
From World Naked Bike Ride
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Home > List of rides > UK > Manchester  •  Google this ride!

Join us on Friday 12 June 2015 for Manchester's 9th annual ride!

The best Northern exposure of the year!

A ride to promote safer cycling and body acceptance in Manchester.

Welcome to the Manchester Naked Bike Ride official web pages.

Please join us or help with this year's ride (2015). Check out our offical Facebook group: For all info about this year's ride join our Facebook event:

Some photos to help you decide.

Questions? Contact the administrators on the Facebook page.

The Manchester WNBR is part of Team Green Britain Bike Week (13-20 June 2014).

Team Green Britain Bike Week, 18-26 June 2011

Please donate to the WNBR UK Fund

The UK World Naked Bike Ride fund meets the cost of insuring rides
across the UK, and provides local organisers with money for
poster/flyer printing, advertising, ride equipment etc.
Please give generously.

Next ride

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Date: Fri 12th June 2015
Time: 6pm for 7pm
Location: All Saints Park, Cavendish St (off Oxford Road near MMU) M15 6BH.

Ride details


The ride will probably take about an hour. Meet at 6pm and set off at 7pm or just after.

Dress code

Police have OK'd the ride, so be ready to ride as bare as you dare. If you want to go for some kind of costume really go to town, colourful and eye-catching. Be imaginative and creative. It's a lot of fun, the people of Manchester loved us last 5 years.


Manchester prefers riders rather than photographers. If you want to photograph people before or after the ride ASK THEM. If they say no then don't, if they say yes go ahead. Simples!


All Saints Park is on the Western Side of Oxford Rd (A34) between the Mancunian Way overpass and Cavendish Street (the next traffic lights as you head south). Enter from Oxford Road or Cavendish Street [1]

Publicise the ride

Please help get the word out about this ride. Circulate leaflets. These may be available for collection from a central Manchester location (TBC) or get in touch with xxxx (details above). We'll put a downloadable version here shortly.


For the 2009 ride, some A4 posters have been printed. If more are needed, a PDF file can be downloaded from

for printing locally.

Get involved

If you want to get more actively involved in the ride, please join the Facebook group, WNBR Manchester or the event page-

Our Facebook group The 2013 event

Ride reports


It keeps getting better and better, and 2010 was the best year yet. Not only did we have 100 naked cyclists, we even had a unicyclist and a rollerblader! Special thanks go to our volunteer marshals and Greater Manchester Police, who looked after us and escorted us beautifully. We even got a report in the MEN [2]


The weather was perfect, the riders were exceptional and the starting point was lovely. We rode in joy and fun and lots of noise for almost the whole route and the crowds loved us. It all went a bit pear-shaped on Portland Street when some well-intentioned but sadly ill-informed constabulary stopped the ride and tried to make us get dressed. We undressed around the corner anyway, and we did get a lot of wonderful media coverage. The police later apologised in writing as the ride had been OK'd by them previously. They agreed to accompany the Ride in future as they do at Naked Rides in other cities, so there will be no problems next year.”


Well ....despite pretty nipply weather that gave some of us the willies, we still managed to have a great night cycling naked around our lovely city. Thankfully it didn't rain.

We've had lots of attention from the press again with a great report from Granada Look out for an article in Manchester evening news and a couple of other local papers, plus lots of radio coverage. It was great to have people travel all the way from Liverpool, Bolton, Blackburn and of course the riders from the York ride, we even had a runner who had come all the way from Belgium!

From applause on Canal Street, to teenagers running in excited fear, I think we all deserve a city wide cheer. Well done to all those who took part, it was a great atmosphere and I'm happy to say on final count we estimated there were about 80+ of us.


Well the 2007 World Naked Bike Ride in Manchester was amazing! We had 55 brave riders join us for another hot evening cycling the streets of Manchester. The crowds cheered and photographed us and even posted videos on you tube for all to admire. We attracted a lot of interest with radio stations, the BBC, Granada, Channel M, Manchester Evening News and a nudist publication, not to mention all sorts of indie-media.

We saw the sights passing through the infamous Canal Street, our favourite and most popular hot spot! Waved our flags to the BBC, freewheeled along Oxford road to cheers of delight at Kro Bar, then down to Deansgate Locks for some celebrity support at the 'posh bars', along Deansgate past many a shocked and admiring face, tooting cars all the way, then up to the Town Hall for a moment of cobbled wobbles when we crossed Albert Square, with the breeze on our backs (among other things!) we were free to ride, with police by our side. Ringing our bells through Piccadilly Gardens, we finished with a standing ovation, before returning to our original location. We wished we could stay all naked and free, hoped that onlookers were able to see, our messages painted on backs and on bums, our hearts were still beating like happy green drums!

Media coverage










General links




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  • Manchester This page (official site)
  • WNBR United Kingdom (This page has FAQ info and links to the other UK rides)
  • I BIKE MCR - An amazing annual cycling festival and diverse events and rides in Manchester throughout the year. I Bike MCR seeks to promote cycling as a form of transport and as something fun.

Discussion group/s

See also United Kingdom page

Location information
