User talk:Erik Baas
[hide]Problems Editing locked pages
I'm working on trying to clear up the 'List of rides' page. I'm trying state on the Tampa Bay and Atlanta pages that they've been archived, but I can't since they are locked from editing. Can you unlock them for me, or add the Archived message at the top of those pages?
- Done. Protection is not necessary anymore for these pages, I think. - Erik Baas 13:50, 13 February 2012 (PST)
Fighting spam
Thanks for helping fight Spam on the wiki. I have asked Nick Sayers to consider giving you some admin power to be able to ban spammers and delete spam pages. --Marte Kinder 12:59, 11 July 2009 (PDT)
Brussels poster
Hi sysop ;-) You removed the placeholder for [[Image:Cyclonudista2010_léa600.png|title="Poster for the 2010 event"]]. Léa is still an active member of the Brussels WNBR group, and I assume she will [soon?] create the 2010 poster and upload it by the name she can see and that is derived from last year's name Image:Cyclonudista2009_léa600.png (still available). With that placeholder, it should then immediately be visible and positioned. In the meanwhile, the red link is a good reminder of what is still needed. Perhaps you like to undo your edit? SomeHuman 2010-02-19 08:22 (GMT)
- Hello, and sorry for keeping you waiting, I saw your message just now. I think it's better to upload the file first, and then create a new link to it: the filename may differ from what you expected, and I don't like this kind of red links (and this one would have been there for over a month now, so...) -Erik Baas 20:13, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
- I've actually blocked SomeHuman now, partly because of his barrage of irritating edits like this. Nsayers 22:04, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
Category name capitalisation
Hi Erik. Thanks for your brilliant and diligent work categorising images and pages. I just wanted to suggest a different capitalisation though. The precedent has been set for titles to be in sentence case (eg: List of rides, Brighton & Hove planning notes etc), with proper names and initial words capitalised but the rest in lower case. Likewise, Category: 2010 Posters etc should be similarly titled (ie: Category: 2010 posters with lower-case 'p' instead). Would that be OK with you? Best wishes, Nsayers 17:11, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
- Thank you, I like getting things organised. ;-) About the categories: of course, and I should have done so in the first place, sorry. I'll change it as soon as I can find the time. - Erik Baas 20:09, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks. It might be better still to put the subject before the qualifier (eg: 'Posters 2010'), so similar categories get sorted together in lists. Nsayers 22:04, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
Contact details?
Hi again. Could you give me your email address and/or instant messaging / phone details for extra-wiki communication? I'm thinking of setting up a wiki discussion group on Yahoo Groups or similar, as lay users can understand this better than MediaWiki's arcane communication system. Alternatively, email me at brighton AT worldnakedbikeride DOT org. Nsayers 17:11, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
- Sure, it's erikbaas AT nsesoftware DOT nl, or you can use the link E-mail this user. However, I'm not at all happy about creating yet another channel of communication, as we (in The Netherlands) already have 4 or 5... - Erik Baas 20:06, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks for that. Ooh, hadn't noticed that feature. Very handy. It wasn't actually enabled for me because I hadn't verified my email address! Oops. Will get in touch soon. All the best and thanks for all your excellent editing work. Nsayers 22:04, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
Possible Spammers?
Hi Erik,
Thanks for all your great work in the continuing fight against spammers. One thing worries me. With all your recent deletion of users who have created accounts on the suspicion of being spammers, how do you know that they are definitely spammers? I always wait for new users to prove themselves as spammers before blocking them. Could you be blocking new organisers?
--Marte Kinder 00:33, 30 January 2011 (UTC)
- You've got mail. - Erik Baas 01:23, 30 January 2011 (UTC)
Hi Again Erik,
This user: Mohadhar77 linked to an external commercial website selling face painting services. I think you were right to block them though for different reasons.
--Marte Kinder 10:59, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
- My mistake indeed, I'll try to fix it. - Erik Baas 11:45, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
I don't really quite know how this Wiki messaging thing works, but I'm trying to make sure you see my response to your question here. feel free to delete this after you read this.
- Got it: your talkpage is on my wacthlist. ;-) - Erik Baas 15:41, 11 May 2011 (PDT)
Account request from "toby"
Answering your question, I couldn't see how the bio related to WNBR and suspected it was machine-generated. IIRC I emailed to ask him to justify edit rights. But I don't have any problem if you've approved him. --Robjordan 14:44, 5 November 2012 (PST)
Hi Erik, Your user page still shows a screen you disliked a decade ago. The current Template:Google translation link however, just might seduce you. I'll link its talk page here to the top, since both old comment sections are answered in the 'New improved and fully functional translation support' section.
Brussels, with its 2 non English native languages, has three Google Translate lines at top. Other ride locations having a non English native language would have only two. Shall I put the appropriate two lines above those locations' (main) pages?
SomeHuman (talk) 03:25, 30 March 2020 (PDT)
P.S.: Anyone intending to organize a first ride at a new location at which the native language is not English, is most likely to check out the existing main page of one of the other such locations, to find out how they tackled any language problems. This checked page however, would almost certainly not be Brussels. Only by seeing the two Google Translate lines at the top, the new editor may figure out some adequate solution. Otherwise, he/she would not even imagine this support template to exist. He/she might even drop the whole idea. Apart from facilitating translations during the creation of the new page (or later modifications or additions by possibly other editors), knowing that his/her readers can use its translation service, his/her putting it in the new main page also allows this page (and thus his/her job) to remain (much) more simple.
SomeHuman (talk) 06:51, 30 March 2020 (PDT)
- Having noticed your meanwhile having been editing on 2020-04-01, for all argumentation here above, on the template talk page, and in the presentation on the template page itself: I started rolling out the template as here above intended at 03:25 a week ago.
- Though only 1 ride page included the template while this mentioned Babelfish Help despite its launching the service the template is named about, there were many more with a 'Template:Babelfish translation', which use ends up at a Yahoo sorry page. Obviously, this most certainly needed to be remedied (though having proved its intended function not to have been what anyone really needed, else its replacement with that similar old Googler would have been requested ages ago). Most of the pages that I wanted to give the new version of 'Template:Google translation link', had that obsoleted Babelfish template, but of the 'archived' rides also several that I otherwise would or might have skipped (in which case my edit comment mentions replacing Babelfish).
SomeHuman (talk) 12:55-18:54, 6 April 2020 (PDT)
Hi Erik. Sorry, I shouldn't have dived in. Simon reported to me that your changes rolled back his poster image to a 2019 version. I couldn't see how that occurred (and he may have been confused) but I tried to help him reinstate the Folkestone page as he wanted it. His web design skills are a bit basic and I can well understand you wanted to improve rendering on different devices. Best wishes. Rob
Images without thumbnails
Hi, I uploaded two files that can be found here: 1. 2.
I guess something wrong happened during the uploading, since no thumbnail was created, this seems to crash the lists in which these files should be found, they also crash when I try to update them. Would it be possible to delete them so I can upload new low resolution versions?
Best wishes, Robe