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Revision as of 01:15, 6 August 2010 by D (talk | contribs) (Fun Run + Night Swim: reorder)
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WNBR Seattle 2010 early season promo flyer

Welcome to Seattle's World Naked Bike Ride wiki pages!

"World Naked Bike Ride celebrates a future of human-powered transport and healthy, clean, green walkable cities with simple, grassroots naked bike rides all over the world. As the vessel of this revolution, we highlight the beauty, power and individuality of the naked human body with an aim of promoting body-positive values, self-awareness, simple healthy living and independence from consumerist, toxic, oil-dependent and car culture paradigms that are killing us." – Daniel Johnson, WNBR Seattle Team

First time? Visit the the WNBR wiki website which has the most info on our international event. Our main, splashy promotional WNBR Seattle website is See you at our upcoming events!

Upcoming events

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Seafair Cyclists flyer.

UPDATE! Visit for a calendar of PNW Naked Cycling events, including WNBR Seattle!

2010 marks the seventh year (since 2004) that Seattle will be staging WNBR events.

Looking for info on previous rides? Check out the Seattle archive page for a general history of WNBR Seattle and ride reports.
We also have a page of Press and media coverage and video and photography.

This year's theme is "in the interest of justice", after the City of Seattle has dropped charges against a naked cyclist event in 2010. Last year's theme was AbundanceCurrently, WNBR Seattle has planned three rides for Summer 2010.

7 Aug 2010

Aug 7, Sat Presenting... Seafair Cyclists!. Use shortcut URL: Annual Lake Washington bike ride from Denny Blaine Park to Seward Park, via Lake Washington Boulevard and Seafair detour. (NOTE: Clothing-optional Morning Run + Night Swim fundraiser events also scheduled. Info is below Bike Ride info).

Route map and schedule

See the updated Seafair Cyclists 2010 Route Map (Use shortcut URL for Google Map). Tentative schedule:

Seafair Cyclists

Denny Blaine Park Beach (on Lake Washington). Parks Events Scheduling Office says there is a wedding at Denny Blaine Park in the afternoon, but will not disclose when. They will also not permit any other group to have a parks use permit. So we will work around that and work with the wedding group to make sure we are not in each other's way and everybody stays happy. There should not be much of any setup because we can't do that without a permit anyway. So everybody brings their own stuff for decorating.

  • 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Seafair Social (Sun + Swim + Potluck) (Unlike June, weather should be nice and warm for this). For those not coming by bike (highly recommended), note parking may be difficult close by because of Seafair.
  • 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. WNBR Body art (body paint + wearables) + bike art party. Hopefully by this time we will figure out where wedding will be staged and move accordingly.
  • 12:45 - 2:40 p.m. Seafair Airshow
  • 1:25 - 1:30 p.m. cyclists help cleanup for last five minutes before leaving
  • 1:30 p.m. Seafair Cyclists depart from Denny Blaine Park
  • 1:40 p.m. (ish) detouring around Seafair area.
  • 1:30 - 1:40 p.m. Volunteers teardown and cleanup, there should not be much of any cleanup.
  • 2:00 p.m. Cyclists arrive at Seward Park. RIde either stops here or loops around outer trail
  • 2:15 p.m. Cyclists take dip into Seward Park North Beach (probably empty since park was just closed) / bathroom break / Ride end or?
  • Back to Denny Blaine or Afterparty?
  • Ride short but sweet

This ride should attract a good number of people just for these factors:

  • a strong green message (see below)
  • a short, 30 minute, length of ride
  • few hills (except a very short one at Denny Blaine and once we leave Lk. WA Blvd)
  • virtually no stops (except for restrooms and maybe quick dip if people want)
  • day ride
  • amazing views
  • Parks with history of nude use
  • Parks with history of WNBR stops
  • warm weather time of year
  • previous WNBR bike rides have been relatively quiet and our ride took place in times when there were tons of cyclists participating. It would be nice to have a larger, festive crowd and not just be preaching to the choir so-to-speak about cycling.
  • SPD will probably be quite busy actually dealing with real problems than worrying about harassing us.


