Seattle coverage
Includes press and media coverage, blogging, journals, newswire, discussion groups. Coverage is sorted by the date of the event.
- See also Seattle video and photography.
[hide]6 Sept 2008
- West Seattle Blog Two wheels, no clothes: Bicycling protesters in West Seattle Posted September 6, 2008 at 3:55 pm seen In Environment, Seen around town, West Seattle news + 28 comments
Media & Press coverage
- No known coverage
17 Aug 2008
- No coverage as far as we know
12 Jul 2008
Media & Press coverage
- Biyclists who bare it all could be arrested, city warns By Tom Beal / ARIZONA DAILY STAR. Published: 6 June 2008. WARNING IS TO TUCSON RIDERS, NOT SEATTLE. Very small mention of Seattle ride at bottom of article.
- The Stranger/SLOG, Skid Marks Against Climate Change Posted by Dan Savage on 16 June 2008 + 40 comments
Media & Press coverage
King 5 news, reported by Bernard Choi in evening news (listening to police scanner and were only a few blocks away from where police intercepted WNBR ride) Kiro 7 News was also on the scene with King 5 News. Nude & Natural magazine covered Benham Studio Gallery Stop in issue 28.2, Winter 2009.
14 June 2007
- Biking Bis So many naked bike rides -- a scheduling headache in Seattle by Gene Bisbee on March 30, 2007
- Biking Bis Naked bike ride schedule all squared away for Seattle by Gene Bisbee on June 9, 2007
- the heart of the lion Personal blog of Layo (rider from 2006), 2007 July 15
- World Naked Bike Ride Dave's Stuff
- wnbr2007 shannonkringen Live Journal entry 2007 July 15
- The Stranger/SLOG, Bicycle-Seat Holocaust on Capitol Hill? Posted by David Schmader on July 15
- The Stranger/SLOG, Naked Bikers Meet Art Noise, Sunday, July 15, 2007
- Biking Bis post ride
- Care2
- [1]
- [2]
- Political Gateway: Seattle busts nude bike riders UPI
Media & Press coverage
- KUOW 94.9 FM interview with Daniel Johnson
July 14th
- KIRO 7 TV (Mark Scholz, reporter) interviewed J. Steve Mayo, Fairview Park, 11:30am-ish
- KOMO 4 TV News interview with Marte Kinder, film crew went inside body painting tent
- KOMO 4 TV female reporter) interviewed J. Steve Mayo, Fairview Park, noon-ish
- KCPQ TV (Q13 Fox News) 14 July at Fairview Park
- KOMO AM 1000 (reported from Daniel's work associate on morning of 17 July)
- KBSG 97.3 FM Fastlane and Marina Interview with Marte Kinder (as a Media Liason/WNBR Austrialian Coordinator) 16 July 2007, 9:34 p.m. PT Listen to the interview MP3 5.5 MB, 6 mins, 3 secs.
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Seattle police arrest naked bike riders: City's tolerance changing, cyclists say", Monday, July 16, 2007, reported by P-I reporter Levi Pulkkinen. This story went to be ranked as #1 top read story for a time. Soundoff: Is public nakedness appropriate?
- MSNBC "Seattle police arrest naked bike riders" This is the Seattle P-I story
- Seattle Times. Three arrested in annual Naked Bike Ride Tue,July 17, 2007, by Christina Siderius, Seattle Times staff reporter
- Seattle Times, The naked city Saturday, July 21, 2007, Editorial.
- Editorials & Opinion: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 "Nothing wrong with naked: Arrests unwarranted" Bob Allen, Seattle
- Editorials & Opinion: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 More letters to the editor: "Morally confused: Naked is naked" Mike Sandsmark, Issaquah (Online-only Letters)
- Taiwan News, [3]
- United Press International (UPI), Seattle busts nude bike riders July 17 (UPI)
- The Olympian Online, Naked bicyclists arrested on ride in Seattle Published July 17, 2007 Associated Press
- Nine (National Nine News) MSN "Australia's number-one interactive media company", Naked US bike ride to protest pollution Jul 18 AAP
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Cyclists need to soft-pedal their wants", September 9, 2007 6:08 p.m. PT By Dean Trier, Guest Columnist. Against activist cyclists, including naked cyclists.
