Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 14:19, 17 November 2011 Reeves (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Robin Hood Memorial.jpg (Image by Olaf1541 "The Robin Hood Memorial in Nottingham near the castle" picture taken by me in 2001 I license it to GNU-FDL)
- 01:13, 12 November 2011 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:QR www.wnbr.nl.m.png (*QR-code http://www.wnbr.nl/m/ *Created with http://keremerkan.net/qr-code-and-2d-code-generator/ Category:Files )
- 10:50, 7 November 2011 Nsayers (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Perth 2012-Photoshop-SaveForWeb.jpg (Testing testing 1, 2, 3...)
- 09:54, 6 November 2011 Marte Kinder (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Perth 2012.JPG ('''WNBR Perth 2012 Promotional Flyer'''<br> The photograph of the young man on a scooter was taken during the WNBR Nudecastle on 13th of February 2005. This ride was the first photographed WNBR in Australia. It was the first WNBR verified to have occurred)
- 09:38, 6 November 2011 Marte Kinder (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Scooter for Perth 2012.JPG ('''WNBR Perth 2012 Promomotion'''<br> The photograph of the young man on a scooter was taken during the WNBR Nudecastle on 13th of February 2005. This ride was the first photographed WNBR in Australia. It was the first WNBR verified to have occurred in Au)
- 04:32, 6 November 2011 Marte Kinder (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Scooter for Perth 2012.JPG (© [http://www.secondsightphotography.com.au/ Second Sight Photography] and © Marte Kinder for Artwork )
- 04:07, 6 November 2011 Marte Kinder (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Scooter for Perth 2012.JPG
- 04:01, 6 November 2011 Marte Kinder (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Scooter for Perth 2012.JPG ('''WNBR Perth Australia 2010 Promo Flyer'''<br> The photograph of the young man on a scooter was taken during the WNBR Nudecastle on 13th of February 2005. This ride was the first photographed WNBR in Australia. It was the first WNBR verified to have occu)
- 04:53, 13 September 2011 Jwheelr 2000 (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Folsom wnbr 2011 map.jpg
- 04:19, 13 September 2011 Jwheelr 2000 (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Folsom wnbr.jpg
- 19:55, 7 August 2011 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Post it Flyer.PNG
- 19:54, 7 August 2011 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Business updated1.PNG
- 19:52, 7 August 2011 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Business updated1.PNG
- 16:46, 3 August 2011 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Starting Area.png
- 16:44, 3 August 2011 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Starting Area.png
- 22:54, 28 July 2011 Robjordan (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Peter Elliott IMG 3845 edit.jpg (Southampton Naked Bike Ride 2011)
- 18:50, 24 July 2011 D (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBRseattleWiki rainbow1.jpg (QR code for WNBR Seattle wiki website. Design by DLJ, July 2011.)
- 18:03, 24 July 2011 D (talk | contribs) uploaded File:2011NightRide-03.jpg (WNBR Seattle Night Ride 2011 updated promo image)
- 23:36, 19 July 2011 Toniminou (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SDC11186A.JPG (The attempts of a lone motorist to block the naked traffic on Micklegate prove futile.)
- 01:53, 6 July 2011 D (talk | contribs) uploaded File:CriticalAss05.jpg (CmAss image 2011)
- 01:52, 6 July 2011 D (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Header2.jpg (WNBR Seattle 2011 image by Daniel Johnson. Photo by Marc Martin)
- 01:50, 6 July 2011 D (talk | contribs) uploaded File:2011NightRide-02.jpg (WNBR Seattle Night Ride 2011 flyer by Daniel Johnson)
- 23:23, 29 June 2011 Madisonnakedbikeride (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Routemap 2011.pdf
- 23:22, 29 June 2011 Madisonnakedbikeride (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Press release 2011.pdf
- 21:25, 29 June 2011 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR Amsterdam 2011 03.jpg ({{Information |Description=WNBR Amsterdam, 11 juni 2011, Park Frankendael (IM014758.JPG) |Source=Own work |Date=11 June 2011 |Author=Erik Baas |Permission=All rights reserved |other_versions= |lat= |lon= }} Category:Images 2011 )
- 21:22, 29 June 2011 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR Amsterdam 2011 02.jpg ({{Information |Description=WNBR Amsterdam, 11 juni 2011, onderweg door Amsterdam (IM014789.JPG) |Source=Own work |Date=11 June 2011 |Author=Erik Baas |Permission=All rights reserved |other_versions= |lat= |lon= }} Category:Images 2011 )
- 17:02, 21 June 2011 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Starting Area.png (Starting area for the first annual WNBR Lexington.)
