Black Rock City
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Date: Wednesday 30 August 2006
Time: 11am
Location: The Man
There were over 200 participants last year (2005) and we expect it to be even bigger this year since word of mouth has been very good. It'll be listed in the playa calendar at the Burning Man website, and fliers will be posted at Playa Info. Consult your "What-Where-When" once you get to the playa or stop by La Dolce Vita and ask for Dale. Or just show up at the Man at 11am on Wednesday 30 August 2006. Once you get to the big crowd of naked people, you're there.
In 2005 we coordinated with several theme camps so that we could have drink stops along the route. That was incredibly popular so we'll definitely be doing that again. Incidentally, thanks to Japanorama, Our Lady of Schlong, and Whiskey & Whores.
Please let me know [how?!] if you need any further information, or if your camp would be interested in hosting a watering stop (we'll provide the drinks, ice and supplies if you provide the bartenders). Hey, what would Burning Man be without two or three hundred naked people dropping by your camp for a cocktail?
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