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The University of Newcastle - Ride to Work Day 2010 - Bike Busses

Wednesday the 13th of October 2010.
Ride to work details on NUBUG.org
NOTE: Lead Organisers are the Newcastle University Bike Users' Group.
Participants are required to complete the following declaration on The University of Newcastle Registration for the 2010 Ride to Work (Campus) Event web page:
Registration for the event means you understand the terms of the national event as follows:

I understand that participation in this event may involve riding on public roads used by traffic and I am aware of the hazards involved in that and in riding bikes in general. I hereby release, exempt and indemnify the organisers, sponsors and all other persons involved in the event from all liability whether in negligence or otherwise which may arise in connection with the participation in this event.

Bike Bus to Callaghan Campus

Several group rides called Bike Busses are being organised by NUBUG
Note: Ride safely, defensively, in control and maintain situational awareness.
NUBUG organisers approached the police and asked them to help us cross Maud street which will be EXTREMELY busy at approximately 8am. We only needed the police to block the road for 30 seconds for us, which we felt was not an unreasonable request. The request was not met. Extreme caution is required crossing Maud St. There is NO marked crossing and cyclists must be very patient to find a safe break in the traffic. There is refuge island in the centre of the road although it is small and requires 2 lanes of traffic to be crossed in either direction. The view of traffic coming from the right when travelling to the University is obscured by a hump backed bridge. Speeding traffic pops over the bridge allowing only a very brief window for vehicle drivers and bike riders to see one another and avoid collision. Serious accidents have occurred at this intersection resulting in hospitalisation of bike riders from the University. Last years route was different, and we chose to cross Newcastle Road because of the busyness of Maud St and other factors. Last years event was safe with no injuries, but better understanding of Bike Bus etiquette and rules for novice group riding will make things run smoother. The below can be used by anyone.

Bike Bus etiquette
  • Follow all road rules. Most cyclists don’t know them all. The ride leaders will know them if you are unsure.
  • Be safe, it’s not a race. If we get to our destination 10 minutes late it’s OK. No need to take risks to try and save time.
  • Stay in the group and you won’t get lost. Stay behind the ride leader and in front of the tail-end ride leader. If you want to leave the group let a ride leader know.
  • Try and travel in a straight line so you are predictable - don't weave back into the curb every time there are no parked cars.
  • Confusing "bike lanes" in Newcastle : The bike pictures on the roads in Newcastle are in the wrong place. Most are in the car-door-opening-death-zone, encouraging people to cycle where they will get hit by an opening door, or worse, swerve into traffic trying to avoid the door. Unsignposted "bike picture lanes" are too narrow & Road Rules 153, 144 & 247 advise not to ride in them. So cycle safely & legally (away from parked cars) in left of left hand lane.


Bike Love Fest

30 September - 4 October 2010

Bike Love Fest

Bike Love Fest
Newcastle's own Push-bike festival will celebrate bike culture with many diverse activities this October long weekend. As well as the usual Newcastle bike culture events on every week, all year round, more events have been organised for bike lovers!

Bike Love Fest partners are:

Critical Mass Global Ride Celebrating Cycling. Assert our right to ride on roads and not in the car door death lane.

Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre Community volunteer bike help concept offering free bikes / help all year round Fri / Sat at 106 Robert St Islington (West of Wickham Park) 49616582 Sustainable Bike Culture hub of Newcastle.

Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc. Work with Government bodies to improve bicycle facilities & promote the safe responsible use of bicycles for transport, leisure & fitness.

University of Newcastle Bicycle User's Group Cycling advocacy group, which seeks to promote cycling for fun, sport and transport. They have events, advocacy, rides, etc. nubug.org

World Naked Bike Ride Peacefully expose the vulnerability of cyclists, humanity and nature in the face of cars, aggression, consumerism and non-renewable energy. (Naked or clothed legal bike protest)

Bike Love Corral website
Bike Love Fest Facebook Event http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140566685987241&ref=mf

Introduction and Partners

Introduction and Partners (black and white version)

  • Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library (Pick-up or fix bike time)

Location: Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St Islington. Time: from 9am to 12pm and 4pm to 6pm.
The Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library is for bike lovers who need to borrow a bike to join in the Bike Love Fest activities. We want you to look after the bike you borrow and join in the Bike Love Fest events, so a "deposit" applies. To get your "deposit" back you need to return the bike in no worse condition than when you borrowed it plus you can collect special Bike Love Tokens distributed at the Bike Love Events. The more Bike Love Fest Events you attend the more Bike Love Tokens you will collect and the less you pay - attend enough events then it's FREE! (Min $100 deposit for a bike. Min $50 returned if in same state). A similar deposit applies if you are fixing up a bike to have during the festival (this is to minimise the dumping of bikes around the CBD of Newcastle which has happened in previous years).

