London ride

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Home > List of rides > United Kingdom > London > London ride •  Google London ride WNBR

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Date: Saturday 14 June 2014
Time: Depends on start point
Location: Various

Start points

There are 6 start points for this year's ride:

Here's a topological map (similar to a tube map) showing how they fit together:

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3 of the start points which are north of the river (Marble Arch, Regents Park, and Kings Cross) will all merge together near Piccadilly Circus/Haymarket. The 2 start points which are south of the river (Clapham Junction and West Norwood) will merge together at Vauxhall Bridge. Everyone (including Tower Hill) will then merge together on Westminster Bridge, then do the rest of the route in a huge group together.

Here's a geographical map, using the same colours for each leg of the route:

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NB The exact departure times may change on the day, depending on how many people go to each start point. However, they won't be any earlier than the assembly times listed here.

Things to Know

Wear clothes before and after the ride

Do not undress until just before the protest moves off, as this will undermine our positive relationship with the authorities. There is no law against nudity in Britain, but please don't exercise your right to nudity in London before the ride, as it will impact on our ability to make arrangements with police. Feel free to undress in the UK at any other time of the year, as this will not have any impact on the WNBR.

Some more information about the photography policy can be found here: UK FAQ

Assembly area

You can assemble at one of the start points before the actual start time; see above for exact times at different lcoations. You can stay dressed as long as you want, but don't get undressed more than five minutes before the advertised start time, or as otherwise directed. If you turn up too early, Stewards will ask you to leave and return at the proper time. See the section below to read why. Be prepared to form up ready for departure at about five minutes before departure. The protest will start at different times at different locations - see details above.

Body Painting

This varies depending on the start point. Please consult the relevant page for specific information.


Arranging the route for the WNBR requires negotiation with multiple authorities, working around other events, some of which are planned well in advance and others which occur on very short notice. The WNBR isn't the London Marathon and can't agree roads being closed months in advance. We try and ensure the route goes past many of the London landmarks where it will be seen by people on the streets. This helps to promote the goals of the protest ride whilst letting you see London whilst doing something a little bit different. We do try to announce the route beforehand, but sometimes it is difficult to do so without having to change it at the last minute. This is why the route isn't always available beforehand and may even change on the day at the discretion of the lead marshal.

After the five rides come together, the plan is to follow a route similar to 2011 (a circular 9 mile (14km) route of mostly flat cycling). The 2013 route should see you passing the London landmarks of Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, Parliament, London Eye, Royal Courts of Justice, Ludgate, St Paul's Cathedral, Covent Garden, The Mall and Wellington Arch.

The proposed route is on here, though it turns out we can't use the whole length of The Mall this year, so we will make a detour via Marlborough Road back via Piccadilly. The list of streets and collation points (for pauses to let back-markers catch up) can be seen here.

It's a really good idea to take your clothes with you on the ride. Make sure they are secured though. You don't want to be the person who lost their clothes on the ride or the one whose friends decided the ride was taking too long, they had better things to do and went home with your clothes.

Even though the route will be circular, there is no plan to provide secure storage while we are doing the ride.

Ride length

About 9 miles plus a variable start leg depending on where you begin. Very few hills. An easy, leisurely ride! In 2011 it took 2.5 hours and we still managed to lose people at traffic lights.


The finish is at Wellington Arch. When you arrive at the end of the ride, congratulate yourself and fellow riders on staging a successful protest. The finish area will not be a venue for prolonged naked socialising. So when you've found your friends, taken your photographs and celebrated the highlights of the ride, please get dressed and move on to continue your celebrations elsewhere. In particular, please note that playing games, such as Frisbee or ball games, in the finish area is not allowed.

The dispersal will commence as soon as the ride finishes. People will be asked by Stewards to leave the roadway, dress and depart immediately.


Get dressed before you leave the finish area. If you decide to move into surrounding areas, please show consideration for others. Remember that any misbehaviour that is associated with WNBR riders may jeopardise our ability to continue assembling anywhere in London in future years.

After Ride Celebration

At this time there are no official after ride parties planned. Anyone arranging gatherings elsewhere or parties in the evening is not affiliated with the World Naked Bike Ride.