Byron Bay 2008
[hide]Byron Bay 2008
- Date: Saturday 8 March 2008
- Time: 2pm
- Location: Outside the Travel Centre at the old Railway Station.
Ride reports
Organiser's Report
We had a blast and everyone enjoyed themselves. The townsfolk hooted and hollered and generally totally approved. The police (an inspector, no less) came at the start to warn us, but was very fair and we had quite a laugh. No problems there. There were 15 riders one was 89 years old. We even had a bearded woman.
by Byron Bike Rider,
Byron Bay 2008
- Date: Saturday 8 March 2008
- Time: 2pm
- Location: Outside the Travel Centre at the old Railway Station.
We had a blast and everyone enjoyed themselves. The townsfolk hooted and hollered and generally totally approved. The police (an inspector, no less) came at the start to warn us, but was very fair and we had quite a laugh. No problems there. 15 riders ranging from teenagers to one who was 89 years old enjoyed the ride. There was an even split between guys and gals, one lady was very memorable dressed only in a long string of pearls and a full length red chiffon cloak.
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Byron Bay 2008
Media report
Cycleway issue gets exposure by Mary Mann Northern Star Newspaper 10 Mar 2008
Ride Details
We can meet outside the Travel Centre at the old Railway Station at 2pm on Saturday the 8th of March and move to another location for the body painting.
Byron Bay's first WNBR will be in 2008. Be there and be part of history ! Byron Bike Rider is the initial point of contact. To make WNBR Byron Bay 2008 a success, if you can offer help or ideas, please contact them. People interested in participating or helping Byron Bike Rider organise a WNBR in Byron Bay should join the WNBR Australia Yahoo! group and WNBR Byron Bay Facebook discussion group, try to make contact with others with similar views and demonstrate some initiative. It will happen, and you can be a part of it !
The ride is `bare as you dare' --- we suggest body paint, but you are free to wear as much or as little as you want. Fancy dress, self-decoration and other attention-grabbers are all very much encouraged. See The Art of WNBR for ideas on decorating yourself and your bike as well as lots of other background information. Knowledge is power !
Want to ride naked but aren't sure ? Get down to the local clothes-optional beach and get used to the idea of being nude outdoors and in public. But remember --- it's bare as you dare. You don't have to ride naked if you don't want to.
Make sure your bike is reliable. There will be no back-up team. If your bike lets you down, you're out of the event ! Sorry. Consider getting the fancy puncture-resistant tyres; they're expensive, but might save you on the day. Don't just dig that old boneshaker out of the shed two days before the event and hope it will be alright. It won't. If you don't ride regularly, start now; get to know your machine so that you're not worrying about it during the ride.
Borrow a bike
Are you visiting Byron Bay or do not have a bike for other reasons to participate in the WNBR? The owner of Byron Bay Bicycles has kindly agreed to lend us any bikes we need for the afternoon for free. Byron Bay Bicycles, The Plaza Jonson Street, Telephone (02) 6685 8561.
The laws that are relevant to public nudity in New South Wales are applicable througout the state. For discussion of this topic, please refer to the separate page about New South Wales Laws.
Media enquiries
Contact Byron Bike Rider, the WNBR Byron Bay Organiser.
Publicity: flyers, posters, images etc
These are the current flyer, poster and BIG POSTER to be used for the WNBR Byron Bay 2008 to help promote participation. Please print these and stick them up where people will see them. Why not colour one in and stick it to your refrigerator?
- Return to Byron Bay page.