- 12:08, 21 June 2011 JamesAZaun (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR 2011 06 11 160156 5MB AL.jpg (Group photo at SF City Hall [Courtesy of Foto Rebel XT. Some rights reserved, CC-BY-SA 3.0])
- 22:26, 20 June 2011 Jendole (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR-Montpelier-Vermont-USA-2011.jpg (Naked bicycle riders at the Statehouse in Montpelier, Vermont, USA: June 2011.)
- 14:52, 19 June 2011 Rich J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Picture 42.png
- 14:09, 18 June 2011 Rich J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Nbr.jpg
- 14:06, 18 June 2011 Rich J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Nbr.jpg
- 13:59, 18 June 2011 Rich J (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Nbr.jpg
- 04:02, 18 June 2011 Rich J (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Nbr.jpg
- 15:21, 15 June 2011 Bernardboase (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bernard Piccadilly 2007.jpg (Bernard in Piccadilly on London WNBR 2007)
- 21:19, 12 June 2011 Jendole (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR-Montpelier-VT-2011.jpg (Naked bike riders at the Statehouse in Montpelier Vermont USA, June 2011.)
- 20:19, 11 June 2011 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR Amsterdam 2011 01.jpg ({{Information |Description=WNBR Amsterdam, 11 juni 2011, het (traditionele) fotomoment op de Magere Brug. |Source=Own work |Date=11 June 2011 |Author=Erik Baas |Permission=All rights reserved |other_versions= |lat= |lon= }} Category:Images 2011)
- 19:28, 10 June 2011 Wnbrnyc (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Picture 41.png (WNBR NYC 6/11/11 Final Flyer top)
- 19:21, 10 June 2011 Wnbrnyc (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Picture 42.png (East River Park at Delancey Start point for WNBR NYC 6/11/11)
- 19:05, 10 June 2011 Bernardboase (talk | contribs) uploaded File:2011 London Route.pdf (Final published route for London 2011)
- 14:13, 10 June 2011 JamesAZaun (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SF WNBR Route Map 2011 06 A.jpg (Small route change around Fisherman's Wharf)
- 14:11, 10 June 2011 JamesAZaun (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SF WNBR Route Map 2011 06 web.pdf (Small route change around Fisherman's Wharf)
- 14:09, 10 June 2011 JamesAZaun (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SF WNBR Turn Sheets 2011 06.pdf (Minor correction on the social gathering call out. Thanks to George Davis for pointing this out.)
- 23:07, 9 June 2011 Bernardboase (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Slogans large.pdf (SOMEBODY (not SOMEONE) in Kristin's slogans)
- 21:11, 9 June 2011 Matthew (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Skinny Dip Logo.jpg
- 20:53, 9 June 2011 Matthew (talk | contribs) uploaded File:A6 skinny dip leaflet 2011 4up on A4.pdf
- 20:51, 9 June 2011 Matthew (talk | contribs) uploaded File:A4 skinny dip leaflet 2011.pdf
- 20:44, 9 June 2011 Matthew (talk | contribs) uploaded File:A4 skinny dip leaflet 2011 (mini version).JPG
- 18:59, 9 June 2011 Bernardboase (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Slogans large.pdf (Added Kristin's "SOMEBODY'S KID" style messages)
- 15:31, 9 June 2011 Sunkini (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Nom fichier image.jpg (Flyer du Mouvement Cyclonudiste)