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Home > List of rides > UK > York  •  Google this ride!

The York World Naked Bike Ride is a protest against oil dependency and car culture. It is equally a celebration of the bike and the human body.

The York WNBR is part of Bike Week 2012 (16-24 June).

Team Green Britain Bike Week, 18-26 June 2011

Please donate to the WNBR UK Fund

The UK World Naked Bike Ride fund meets the cost of insuring rides
across the UK, and provides local organisers with money for
poster/flyer printing, advertising, ride equipment etc.
Please give generously.

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Date: 2 JUNE 2012.
Time: Shortly after 4 pm
Location: Assembly/departure point: 50 metres South-East of Millennium Bridge - that's on the Fulford side of the river.

Route and schedule

The 2012 Ride will take us in new directions, although the central portion of the route should be familiar. The total route distance is expected to be about 6 miles of easy cycling.

As always, everyone is encouraged to go "as bare as they dare" and please don't forget to affix/paint signs on your bike and/or body to indicate the reason why you are riding.

Advantages of the York route: The York route is mostly flat with minimal car traffic. It starts close to the rail and bus stations and there are cycle-hire facilities a short cycle distance from the start. The route passes various landmarks of York including the Minster, historic Bars (city gates), and the iconic Clifford's Tower. It passes down medieval cobbled streets, traverses bridges both ancient and new, and glides along the banks of the scenic River Ouse, usually to the accompaniment of some great music. Because of the surfaces we discourage runners and skaters as it is difficult for them to keep up, so bikes, trikes, tandems and experienced unicyclists only please! Is anyone planning the ride again in July?

Advice for Riders

This is common-sense practical advice about preparing for and being safe on the ride. Written by cyclists for cyclists and revised every year. You can download a copy of last year's Advice here 2012 will be available shortly - please read carefully before coming on the ride.

Publicity: Flyers and Posters

A flyer/poster for 2012 is now available: [1]

You can print the poster in colour on white paper or black and white on coloured paper. Please try and place in a prominent position in your local community centre, college, bike shop etc and circulate amongst your cycling friends and fellow activists.

Riders are encouraged to distribute flyers among their friends, fellow cyclists, at their college, community group, workplace etc. Laminated versions can even be displayed at key locations outside, e.g. attached to lamposts along cycle paths. With a little ingenuity flyers can also be attached to bikes. When organising leaflet distribution we are often on the look-out for a place where we can leave flyers for people to collect (with a person or business in York perhaps). If you know of a business that might be up for this, please ask them to ring 0798 116 1591 or write to york [at] worldnakedbikeride [dot] org.

If you would like to donate some art-work for future York WNBR events, please get in touch.

Bike hire

Bikes can be hired from the following places:

Bob Trotter Cycles 13-15 Lord Mayors Walk, York, YO31 7HB, T: 01904 622868
City centre cycle hire store just outside the city walls, a short stroll from York Minster. Adult bike half-day hire for £13. Tandems also available.

Get Cycling is a company based at 22 Hospital Fields Road, YO10 4DZ, between Fulford Road and Millennium Bridge. Phone 01904 636812. WNBR participants, or anybody going in and saying the magic words 'World Naked Bike Ride' gets 10% off the prices listed here. They offer a bike helmet and lock, and to guarantee a bike, pre booking is essential. They are open 8.30 til 6 on Saturday and 10 til 4 on Sunday. Bikes may be hired one day and returned the next. The best thing is that they are VERY close to the start of the ride.

Meetings and events

Ride planning takes place online at the WNBR York Yahoo! group, and at York planning meetings.

Planning meetings for 2012 will be advertised here. Please check this space regularly. In 2011 we frequently used the Seahorse Hotel, Fawcett Street (near York Barbican Centre) and may well do so again.


Films available:

The World Naked Bike Ride - “All over the ride people are stripping off and getting on their bikes” (The story of the ground-breaking 2005 London ride, narrated by Jon Snow)

Indecent Exposure to Cars - “I see painted naked people on bicycles” (Directed by Conrad Schmidt, Ragtag productions 2007). A light-hearted slightly corny take on the origins of the WNBR movement.

