London get involved
[hide]Getting involved
There are lots of ways you can help to organise or promote the ride. Please contact us by email or via the Contact page on our website - Contact or on Facebook if you are able to help in any way.
Spread the word
Everyone can help to make the next ride even more successful than the last. Put up some posters. Print them as leaflets and distribute them at events. Invite everyone you know on FaceBook. Post about the ride on social media. Tell everyone you can. There are lots of ideas for promoting the ride at the UK Promote page.
Planning meetings
Riders and volunteers are invited to any of the London ride planning meetings. The London ride organising group is a collective, and holds open meetings to make all the key decisions about the ride (and allocate responsibilities). Any rider or supporter is welcome to attend the meetings (and thus be part of the "London ride planning collective"). The meeting agenda can include route/time, negotiations with police, improving the experience for new riders, presswork, and any other matters that people bring to the meeting. Meetings are open to non-London riders who are involved in planning rides in their local area. Press are not welcome at the planning meetings.
Meeting dates and times will be posted on our website. All meetings are currently held remotely by Zoom so you need to contact us to request access.
Get in touch (or just show up at a meeting) if you want to join in the planning the next ride. You can email us at london [at]
The press, radio and TV are fascinated by WNBR. We need riders to explain their personal perspective on the ride in interviews. If you are willing to help out with interviews, please contact londonpress [at] and/or your local ride coordinator or call the Press Office.
On the day
We need people to pass out leaflets at the assembly point and during the ride. If you plan to pass out leaflets on the ride, you need to have a good scheme for carrying the leaflets, so they don't spill out or blow away, but so you still can reach them to pass out. We're going to try to pass out leaflets to the crowd at the assembly point and then during the ride.
Being a volunteer steward, marshal, or first aider
In order to ensure the smooth running of this year's London World Naked Bike Ride, we are asking for volunteer first aiders, stewards, and marshals to look after the welfare of riders. Last year's team did a great job, and we're looking to do even better this year (e.g. more effective, more friendly, more responsive). Everyone is welcome to ride naked, but we do ask people in these volunteer roles to wear armbands so that everyone else can recognize you.
First aiders will deal with any minor injuries and call 999 if appropriate. The main goal is to provide a rapid response and assess the situation. You should have an up to date first aid certificate.
Stewards are on duty before the ride starts (clothed, on foot). During the Assembly, the Stewards will primarily be directing riders into the ride assembly area, and helping the ride to form up for departure. Stewards will enforce the ride's photo policy through polite but firm verbal intervention. We might also invite you to direct the riders at key corners and the finish.
The London Stewarding Guidelines can be read here although they need updating.
The purpose of WNBR marshals is to monitor the safety and wellbeing of riders, and to provide advice and assistance where necessary. Marshals will be a visible presence amongst riders and will help to ensure that participants are safe, that they don't get lost or separated from the main ride and that assistance is available to those who get left behind or have breakdowns.
As a marshal we would like you to:
- Register to be a marshal in advance (if you turn up on the day with an offer to help, there will be limited things you can assist with and it probably won't be an exciting job).
- Attend the test ride, following the route from the relevant start point.
- Arrive at the relevant start point by 1pm on the day of the ride for an additional Ride Briefing.
- Act as a marshal for the event from 1pm until 6pm (very busy from 2pm to 5pm).
- Wear a high-visibility armband that you borrow and return to the Lead Marshal.
Additionally, you will be expected to:
- Be a confident and proficient cyclist
- Be able to follow instructions from the Lead Marshal.
- Be reasonable, responsible and approachable.
- Maintain a courteous and friendly disposition (even under pressure).
- Bring a small rucksack in which to put useful items such as: a puncture repair kit, spare T-shirt, bottle of water, bike pump. (If you have any of these, it would be most appreciated if you could bring them along, if not, we will endeavour to provide them).
- Carry a mobile phone (for use only in emergencies).
In return, you will receive:
- Support, assistance and guidance from the Lead Marshal.
- A warm glow knowing that you’ve helped to make the London WNBR a success!