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WNBR:2008 The Star, 10th June 2008 p12 Article by Tony Belshaw
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2010 Sheffield Naked Bike Ride, was Saturday 19 June 2010

Post-ride Social and Planning Next Year

7.30pm Weds 23rd June, Red Lion 109 Charles Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2ND

If you want to come but can't or you have feedback on what we could do differently please send it to one of our email contact points shown below (the Yahoo email list or the information email address)

A Thankyou Message

Thankyou to everyone who rode with us to make our argument "visible". Despite the unusually chilly day 35 riders participated, which is over double the number of last year! Lets go for 70 next year!

I had a telephone call from the press on Sunday and am advised that there will be an article, with pictures, either in Monday's (TODAY!) Star/Telegraph or Tuesday's.

I'd like to thank some people particularly - some of them I'm referencing rather than naming so as not to make them look "partial" or political. I'd like to thank the following:

The Sargeant from the South Yorkshire Police who met with us three times, dealt with endless emails and phone calls with us, liaised with other Sheffield bodies, contacted other police forces to find out what they do and put together and executed a policing plan which supported our ride on what was for the police a very intensive day.

The four police cyclists who accompanied the ride and controlled the traffic. An excellent job guys, thankyou.

The lady from Sheffield Council Events team who worked with us to schedule and arrange the route and liaised with organisers of other processions so that events didn't clash.

The ladies and gentleman from the Quaker Meeting House who helped us fix up the public meeting for a knock-down price and put up some of our publicity around the town.

The Council Parks Department for permitting us to begin the ride there.

Sean and Tony and others who came from other rides and acted as marshals on the day.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press and the media who published supportive articles and announcements on the radio.

The Green Party for giving me space to speak about the ride there and the members who came on the ride.

The local bike shops for putting up our poster.

My co-organisers Dave and Max for the work they put in organising it all.

Everyone who cheered or clapped or tooted a horn while we rode past them and the guys/gals at the car wash who showed their support with the water spray.

Last but not least - *EVERYONE* who joined in the ride. Long may you cycle in safety. Long may you breathe clean air. Long may we and all species, enjoy this planet.

There will be a social/follow-up on Wednesday but I'll post separately about that.


To find out more about the ride:

General Information

  • Email sheffield AT wnbr DOT org DOT uk
  • or call .......

Announcements only (organisations and interested persons)

  • subscribe to wnbrshefflocal AT googlegroups DOT com (open to anyone, subscribers list is private)
  • Follow us on Twitter

Riders or potential riders

...Alternatively, just turn up and join in, as bare as you dare!

Everybody is welcome, so please come and join in. We hope to have over one hundred naked riders thronging Sheffield's streets in this June's 2010 event.

Please donate to the WNBR UK Fund

The UK World Naked Bike Ride fund meets the cost of insuring rides
across the UK, and provides local organisers with money for
poster/flyer printing, advertising, ride equipment etc.
Please give generously.

Next ride

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click the Edit tab at the top of the page

Date: Saturday 19 June 2010
Time: 10 am
Location: off Rustlings Road in Endcliffe Park, at the Victoria Monument (this area is just off the Ecclesall Road, and south-west of Sheffield city centre

Endcliffe Park (Hunters Bar roundabout entrance)
Rustlings Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S11 7AB

How to get to the Starting Place

If you are coming from the station in Sheffield you might want to use the Sheffield Cycle Map for the city centre. Its available from this link . Using the City Centre Sheet go to the start of Eccleshall Road, which is in the South West Corner of the map. Cycle along Eccleshall road as far as a traffic island where the entrance to the park is at about 11 o'clock. The Victoria Statue is right there. If you get lost, phone ....... and I'll direct you

Register your interest in riding

Let us know on the Yahoo Group or the Facebook Group. If you prefer not to join a group you can let us know on email to sheffield AT wnbr DOT org DOT uk or by phoning or you can let us know on this link.

About the ride

A peaceful, imaginative and fun protest against oil dependency and car culture. A celebration of the bicycle and also a celebration of the power and individuality of the human body. A symbol of the vulnerability of the cyclist in traffic. The world's biggest naked protest: 50+ cities and thousands of riders participate worldwide, including more than 1500 in the UK in 2007

Be prepared

First off, check your bike is in good working order. Bring something to safely carry your clothes in (panniers, rucksack, etc)- this is important as the rides does not finish back at Endcliffe Park. Bring a spare inner tube in case of puncture. Finally, you might want to decorate your bike and body with slogans, and bring bells and whistles!


The first 2008, second 2009, and third 2010, Sheffield World Naked Bike Ride starts in Endcliffe Park at the Victoria Monument (map).

NOTES: Try and avoid gathering near the Endcliffe Park Cafe as this is a family cafe. DO NOT GET COMPLETELY UNDRESSED IN THE PARK - EITHER leave on a minmal amoumt to whip off just outside the gates, or once we're on to Ecclesall Road, or wait for the halt at St Marys Gate Roundabout

