike Ride
2. Bike Library Pickup point ($20 deposit applies)
3. Bring your bike to get fixed / checked
4. Bike fixing workshops, learn how to fix your bike
5. Bike skills workshops to stop getting annoyed by cars
6. Bike information:
- World Naked Bike Ride Australia and World Naked BIke Ride Newcastle
- Critical Mass Newcastle,CM Newcastle wiki and CM World Wide wiki
- Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre
- Eco Peace Biketivism Love Co-operative
- Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc.
7. Workshop to set up your community Bike co-op
8. Film Premier: Along for the Ride by Yasmin Bright (a doco of World Naked Bike Ride in Newcastle 2007) plus other Biketivism Films. Venue: Ground Floor TPI House, corner of Auckland and King Streets. Screening times: 12:30pm and 4:30pm.
The STOMP Festival Bike-Train is a bike ride from Wallsend, going past the Uni and arriving at Civic park at 10am on Sat 19th May.
Start at Wallsend Plaza 8am.
Pick up points along the way:
Cameron St Jesmond Mall 8:20am,
Rankin Drive Uni 8:30am,
Waratah shopping centre 9am,
Clyde St to Tighes Hill TAFE 9:20am,
Hamilton Train Station 9:40am,
Parry St, King St to Civic Park, 10am!
- Click here for the Bike Fun at STOMP Poster or on the image below.
- Click here for the main STOMP Poster or on the image below.
- Return to Newcastle page.