Los Angeles
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Date: Join us Saturday 16 June 2012
Time: 2:30pm (depart)
Location: Echo Park (exact address tba, contact us!) in Los Angeles, California
Ride Details
2013 UPDATE!!! - next ride is SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2013
STARTING LOCATION: Echo Park (contact organizer for address)
START/DEPARTURE TIME: 2:30PM - -Come early, don't get left behind!
ROUTE: *contact us for a Google maps link -- we will send out a finalized route the night before the ride. The route is 10-13 miles, contains mild hills, a few of which are extended inclines. Our test rides taken at a very mild pace clocked in at about an hour and a half. We've designed this route for safety, tasteful exposure to modern and classic LA landmarks, and for accessibility -- nobody will be left behind. Ride will finish very close to where it starts.
PRE-RIDE: 12PM body/bike decoration at private location --> contact us!
POST-RIDE: After party planning in discussion. There is no definite plan as of yet.
GET INVOLVED --> if you want to help promote the ride, organize body/bike art, help with the after party, or help administer the ride CONTACT US ASAP: michael@naturistfamilies.org
If you are an organizer already, please add your email address to this page.
WE NEED RIDE LEADERS/STEWARDS to help us manage intersections and be a confident presence for less experienced riders. I know you're out there!
For more information please check out our Facebook page (link below).
If you have facebook safe images that you would like to share of any of the LA rides, please message us ON facebook and we will make that possible. PLEASE do not use this event as a method of promoting a club, website or organization that requires a membership.
http://www.facebook.com/WNBRLA http://worldnakedbikeride-la.org/