Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 18:11, 5 July 2010 Troy Mars (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Lex.png (Emblem for the world naked bike ride Lexington)
- 02:30, 4 July 2010 D (talk | contribs) uploaded File:2010WNBRsea02 1000w.jpg (WNBR Seattle 2010 flyer designed by Daniel Johnson.)
- 19:31, 25 June 2010 Jendole (talk | contribs) uploaded File:2010-Montpelier-Ride.jpg (Naked riders at the statehouse, 2010: Montpelier, Vermont, USA!)
- 19:13, 25 June 2010 Jendole (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Riders-at-statehouse-2010.JPG (Riders of the 2010 Montpelier Naked Bike Ride at the Statehouse in the capital city of Vermont, USA.)
- 04:10, 21 June 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR5589 crop.JPG (WNBR 2010 Toronto Riding down Spadina Avenue Photo credit: Ethan Eisenburg)
- 20:22, 20 June 2010 Madisonnakedbikeride (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Routemap 2010.pdf (2010 souvenir route map)
- 12:35, 19 June 2010 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Amsterdam 2010 flyer.pdf ({{Information |Description=Flyer for WNBR 2010 in Amsterdam. |Source=http://www.strandje.nl/blootnieuws/blootnieuws.htm |Date=juni 2010 |Author=Unknown |Permission=PD ? |other_versions= }} Category:Flyers 2010)
- 03:22, 18 June 2010 Toniminou (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:York WNBR Advice for Riders 2010.pdf
- 03:09, 18 June 2010 Toniminou (talk | contribs) uploaded File:York WNBR Advice for Riders 2010.pdf (Advice for York riders for 2010)
- 14:11, 17 June 2010 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Amsterdam 2010.jpg ({{Information |Description=Amsterdam, 12 juni 2010. |Source=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WNBR_Amsterdam_2010.JPG |Date=12 juni 2010 |Author=[http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Etana Etana] |Permission=PD |other_versions= |lat= |)
- 11:56, 17 June 2010 Erik Baas (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Zaragoza 2009.jpg ({{Information |Description= *World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) in Zaragoza (Spain) *Marcha ciclonudista 2009 en Zaragoza. |Source= *[http://www.flickr.com/photos/26384569@N05/3624907303/ dsc_5495] *[http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WNBR_Zaragoza.jpg] |Da)
- 10:38, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Sheffield WNBR Advice for Riders 2010.pdf (minor mod to attribute York)
- 10:37, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Sheffield WNBR Advice for Riders 2010.pdf (URL put in)
- 10:35, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Sheffield WNBR Advice for Riders 2010.pdf (poster)
- 10:31, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SheffieldPublicMeetingHandout2010.pdf (URL entered)
- 10:29, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SheffieldPublicMeetingHandout2010.pdf (poster)
- 10:26, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SheffieldFinalPoster2010.pdf (poster)
- 08:51, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:PublicMeetingHandout.pdf
- 08:46, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded File:PublicMeetingHandout2.pdf (test2)
- 08:44, 16 June 2010 Bogart (talk | contribs) uploaded File:PublicMeetingHandout.pdf (test)
- 05:59, 15 June 2010 Stepco (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Image-updated2010a.jpg
- 07:51, 11 June 2010 Skisby (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Postcard 2010.jpg
- 06:53, 11 June 2010 Skisby (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR2010poster.jpg (Vancouver WNBR 2010 Poster)
- 06:04, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SF WNBR.JAZ Logo.Gray;"20100612".LARGE.jpg (June 12, 2010 LARGE 11" Gray-scale Seal by Zaun. For printing on 8 1/2 x 11 letter paper in various layouts. Flyers are available [from artist] in both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Adobe Illustrator CS4 (AI) for printing on letter-sized paper. The 1)
- 06:02, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.JAZ Logo.Color.NoDate.Lg.jpg (LARGE 11" SEAL by Zaun. NO DATE. For printing on 8 1/2 x 11 letter paper in various layouts. Flyers are available [from the artist] in both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Adobe Illustrator CS4 (AI) for printing on letter-sized paper. The 1480 x)
- 05:59, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SF WNBR.Flyer,Color;JAZ Logo."20100612".8x11.pdf (June 2010 Flyers and Seals by Zaun. For printing on 8 1/2 x 11 letter paper in various layouts. Flyers are available in both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Adobe Illustrator CS4 (AI) for printing on letter-sized paper. The 1480 x 1480 bitmap images ar)
- 05:57, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:SF WNBR.Flyer,color,Dallas."20100612".jpg (SF_WNBR.Flyer,color,Dallas."20100612".jpg Dimensions: 700 x 525 pixels. Size: 126 KBs. Full color photo for color printing. Intended for printing in landscape orientation. Suitable for 4" x 5" postcard-size flyers.)