The message of Seafair Cyclists is a variant on WNBR Seattle, but with a local twist appropriate to the context of the day's events.

Go local + less commercial
  • Focus on making Seafair more local than dripping with commercial corporate messages.
  • Indigenize the festival to Seattle's rich and diverse culture rather than letting it being dominated by loud, high octane entertainment brought in from afar with jets and hydroplanes
  • Be more creative in creating less expensive, low carbon, grassroots ensembles
Go green
  • Pushing for cleaner Lake Washington (less pesticides, toxins going downstream), quiet lake recreation, low light + noise pollution
  • Celebrate the beauty of the Lake Washington Parks
  • Sacred spaces and forests. Seward's Parks unique place among area parks as Old Growth remnant/ Jump start Bare Buns Fun Run event at massive Heritage Tree in Seward
Anti oil-dependent culture
  • Seattle needs to wake up, go green and stop the high octane, car-centric and oil-dependent culture in its tracks. Celebrating summer with jet engines strapped to boats and jet planes is a sick waste of limited resources that disrupts the local ecological system.
  • Stand up for the "little people" around the world who have suffered for our irresponsible, oil-dependent culture, which is on display for all too see at Seafair. Check out the 2009 film Crude (film) to learn more.
  • Getting oil money out of Seattle cultural events (Union 76/ConocoPhillips is major sponsor of Seafair). Read why ConocoPhillips is rated bottom of the barrel by the Sierra Club.
  • Bringing attention to high fuel usage of unnecessary military-oriented air show. Gallons per mile rather than miles per gallon, HELLO?!
  • Shift to Bicycles
  • Shift to permaculture ascent rather than energy descent after peak oil.
  • Focus on humanizing Seafair more with simple, cheap events than needing to sell out to corporate sponsors. i.e. Bare Buns Run and Dip (non WNBR event)
  • Celebrate the power, beauty, individuality/diversity of the human body and our cultural heritage
  • Advocate that clothing-optional recreation is part of Seattle's culture
  • Protest City of Seattle's lack of leadership and overly complicating the development of clothing-optional beaches with red tape and lame excuses.
  • Push for walkable, bicycle friendly cities. Seattle should be #1 bike and pedestrian friendly city in the US, not #4 (as reported by Huffington Post[1]). We should also be at the top of the 11 most bicycle friendly cities in the world[2]. Currently, we are not even on the list.

Fun Run + Night Swim

Come join us on Saturday, 7 Aug, 2010 for two fun clothing-optional events!

Fun Run

The Fun Run will be a non-competitive, informal event jog + walk (to avoid insurance headaches) that loops around part of a main trail and lesser used side trails at Seward Park (Audobon website). Please allow plenty of time to reach Seward Park and the interior trail system. Main meetup point is at the Kiosk on Spine Trail at 7 am for Fun Run. See Parks Department Seward Park trail map and also the Audubon Seward Park Map to get your bearings on where to go. Note: recommended for people to take bus or bike into park. Leave plenty of time to reach meetup point within Seward Park. Parking may be very difficult due to Seafair.

  • 6:20 - 6:35 a.m. Volunteers: Setup small, non-invasive, signs on trails in park for runners. Meet at Kiosk on Spine Trail
  • 6:35 - 6:45 a.m. Fun Run mini-breakfast near Kiosk on Spine Trail
  • 6:50 - 6:55 a.m. Opening Fun Run ceremony at Heritage Tree
  • 7:00 a.m. Fun Run Main meetup time: Meet at Kiosk on Spine Trail within Seward Park.
  • 7:05 - 7:20 a.m. 2010 BBFR + (optional) Dip at North Beach @ Seward Park (inside park trails in signed area)

(No known Seward Park event conflicts other than Seafair 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. closure)

  • 7:25 - 7:40 a.m. Post-run meetup, remove route markers, and leave Seward Park
  • 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Seward Park Closed

Settled on a great Fun Run route at Seward, after finally finding a route through the park that won't get people lost (I got lost several times over a couple hours trying to figure it out the best paths) will keep that secret only for participants. Will meetup at Kiosk on Spine Trail.

