London WNBR Flag Making Party

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At the Flag Making Party We make Flags for our Cycles which adds Colour and brand ID on the Ride!

You can make/reuse the Flags for other WNBR's!

We reuse scrap Fabric and Water Based Paints.

The Flag Making Party is done in the same spirit as the Ride.... 'Be Bare As You Dare' (Clothing Optional).

Once Naked (if You choose to be) no need to re-Clothe as We will use the Basement Functions Room, Food & Drink will be brought down and We will have a seperate Toilet. This Event is Free although We do ask all attendees to give the Bar 'Food & Drinks' Custom Please!

You are Welcome to come and leave at anytime during the Event.

Although We provide Materials You are Welcome to bring Your own, if doing so We ask You don't bring Oil Based Paints, anything with a High Carbon Footprint or anything that can't be used in an enclosed Space!!!

Date: 09.06.23

Start Time: Tbc either 12:00 (12pm) or 16:00 (4pm)

End Time: 23:00 (11pm)

Venue: The Shakespeare Pub

2 Goswell Rd,

Gold Lane Estate



Events for 2023 will be added soon:

Flag Slogan Suggestions:

   Damn, it's getting hot in here, stop putting CO2 in the atmosphere! Damn, it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes and go cycling! - Conrad Schmidt
   Be all you can be! Be auto- and clothes-free!
   Travel lightly – leave your cars and clothes behind!
   What do cars and clothes have common? They both start with C and they suck!
   My energy's renude (?!)
   A dirty mind? You need clean air instead of exhaust fumes! [2]
   (Chant) Ban Cars: Not Bodies!
   (Chant) Riding bare: for clean air


   Burn fat not oil! [3]
   Sweat smells sweeter than CO2!
   Never mind the bollocks. Its time to respect our planet
   The Future's Green
   Greener is cleaner
   No emissions but my own
   Wear out nothing - Not the planet
   It's not the heat. It's the stupidity!

Against oil dependency

   Protest oil dependency
   Oil is not a bare necessity but a crude obsession (seen on a sign during the London 2005 ride)
   (Chant) Crude is rude! Don't be a prude – go nude!
   (Chant) Less gas, more ass! [4]
   (Chant) Less dirty gases, more clean asses!
   (Chant) Less crude, more nude
   Less oil = More life [5]
   Sweat not oil
   Our nude bodies are dependent on food, not foreign oil
   This naked body burns calories, not oil
   15 mpg or 30 mppp (miles per pound of pasta)?
   Infinite miles per gallon!
   No Gulf drilling for this naked body
   Slicks kill - stay alive!
   Leave fossil fuels *behind*
   Peak oil will get us all in the *end*
   Burn bras not oil
   (chant) Oil? Ban it -- save the planet


   Prudery won't save the planet -- bikes can!
   Honk if you love bikes! Honk twice if you love naked cyclists!
   Your butt looks better on a bike! Your skin is outta sight! You'll travel with ease as you feel that breeze, and drip clean sweat instead of oil!
   Bicycles make cleaner traffic jams!
   Don't pollute this naked body with your SUV
   Such Unnecessary Vehicles
   My SUV habit costs so much I can't afford clothes
   Gas prices increasing? I didn't even notice!
   This is what a car-free society looks like
   Human operated - Heart inside
   Moved by people, not machines 
   Curb car culture
   Live car-free!
   Real rights for bikes
   No fumes here!
   Jeremy Clarkson go home! (UK)
   One less car
   Honk For Silence
   Stop indecent exposure to vehicle emissions
   Get off your ass! Ride a bike! (thanks to Urban Velo!)
   We are traffic
   Pedal Power!
   Two wheels good (but tricycles welcome!)
   Bike for health and clean air
   Bicycling is truly organic!
   My bum smells better than your car.
   People who drive cars OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED!
   Get YOUR car off MY body!
   Car-free = Carefree
   Make Bike, not Car
   Occupy Your Bike.
   Less Cars, More Arse!


   Damn, it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes and go cycling!
   I'm nude, not lewd
   I'm naked and FREE!
   Shameless proud of my body
   We're proud to be nude Americans/Brits/citizens of the world etc.
   We're all naked underneath our clothes
   Love your body - love your bike!
   Bikes love bodies
   Celebrate body freedom
   Nude not lewd
   Clothes-free and oil-free, but they can't take my dignity!
   Feel your body, feel your power, move your legs [10]
   One less T-shirt!
   Come ASS you are!

Road safety

   Now can you bl**dy see me?!
   Can you see me now, driver?
   Leave space!
   Warning: HPV ahead [Human Powered Vehicle]
   Actually, we're just as vulnerable biking with clothes on.
   Share the Road!
   Stop roadkill now!
   You dent, I die.
   Stop Killing Cyclists
   (on a body) SOMEBODY'S KID or WIFE or SON or BEST FRIEND or MUM or DAD
   Lorries: Stay back.
   Kill Your Speed Not a Child

War and peace related

   1, 2, 3, 4... Cars and petrol lead to war. 5, 6, 7, 8... Cars stink, bikes are great!
   This naked body doesn't kill for oil
   Relax! It's a penis, not a gun.