- 05:52, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.Nudity laws.pdf (SF_WNBR.Nudity_laws.pdf: Print doubled sided on 8.5" by 11" letter paper. Then 3-fold at the fold marks. To print without scaling, your printer must be able to print with 1/4" margins or less all around. If your printer requires more margin, use th)
- 05:46, 11 June 2010 Mellow Yellow (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr map1.jpg (Map of Grand Ferry Park Brooklyn, NY)
- 05:44, 11 June 2010 Mellow Yellow (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr map.png (Map of Grand Ferry Park, Brooklyn)
- 05:35, 11 June 2010 Mellow Yellow (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr ny2010.jpg (Promo Image for NY World Naked Bike Rid, June 12 2010)
- 05:28, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.Flyer,color,Dallas."20100612".jpg
- 05:27, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.Flyer.JW.Tan,Photo."20100612".jpg
- 05:24, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.JAZ Logo.Color."20100612".Lg.jpg
- 05:22, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.Flyer,Color;JAZ Logo."20100612".8x11.pdf
- 01:41, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.JAZ Logo.Gray;"20100612".LARGE.jpg (SF_WNBR.JAZ_Logo.Gray;"20100612".LARGE)
- 01:22, 11 June 2010 Hilarleo (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SF WNBR.2010 Flyer,JAZ Logo.Color.pdf (SF_WNBR.2010_Flyer,w centered JAZ 'Bridge' Logo.Color.pdf)
- 19:05, 8 June 2010 Madisonnakedbikeride (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Press release 2010.pdf
- 18:58, 8 June 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbrflyers.pdf (2010 WNBR Toronto flyers you can print and distribute. Work in colour or black & white. Great for sticking on bicycles in your neighborhood, or handing out at work or school. Prints onto regular letter size paper, six per sheet.)
- 18:41, 6 June 2010 Matthew (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:MidsummerSkinnyDip2010-A4-Poster (test).JPG
- 18:28, 6 June 2010 Matthew (talk | contribs) uploaded File:MidsummerSkinnyDip2010-A4-Poster (test).JPG
- 01:08, 3 June 2010 Thedishbench (talk | contribs) uploaded File:UK York 2010 A6 Flyer.pdf (This flyer prints up at A6. It is recommended to print this on both sides of an A4 sheet, producing 4 A6 size flyers that have different info on each side.)
- 09:44, 29 May 2010 Léa (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Affiche cyclo2010 FR web.png
- 18:02, 28 May 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr02-2010.jpg
- 18:00, 28 May 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr01-2010.jpg
- 17:56, 28 May 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of File:Wnbr01 2010.png
- 17:54, 28 May 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr01 2010.png
- 01:30, 24 May 2010 Macdonaldtomw (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR 09 155.jpg
- 01:13, 24 May 2010 Macdonaldtomw (talk | contribs) uploaded File:WNBR 09 067.jpg (World Naked Bike Ride Halifax 09, Morris Street)
- 19:54, 22 May 2010 Leifharmsen (talk | contribs) uploaded File:Wnbr2010 bw.png (This is the B&W version of a WNBR 2010 Toronto poster/flyer by artist Leif Harmsen. Please copy, print, and distribute widely. )