Talked to parks officials about how the area is for cyclists on Seafair days and also talked to locals about how heavily the park is used early in the morning when our run is scheduled (Its pretty dead). The small trails we will mostly be using are even less used (only ran into four people on a super nice day in that area so morning should be virtually nobody around). We should make official looking signs for participants and some directional, subtle signs for guiding runners (few needed).

Night Swim

We're going to have a clothing-optional Night Swim at Madison Park Beach at 10:00 PM (meetup time). Meet at the Lifeguard Chair on the beach. This should be easy to pull off. Bring a towel and footwear if you wish.


Clothing-optional Fun Run and Night Swim events are **FREE** but we welcome donations! Proceeds will be split four ways: World Naked Bike Ride Seattle, Seattle Free Beach Campaign, Fun Run/Night Swim expenses + Seward Park Environmental & Audubon Center for more trail improvements at Seward. Donations welcome at $2 - 10 for both (non bike ride) events.


Participate at your own risk in all events! (That means this could be a hoot!) Don't sue us for tripping, twisting your ankle, having a heart attack from too much fun, getting into trouble, drowning, et cetera.

Basic info

Contact Information / Event Sign Up

Sign up to participate and/or volunteer for the ride by filling out form on the WNBR Seattle page.

New people are organizing WNBR Seattle events this year! Stay tuned for some new contact info! See our People page for info of our staff of volunteers and consultants.

The best way to contact organizer Daniel Johnson and the WNBR Seattle team is via telephone:

  • (206) 369 - 2661 (mobile phone/voice mail)

Other, less effective, methods:

  • Fill out form on the WNBR Seattle join page (use the comment area and select a ride or rides from the drop down menu).
  • E-mail Daniel directly using his temporary, spam-reduction e-mail address: j0in+hefun@ WNBR sea++le d0+ 0rg (use only letter equivalents, for example use "t" instead of "+".)
  • Fill out form on the main WNBR page (use the comment area and select Seattle from the drop down menu).
  • Leave a message at his discussion page

Announcements / Discussion groups / Public meetings

WNBR Seattle has three discussion groups where you can learn about how the ride is developing and any last minute changes (there have been many in years past):

  • WNBR Seattle Yahoo! group 3 : General discussion - Ideal for people who to get all general discussion messages. A great place to bring up ideas, talk about concerns and network with others. Plan meetings, parties, and special projects. If you join this group there is no reason for you to join group 2 since this group gets announcements as well.
  • WNBR Seattle Yahoo! group 2 : Announcements only.

Public meetings are also scheduled, sometimes, biweekly. These are announced primarily on the discussion groups above.


We need your money to help make the magic happen! Please click here to go to our donations page to support our event!


Global mission

The message of WNBR focuses on promoting cycling. Find out more about the WNBR global message see the global WNBR message section

Local goals

"Reclaim our streets, our bodies, our parks, our city, our self-reliance!"

Beyond the above goals, the WNBR Seattle event focuses on the following:

  1. Community building. Have fun and express our creativity while engaging and enjoying various communities in Seattle. Celebrate both the diversity and the oneness of the human experience.
  2. Protest oil dependency and advocate renewable energy sources; the joy of cycling; sustainable, car-free transportation solutions; and walkable communities. Bicycles are BEST - Better Ecologically Sustainable Transport.
  3. Bring attention to the local safety concerns of cyclists. Help people begin to see cyclists [3] and share the road. Sharing the road does not mean cars get the lane and bikes get the gutter or car door lane! (See also
  4. Rejoice in the power and individuality of our bodies. Promote body-positive ideals and activities. Advocate the development of free beaches in Seattle and encourage more family-friendly, clothing-optional use of community spaces.
  5. Show solidarity with other naked cycling events around the world. Many WNBR events will be riding on the same date.
  6. Generate interest in similar progressive and artistic regional events such as those organized by The City Repair Project - Village Building Convergence, Car Free Seattle, Seattle Hempfest, Fremont Arts Council, Solstice Cyclists (, Seattle Critical Mass/Ass, Body Pride Ride (BPR), Naked Pumpkin Run Seattle, Green America's Green Festival Seattle, Burning Man and Regional Burning Man events.

