
From World Naked Bike Ride
Revision as of 07:37, 23 January 2010 by SomeHuman (talk | contribs) (Upon hovering over language indicators: Show also the name in English behind the indicated language that [more] closely corresponds to its abbreviation, explaining the lattter). Note for ISO 639.)
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EN: This article is a stub. Please help to expand it.

DE: Dieser Artikel ist unvollständig. Hilf bitte mit, ihn zu komplettieren.
ES: Este artículo es un esbozo. Puedes ayudar si lo expandes.
FR: Cet article est une ébauche. Veuillez aider à l'améliorer, s.v.p.
IT: Questo articolo è un abbozzo. Puoi contribuire, se ti va, espandendolo.
NL: Dit artikel is onafgewerkt. Help mee het te vervolledigen, a.u.b.
PT: Este artigo é um esboço. Você pode ajudar expandindo-o.