10 June 2006
- Seattle Magazine: The Premier Seattle Monthly, June 2006, Summer Guide, "Bike Naked", p. 105
- There was a great segment on Thurs morning 8 June 2006, sometime between 7:40 and 8am on 103.7 FM The Mountain on the Seattle and global WNBR event on the John Fisher & Mike West show. Conrad just did an earlier show with CBC and the BBC and he said this interview with the three Morning crew members was his best. They've added a link to us on their page:
- KING 5 TV News, Sat, 10 June 2006 (sounds firm, but this needs to be confirmed).
- KOMO 4 TV News, Sat, 10 June 2006 (sounds firm, but this needs to be confirmed).
- Q13 Fox News Coverage on Sunday, 11 June 2006 and Sat, 10 June 2006 (sounds firm, but this needs to be confirmed).
- Did anyone record the Ch13 news coverage of the Seattle 2006 June 10 ride? A co-worker of mine saw me being interviewed and I'd like to see it.
- The Seattle Times Fair was like the welcome wagon Jerry Large June 15, 2006 [4] (Reference to WNBR Seattle at bottom article) Correction: WNBR Seattle started at Gas Works, not Green Lake.
- Quote 1: "While the Sea Gals were dancing on stage inside, something very Seattle was happening outside at the fountain. There were maybe 60 people — it was difficult to count them — running around the fountain in naught but their skins."
- Quote 2: "Now, if the city could get some of its employees to paint advertisements on their bodies and ride around town naked, they could drum up a pretty good crowd for next year's [Discover Seattle Newcomers] fair.
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer Too prudish for nudish? By Cathy Sorbo (a Seattle-based comedian, Special to the P-I. Saturday, June 24, 2006 [5] References to in-home nudity, no sanctioned nude beaches in Seattle, topfree equality, Forestia, painted cyclists, Bare Buns Fun Run, "An old-fashioned Fourth of July", Oktoberfest and World Naked Bike Ride.
- Quote: "Here in Seattle we have the extremely popular clothing-optional "World Naked Bike Ride" but I'd much prefer a section of beach over an organized function. As the WNBR people like to say, nude is not lewd."
- Capital Hill Times, Wed, 14 June 2006 edition. The article had a picture of some of us at Cal Anderson. "Get on your bike and ride! (naked) Photo/Bradley Enghaus. A group of roughly 75 cyclists stopped at Cal Anderson Park during their Saturday, June 10, World Naked Bike Ride. The group rode 27 miles, beginning on Beacon Hill and ending at Gas Works Park. Held in more than 50 cities worldwide, it was the third year Seattle has staged a ride in support of sustainable transport and the power and individuality of the human body." Correction: The article says we started the ride on Beacon Hill and ended at Gas Works Park. We never went to Beacon Hill and the ride started and ended at Gas Works Park, and went as far south as Seward Park.
- North Seattle Herald-Outlook, Wed, 14 June 2006 edition. Has small picture of rider at Gas Works Park with caption. "Barely ready to race A bicyclist waits for the World Naked Bike Ride to begin at Gas Works Park on Saturday, June 10. About 75 bicyclists made the trek to Seward Park to protest car culture." Photo/Bradley Enghaus.
- The Nude & Natural Newsletter of The Naturist Society New World Naked Bike Ride Documentary has Public Smiling: Can public nudity be presented as innocuous fun in the context of political comment? photo and article by Mark Storey. June 2006 issue.
- Madison Park Times Police Log section. Description of complaint and police action at Madrona Park [6]
- The Nude & Natural Newsletter of The Naturist Society (July 2006, pp. 5-6) World Naked Bike Ride 2006: a report from Seattle by Mark Storey, Board Member, Naturist Action Committee. Two black and white pictures included.
- Seattle Metropolitan Magazine, September 2006 edition. The Mudroom: Full Suspension Monty: Cyclists go au naturel by Lie Steakley. Pg 24, will illustrations by Melissa Kennedy. Comments on Solstice Cyclists, World Naked Bike Ride and Body Pride Ride.
- Nude Cycling March 10, 2006
11 June 2005
- The Seattle Times Cyclists flesh out their stand against cars — and clothes By Nick Martin, Seattle Times staff reporter. Sunday, June 12, 2005. Front of Local News Section. Two color pictures by Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times. 050612&query==world+naked+bike+ride
- KIRO 7 TV News coverage, June 11, 2005. (see below)
- WLTX-TV Columbia, SC "Naked Bike Ride Extended Kiro TV coverage stream (some apparently did not show on TV) [7]
- Nude & Natural (N) magazine 25.1 Features WNBR cover shot and global coverage, as well as an article on WNBR Seattle (also refers to Solstice cyclists)
- ClothesFree TV coverage of the 11 June 2004 ride (Courtesy of ClothesFree International).