York World Naked Bike 2008 - see Souvenir DVD below.

No film evenings are currently planned, but if you'd like to host a screening of any of the above films, please get in touch with Tony at: york [at] worldnakedbikeride [dot] org or ring 0798 116 1591.

York Critical Mass
Used to meet on the first Friday of every month, 5.30 pm at the west end of the Minster. Check out York Indymedia and the Facebook group "People who ride bikes in York".

York Green Festival 2011
Details to follow or you can have a look at their Facebook group from last year

Previous Rides

The attempts of a lone motorist to block the naked traffic on Micklegate prove futile, York WNBR 2011. Photo © Toniminou


The 4 June ride went the opposite way around our usual circuit and started and ended in the middle (it that makes sense!) at the gleaming Millennium Bridge. The weather was a little warmer than last year, but a few more degrees would have helped keep the chill off when we were stationary at some of those really slow-phased traffic lights. Although there was a lower turn-out than last year, the good humour, colourful body-paint and decorated bikes of many of our riders more than made up for it.

We cycled a pleasant route over Millennium Bridge and along Terry Avenue into town. It took several goes to get through the junction of Skeldergate and Bridge Street before we took on the late Saturday-afternoon crowds in Coney Street. We triumphantly passed by the Minster and veered southwards down Petergate and onto Pavement and Coppergate. Once again we called in at Cliffords Tower and did the obligatory circular round the eye of York, before retracing our tyre tracks back towards Ousebridge. We bumped merrily up the steep cobbles of Micklegate.

Another long wait at the Bar (city gate), then we regrouped on Blossom Street and descended to the Knavesmire. We had a brief stop at Ruby’s Crossroads to remember both Ruby and all other cyclists killed on UK roads in recent years, before finally rejoining the riverside path and returning to the Bridge whence we came.


The late afternoon of June 19th was the occasion for the chilliest of our naked bike rides. Nevertheless about 100 riders bared their shivering bodies in a great show of support for an oil-free green future. We processed through the ancient city streets of Petergate, Parliament Street and Coppergate. We rode round the circle below Cliffords Tower and crossed to St George's Field to join the riverside path. Once over the still-shiny Millennium Bridge we called in at the Racecourse where two minutes silence were observed in memory of a young cyclist who was killed there in 2008. The return leg took us via the Mount and a busy Blossom Street and thence under Micklegate Bar and back into the City once more. Our own experienced stewards did their very best to manage ride safety, with scarcely any help from the police. By the time we got to Museum Gardens we were quite glad to get our clothes on once more!


"Bike Pride" was truly in evidence in York on June 12th. We had 100 riders counted on Parliament Street, and the feeling on the ride was great! The new extension offered an interesting peek at Clifton for the out of town folk, and a relaxing start to the ride. The folks in York were typically surprised, bemused, delighted, shocked, nonchalant, and impressed. And once again we took some of the key attractions of the historic city, Lendal Bridge, the Minster, Clifford's Tower, plus the more recent Millennium Cycle Bridge.

World Naked Bike Pride? Petergate, York 2009. Photo © Toniminou

The York Press was present as was a crew from Yorkshire TV's Calendar programme. Apparently, before we finished the ride, the people of Yorkshire knew all about it via their evening televisions.

After an excellent pro-cycling send-off speech - and blast on the air horn - from Green city councillor Dave Taylor, we all set off via Marygate, emerging onto Bootham where we became the main outbound traffic. We had lots of elaborately decorated bikes and beautifully painted and decorated bodies riding them! The police were happy to assist us at junctions and were in a good mood about the whole thing.

A number of riders had the words "Less Gas More Ass" on their backs in memory of Jonathan Brooke who sadly passed away in 2008 and to whom this ride was dedicated. He had participated in all three previous York rides. He loved the ride, and his relaxed, friendly, and enthusiastic nature was a delight to fellow riders.