  • EVENT : Fast Training ride with Newcastle University Bicycle User Group

Meet at Adamstown end of Fernleigh Track at 2pm. It's an opportunity to go for a quick ride out of the traffic. Expect speeds about 30km/hour, and doing so the ride should take about 50 minutes. This is only for cyclists who can keep that pace, because waiting for slow riders defeats the purpose of a training ride.

  • Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library (Pick-up, return or fix bikes)

Location: Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St Islington. Time: from 9am to 5pm

Assert our right to ride on roads and not in the car door death lane. Bring lights. criticalmass.wikia.com/wiki/ Start Civic Park 6pm. Speed will be as fast as the slowest person

  • EVENT : Bike Dinner

following the Critical Mass Bike Ride at local eatery 8pm. Bring your bike, lights, lock & money.

  • EVENT : Saturday Morning: "Saturday Social Saunter"

Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc. ride Distance: ~ one hour; Average speed 15-20kph. Starts at 8am from Stewart Ave Railway Crossing, Newcastle West. Easy ride, suitable for beginners/new members. An excellent opportunity to start/get back to cycling and meet some new people.

  • Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library (Pick-up, return or fix bikes)

Location: Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St Islington. Time: from 9am to 2pm

WNBR is a global naked or clothed legal bike protest ride. This is a semi-naked promotional ride, so wear at least minimums: Ride starts at Location: Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St, Islington. Time: 3pm. Ride speed will be as fast as the slowest person. Body painting & bike decorating from 2pm to 3pm Location: Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St, Islington. Bring swimmers and towel.

Peacefully expose the vulnerability of cyclists, humanity and nature in the face of cars, aggression, consumerism and non-renewable energy. Oz rides in March. australia.worldnakedbikeride.org

  • EVENT : Bike Dinner for the WNBRiders

Following the Promotional Ride for World Naked Bike Ride, riders will be taken to the beach to wash the body paint off then on to a local eatery for a group meal. Bring lights, some money and a bike lock.

  • EVENT : Amy's Bake-off Beach Bike Ride:

Starts at Location: Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St, Islington. Time: 11am. (Remember daylight saving!) Visit the best beaches in the world, by bike. Ride speed will be as fast as the slowest person. Bring as much home-made baked goods as you can to share around at the end of the ride. You can also bring a picnic lunch or similar.

  • EVENT : Bike Polo

Meet at Centennial Park, Tooke St, Cooks Hill at 1:30pm From 2pm to 3pm the games will be on. The Newcastle Gentlemen's Bike Polo Club will bring their equipment. Bring your own too if you desire.

  • Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library (Returning bikes time)

At Location : Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St, Islington. Time: from 4pm to 6pm

  • EVENT : Bike Culture Films

Location: Croatian Wickham Sports Club, Wickham Park, Albert St Wickham. Time: 7pm. The premises are licensed and all ages. Please show your appreciation for the use of the Croation Club for our film night by purchasing beverages at the bar! Featuring local and global films and documentaries. Bring some money, a bike lock and lights for the trip home.

  • EVENT : Newie's Fabulous Foreshore Ride (11am to 12pm)

A family friendly bike ride for the public holiday. Meet on the Western side of Cowper St bridge (Carrington Bridge), Wickham. Ride the shared pedestrian cycleway to Nobbys beach crossing no main roads.

  • EVENT : Bike games in Centennial Park from 2pm to 4pm

Join in games, or teach us some new ones. Slow races, tips and more!

  • Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library (Returning bikes time)

Location Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre, 106 Robert St, Islington. Time: from 4pm to 6pm

  • EVENT : Share the Love!

Do you have an idea for a bike cultural event / fun bike activity? Add your event idea to the Bike Love Fest notice board at Bike Love Fest Events Bike Library (at Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre) with adequate notice and see other bike lovers join in with you. It could be a ride, a game, a costume parade, a debate - anything as long as bikes, cycling and having fun with other cyclists is integral.

Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events (black and white version)

Cultural Stomp

Newcastle’s annual Multicultural and Community Festival, to be held in Civic Park on Saturday 6 June 2009 (Long Weekend) in Civic Park, in conjunction with World Environment Day June 5, under the theme: "BE THE CHANGE", relating to Gandhi's statement - You must be the change you wish to see in the world!"

This Is Not Art 2009

2009 Flyer / Poster