Santa Fe
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List of rides > United States > Santa Fe , NM
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What's this all about"
The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an annual event that draws attention to the absurdity of oil dependency and celebrates the potential of cycling and the human body. The overuse of the planet’s vanishing oil reserves causes pollution, global warming and leads to war, inequality and injustice. Many politicians want to sub-sidise/bail-out the car industry. They call such follies progress...but this is progress towards disaster.
The catastrophic effects of climate change are already a tragic global reality and the soaring price of oil a major contributing factor to devastating economic crises worldwide. As the United States faces its largest ever environmental disaster due to “Deep Horizon”, we demand practical changes to help reduce the ordinary citizen’s dependency on oil by making cycling a safer, sensible alternative to car travel.
WNBR is an international movement, with rides taking place in 24 cities across the United States and in over 70 cities in 20 countries around the world. Riding naked emphasises the vulnerability of cyclists on the road, at the same time as celebrating humanity in the face of mechanisation. If it seems a little crazy, think about the total madness of car culture and its inevitable results.
What WNBR NM wants:
- Safer Streets for pedestrians and cyclists
- More two way cycle lanes
- Cycle only zones in our cities
- Expanded and better connected Multi-use trails
- Promote Green Energy
- Support Sustainable Transport
Do I Really Have to get NAKED?
No! World Naked Bike Ride Policy is to go as "Bare as you Dare". NM Law requires only the frontal genitals below the waist of both sexes be covered(i.e., penis, vagina, vulva, and pubic mound just to the north). Both breast and buttocks of Males AND Females can be legally exposed. So within the limit of the law, we offer the opportunity for participants to go as "Bare as YOU Dare". But if you’re shy, shorts, swimwear, crop tops, body paint or masks are all fine. It’s “bare as you dare” within the law and no one will pressure you to take off more clothes than you want to. A perfect body is not required either… we come in all shapes. Most of us have "Walmart" bodies, not "Playboy" bodies. We want this to be a positive, fun, non-violent protest that the city will want to have every year. We want to avoid hassles with the city or the local police. We want their support, not their suppression!
- Note: Since early 2010 until May 2020, this here page had been named 'Albuquerque/Santa Fe' though apparently the 2010 ride occurred at Santa Fe only. The then and there invited riders from Albuquerque may well have deserved a nice thank you notice but the name of the ride location was, and thus of this page should have been: Santa Fe. A page 'Albuquerque' became separated for the by then already cancelled 2020 attempt to start a ride in that location only.
2011 ride
- Note: There is no indication that this intended ride actually occurred.
Date: Saturday 5 June 2011
Time: Noon
Location: South Capitol Train Station, 1301 Alta Vista St, Santa fe, NM 87505
This is our second WNBR in Santa Fe, NM.
We are looking forward to an even BIGGER turnout than last year!!! The ride will happen in Santa Fe but we are expecting a large group from ABQ to come up to Santa Fe to join us.
The ride will kick off at NOON from the South Capitol Rail Runner Station. The South Capitol Station is located between Alta Vista and Cordova Roads, and between Cerillos Road and St. Fancis Street.
Station Location Map and Information: http://nmrailrunner.c...
For those coming up from ABQ and wish to ride the train, here is the Saturday Train Schedule: http://nmrailrunner.c...
There will be a small body painting party before the ride so bring your paints with you. The after ride party will be at Entrada Park located at the intersection of Don Diego, Guadalupe and Cerrillos Rd. There is a Whole Foods located directly across Cerrillos Rd for folks to buy lunch. We plan to hang out at the park until about 3:00.
2010 ride
- Albuquerque/Santa Fe residents were welcomed to enjoy the full extent of liberty in our very own WNBR.
Date: Saturday 19 June 2010
Location: ?, Santa fe
2010 was the inaugural WORLD NAKED BIKE RIDE event here in the Land of Enchantment!
19 mostly naked riders rode a 3.55 mile route around old town Santa Fe with a stop and protest on the steps of the New Mexico State Capital. Our purpose was to protest our nations dependency on oil and other non-renewable energy sources as well as promote body freedom and cyclist/pedestrian issues in our automobile clogged roadways. The ride was scheduled to kick off at noon however with all the media interviews and body painting/float assembly, we didn't get going from the South Capital Rail Runner Station until about 12:30 PM.
When we hit the old town plaza, we were surpised to find an outdoor arts and crafts festival going on. The plaza was so jam packed wih people and tourist, we were stopped and asked to walk our bikes around the plaza and so we did. This gave us more "face time" with the spectators in the plaza to share our messages about oil dependency, the BP gulf crisis, body freedom, and cyclists issues. We left the plaza to the sounds of an over-whelming number of people cheering and clapping in support of our ride and messages.
Upon reaching the steps of the capitol building, we were greeted by reporters galore. We spent about 20 minutes speaking with them about our issues before we pushed on to finish the ride. We ended the ride with a picnic lunch at Entrada park across the street from Whole Foods.
Media Coverage
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- 2010 Gonaked (
- 2010 Gonaked (