WNBR Sheffield 2010 proposed route, version 12

Start Endcliffe Park Hunters Bars Entrance approx 10:30am

  2. Enter roundabout and take 2nd exit – Ecclesall Road
  3. Continue to Roundabout at St Marys Gate
  4. Enter cycle Lane to left
  5. Brief stop to re-group in underpass at centre of roundabout
  6. Exit Roundabout onto Moore Street
  7. Right onto FitzWilliam St
  8. Right onto Devonshire Street
  9. Straight on into Division Street
  10. Follow road right onto Cambridge Street
  11. Right onto Wellington Street
  12. Left onto Carver Street
  13. Left onto Furnival Gate
  14. Left onto Pinstone Street
  15. Left onto Cambridge Street – follow round to right - Charles Street
  16. right onto Pinstone Street
  17. At T Junction right onto Furnival Gate
  18. At Rounabout left(1st exit) onto Charter Row
  19. Left onto William Street
  20. Continue into Cumberland st
  21. Left onto Eyre Street
  22. Right onto Jessop Street
  23. Left onto Slyvester St
  24. Left onto Arundel St
  25. Right onto Matilda St
  26. Turn left onto Shoreham Street
  27. Continue past Railway station to Park Square
  28. Follow cycle lane left onto Commercial Street
  29. Right onto Market Place continue down Angel Street
  30. Right onto Castle Street
  31. Right onto Haymarket
  32. Straight on Fitzalen Sq
  33. Left onto Flat Street
  34. Straight on - Pond Street
  35. Right up Howard Street - once dark grey paving stops follow red cycle path right
  36. Brief stop to regroup
  37. Right onto Arundel Gate using light controlled crossing
  38. Left onto High St Street (becomes Church Street)
  39. Straight on - West Street
  40. Straight across Hanover Way onto Glossop Road
  41. Take left-hand fork onto Clarkhouse Road
  42. Follow Road onto Brocco Bank
  43. At Hunters Bar turn left onto Ecclesall Road
  44. Continue on Ecclesall road to Roundabout on St. Marys Gate
  45. Stop in underpass at centre of Roundabout, dress and disperse

(We encourage riders to then go to the bike festival on Devonshire Green nearby)

(Many thanks to David for planning this route)

Bike hire

Bikes can be hired from several places in Sheffield, but we'll try to list some recommended hire locations shortly.


In 2010 Dave, Andy and Max are working together to plan the event. Its is open to anyone to join in and help us and we do need volunteers. Whether you can do a little or a lot your help is very welcome. Jobs that need doing include designing publicity materials, contacting particular organisations, distributing leaflets, emailing people and a million small things. We usually meet to plan stuff in the Fat Cat but anything can be arranged. If you'd like to help please contact one of us by any of the means described above.


The Sheffield ride publicity materials will be provided here for download and distribution.


For the 2009 ride, some A4 posters have been printed. If more are needed, a PDF file can be downloaded from

for printing locally.



Saturday 13 June 2009, 10am-3pm (18 naked riders, including 2 women)

Ride report:

The second Sheffield ride had 18 participants on Saturday 13th June 2009. The ride brought cheer and smiles to bystanders as we passed by, with no reported hecklers. Furthermore, the park authorities seemed quite supportive in their lack of intervention.

We met at 10am inside the gates of Endcliffe Park under the gaze of the Queen Victoria statue, which serves as an eye-catching landmark for folk to gather beneath. After an hour of sunbathing and chatting, whilst awaiting later arrivals, we set off at 11:05am. The ride took about an hour and ten minutes and we therefore cycled back into Endcliffe Park at about 12:15pm.

There were 18 naked riders which was down from last year's 27 participants, although the weather was just as nice and sunny with a warm gentle breeze. The golden sunshine and clear blue skies, made it a wonderful day for everbody. This year, as it was our second annual ride, we were hoping for around one hundred naked riders. However, as the London WNBR was held in the afternoon, this may have lowered the turn out as folk thronged to the London ride which had over one thousand riders. On the upside, there were two naked ladies who took part in the ride, which was better than last year as there were none at all. A third lady, accompanying her naked brother, chose to ride fully clothed.

The only unfortunate incident was when a very unhappy police officer stopped the ride on Arundel Gate as we attempted to turn left on to Norfolk Street and ride up into the city centre. We were held up for several minutes whilst ride organiser Nick Oodian explained the purpose of the ride and gave him the police reference for our political protest. The police officer seemed none too happy that we had been previously authorised and redirected us away from the pre-planned city centre route. This inconvenience caused us to miss the onlook of the high density pedestrian areas around the Town Hall and Peace Gardens. Full marks go to Nick for his diplomatic skills in placating the irate officer and allowing the ride to continue, albeit on an alternative route. The police officer returned to his police car, and we rode away continuing down Arundel Gate.

Back at Endcliffe Park a professional photographer was present and courteously asked folk for their permission to photograph them naked with their bicycles and he also undertook audio recorded interviews with some of the riders. Max Pratt suggested to the photographer that a group photo of everyone would be a good idea, at this suggestion the photographer asked Nick Oodian about it, whereupon everybody gathered in a line with the trees as the backdrop. With out doubt a great day was had by everybody!

Dave, Max, and Andy have formed a working group to start planning for next year's ride in June 2010.

If you want to help, please get in touch.... 0797 252 0910 [email protected]


Sunday 8 June 2008, 2-5pm (29 naked riders, all male)

Ride report: The first ever Sheffield ride had 27 participants on Sunday 8 June 2008. The response was generally positive (just one heckler called out during the ride). Happily, both the park authorities and Police were OK with the ride. It was a great and surreal experience. A number of the ride participants now plan to work together to make Sheffield WNBR 2008 a success (with hopefully 2 or 3 times the number of riders).

Media coverage



WNBR Sheffield 2008: Max Pratt waves at photographer. Photo scanned from The Star, 10 June 2008, page 12. Accompanying article by Tony Belshaw
WNBR Sheffield 2008: The Star, page 12, 10 June 2008. Article by Tony Belshaw




Nearby rides

Discussion group/s

Join the WNBR UK list if you plan to ride and want to receive important updates or share in general UK ride planning.

  • WNBR UK – Yahoo! discussion group for all UK rides

Related links

  • Bike Week - The Sheffield ride takes place at the time of the UK's annual 'celebration of cycling' but it hasn't been officially registered yet

Location information
