Los Angeles
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Date: Join us Saturday 11 June 2016
Time: 2:30pm (depart)
Location: Echo Park (exact address tba, contact us!) in Los Angeles, California
Ride Details
Next ride is SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016
PRE-RIDE FESTIVAL: 11pm body/bike decoration at private location -- contact for details
START/DEPARTURE TIME: 1:30PM -- Come early. Don't get left behind! 2nd ride at 3pm
ROUTE: About 14 miles with mild hills, a few of which are extended inclines. Takes about an hour and a half, at a mild pace. This route is meant for safety, tasteful exposure to modern and classic LA landmarks, and accessibility -- nobody will be left behind. Ride will finish very close to where it starts.
POST-RIDE: After-party planning in discussion. No definite plan yet.
GET INVOLVED: We need help to help promote the ride, organize body/bike art, help with the after party, or help administer the ride. CONTACT US ASAP at riders@wnbr-la.org to help us manage intersections and be a confident presence for less experienced riders. I know you're out there! Also contact us to contribute your testimony/photos from previous rides.