- The Seattle Sinner magazine
12 June 2004
- The Seattle Times Bicyclists will shed clothes in protest ride Tan Vinh June 11, 2004 [8] (Reference to Solstice Cyclists in article) (leads to Associated Press distribution)
- The Seattle Times Nude biker protest catches some attention Jessica Blanchard June 13, 2004 [9] (also refers to Solstice cyclists at bottom of article)
- The Seattle Times Uncovering a pointless complaint Danny Westneat / Times staff columnist June 18, 2004 [10]
- The Seattle Times "Day of action" plans trigger FBI warning June 12, 2004 [11]
- KING 5, Seattle, 12 Jun 2004: "Eco-protest event limited to nude cyclists"
- KING 5 TV News Seattle, 11 Jun 2004: Cyclists gear up for Naked Bike Ride Day) (Associated Press)
- KOMO 4 News, Seattle, 13 Jun 2004: "Naked Bicyclists Ride In Protest Over Environmental Abuse"
- Nude & Natural (N) magazine N Magazine (published by The Naturist Society), Issue 24.1, Autumn 2004: "World Naked Bike Ride" by Jim Meyer, "The Wheel Deal, The World Naked Bike Ride — An Idea Whose Time Has Come" by Jim Meyer, "World Naked Bike Ride, Seattle-Style" by Mark Storey, "Naked in the Streets" color photo section included pictures of the painted naked cyclists of 2004 Summer Solstice Parade in Fremont.
- N Magazine (Nude & Natural), 'N' Trends, Issue 23.4, Summer 2004: "An Idea Worth Pedaling"
- British Airways High Life in-flight magazine, available on all flights, Nov 2004 Issue: "The Cheek Of It" by Jennifer Cox, Seattle. Talks about WNBR, BFC and the painted cyclists of the Fremont Summer Solstice Parade. Jennifer interviewed Daniel Johnson and another Seattle cyclist. Unfortunately there are several major inaccuracies in the article.
- Indymedia Seattle, 1 Apr 2004: "World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) - June 12, 2004"
- Shannon Kringen blog, 4 Mar 2004: blog entry
- Smoking Room, The (Greg Piper's blog), Seattle, 12 Jun 2004: "Naked Lunch"
- The Stranger, Seattle, Vol 13 No 38, 3-9 Jun 2004: "Tread Marks: Naked Bikers Descend on Seattle Center" (see also correction/derragatory remarks: "In a June story regarding an upcoming World Naked Bike Ride...")
- AOL CityGuide: Seattle - "Top 11 Naked Experiences" (Seattle WNBR rated at number 4, 2004
- ClothesFree TV "Nudes in the News" (Show #63, 19 June 2004) USA. A production of International Naturist Association (INA). Contains coverage of Manifestación Ciclonudista/WNBR, including Seattle photos. Windows Media format video
- Flutterby! blog, 14 Jun 2004: "WNBR Seattle" (coverage with 41 images)
- MISCmedia, Jun 13, 2004 [12]
- KZOK 102.5 FM, Seattle, USA: Bob Rivers Show poll: "Seattle is one of 22 cities around the world where nude bicycle riders plan to protest..."
- KVI Radio (confirmed by Speedwalkie, who was interviewed at the International Fountain)
- The Bob Rivers Show Mornings on KZOK 102.5 FM "Classic Rock" Seattle. A WNBR Seattle - related daily online poll was posted asking:
- Seattle is one of 22 cities around the world where nude bicycle riders plan to protest oil dependency and [rest of question lost]
- Total 236 votes cast.
- Yes. We’re way too uptight about nudity in America. If humans were meant to wear clothes all the time, we would have been born with longjohns that have the little flap where the sun don’t shine. Let’s have Nudestock in Downtown Seattle! 59.75%
- No. The last thing I want to see on the mean streets of Seattle is a gaggle of puffy white blobs on bikes. Not only that, I’ll have to do some ‘splaining to my kids when they ask about those funny dangling things. We should keep our clothes ON 40.25%
- The Seattle Channel City Inside/Out June 4, 2004 [13]