For more info, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What to wear? Do not fear!

For details, please see our Frequently asked questions

The World Naked Bike Ride dress code is "Bare As You Dare"... How bare is that ? How dare is that ?...Its all up to you, you decide what you are comfortable with. NO ONE IS EXCLUDED OR DISCRIMINATED AGAINST based on levels of clothing, bodypaint, or anything else, for that matter!

PLEASE be creative and colorful! Bodypainting and bike decorating is highly encouraged! See the above section on creative expression and also visit our body art page.

The laws on nudity, for the most part are a bit vague, difficult and often unpopular to enforce. The principal concern of most citizens is to eliminate creepy, predatory, exploitative, destructive and abusive behavior. WNBR is a fun, inspirational, non-confrontational body-positive event with a positive message of hope. That is why the ride has been such a huge hit and so many are supportive. Just use common sense and mind your manners! Nude is not lewd!

Since most of us did not grow up in a body-positive society, many will look at you with curiosity and amusement. You will probably notice that different sections of town have different cultural reactions to nudity. Some may feel mildly intimidated because they still might have issues with their own bodies and your shameless ways are unsettling to their body-phobic world. Just be friendly and respectful and things should be fine. Remember we are all human and we all have the same parts.

"Gymnophobia (from the Greek word for nude gymnos) is the fear of being (or seeing others) naked. A gymnophobic person usually wants to prevent others from experiencing the freedom of not wearing clothes."

If you are concerned, you probably don't need to cover up much to be "legal". With the incredible transforming powers of a little body paint, liquid latex, a strategically placed sock, or a piece of duct tape you too can transform the average city streaking naked wild cyclist into "The legal city streaking naked wild cyclist". Be creative: a little imagination can change everything.



  • WNBR Seattle (official site)
  • This WNBR Seattle Wiki site (most detailed info found here).

Discussion groups

  • WNBR Seattle Yahoo! group 3 : General discussion - Ideal for people who to get all general discussion messages. A great place to bring up ideas, talk about concerns and network with others. Plan meetings, parties, and special projects. If you join this group there is no reason for you to join group 2 since this group gets announcements as well.
  • WNBR Seattle Yahoo! group 2 : Announcements only.

Social Networking groups


  • Bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards, and thefts. By sharing our experiences with each other, and with researchers and relevant agencies, we aim to make biking safer and more fun. You can help by adding your reports.
  • Car-Free Seattle see also Resources, Tactics, and Propaganda to Subvert Automobile Dominance.
  • Seattle Critical Mass Message Board see also Seattle Critical Mass
  • Bike Works To build sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling. We teach young people how to fix bikes, reward them with their own set of wheels, and provide affordable bicycle services to the community.
  • Biketivism and Critical Mass Resources

Social nudity

Secondary info


WNBR Seattle, Seattle Naked Pumpkin Run, Hemp Ride and Jaybird Run are productions of the Organic Living Party (OLP). OLP is, in part, a revival of the German Lebensreform movement. OLP's motto: "Participatory arts, recreation, citizen activism and play are not luxuries!"

Meetings are held to organize WNBR Seattle and are currently facilitated by Daniel Johnson, who would like to see development of an independent collective that would take over management of the event.

Community support

We appreciate all the local support and endorsements we have received! Please see a listing in the Endorsements: Seattle and Endorsements: Global wiki areas as well as links on our main Seattle page at