We were fortunate to have the company on this ride of the UK's oldest rider: Margaret or 'Gran' who rode the entire route in good spirits at the spritely age of 87. While she found the London ride in 2005 too cold to ride in the nude, she managed the rides in London 2006 and York 2009 with the clothes she was born with.

What a great ride! I look forward to 2010!

(Report by Jesse and Tony)


There were 90 riders (89 people and one dog in a trailer), and the atmosphere was excellent. We were warmly received throughout York, and initial responses suggest that the new route variation was popular.

At the assembly point there was some hectic last minute body-painting and interviews with the media then we all relocated to the Esplanade for the official ride opening. Local campaigner Randall Ghent from the World Carfree Network opened the proceedings with a rousing send-off speech and three toots on an air-horn. The ribbon was cut and off we rode to the tune of “Bare Necessities”.

WNBR York 2008: Riders crossing the Millennium Bridge. Photo © Johnathan Carey

Proceeding over Lendal Bridge towards the Minster there were some fine shots to be had of naked cyclists against the sunlit backdrop of the cathedral’s west front. We rode down historic Petergate, Colliergate, across to Fossgate and up over the little cobbled bridge than spans the river Foss. Along George Street we gave a passing nod to the last resting place of highwayman Dick Turpin, then it was through Fishergate Bar and down to join the banks of the Ouse. Many had turned out to watch and applaud us as we went over Millennium Bridge and headed northwards once more to rejoin the city walls at Skeldergate. We meandered through some quiet streets and found ourselves on historic Micklegate – and more cobbles! Ousebridge was full of traffic as usual though at least half of it this time consisted of our naked selves. On Coney Street there were throngs of people cheering us on the home run. Finally a bevy of photographers - with very little help from the police – kindly blocked the traffic for us as we crossed to finish our ride in Museum Gardens.

There was lots of noise and happy faces on that day, bikes of all descriptions and some really artistic body-painting. Nearly everyone had a message either on their body or attached to their bike. One way or another we certainly demonstrated that biking it is better.

Planning collective

The York Planning Collective consists of a group of local cyclists working together in a co-operative way to a single end. Some of us are based in York itself, some live in the surrounding towns and villages. We still need more volunteers to get involved - that could be YOU!

Here's what the Collective does:

  • answers people's questions with care and consideration
  • keeps track of who is doing what, and how far through things people are
  • deals with problems and follow the discussions at the national level
  • provides email updates to let people know what's going on
  • points out where and when help is needed
  • acts as a contact point for general enquiries (email and mobile phone)
  • maintains contact information (and keeps it secure)

Additional responsibilities for the coordinator of one of the Collective members:

  • arranges meetings, compile agendas, provide minutes
  • ensures that the Collective remains non-hierarchical but organised
  • moderates an email list for York ride planning

Media coverage








  • Flickr search: "york naked bike ride" ranked by most recent
    It's recommended that you tag photos you upload with york, worldnakedbikeride and WNBR, plus the year (eg: 2008). It may not be possible to avoid finding pictures of WNBR New York (USA), but at least it'll be easier to find WNBR York photos for a given year. Please remember, WNBR York is part of a global movement and not just a quaint local tradition! Please update your tags!






  • Souvenir DVD: 24-minute DVD of the 2008 York ride. Please write to york [at] worldnakedbikeride [dot] org for further details. The DVD costs £10 (includes postage and packing), payable by cash or cheque. Virtually all participants are included in the DVD. Video is a souvenir or memento for participants, their families and friends. It is only offered for sale on this site.


Photography policy

The York Ride broadly follows the spirit of the London Photography and Filming Policy. For exact details of the York policy please email york [at] worldnakedbikeride [dot] org.



Nearby rides

  • Sheffield - where our close neighbours live, and where we hope to also ride this year.

Discussion group/s

Join the WNBR UK list if you plan to ride and want to receive important updates or share in general UK ride planning.

  • WNBR UK – Yahoo! discussion group for all UK rides
  • WNBR YORK – Yahoo! discussion group for planning the York ride.

Related links

  • Bike Week - The York ride is a registered event in this annual 'celebration of cycling'!

Location information
