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See [[Newcastle archive]] for:
See [[Newcastle archive]] for:
*WNBR Nudecastle 2008 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder]. 
*WNBR Nudecastle 2008 Ride Report by Daniel.
*WNBR Nudecastle 2007 Bodypainting Competiton Report and [[:Image:BodyPaintingComp.JPG|photo of entrants]].
*WNBR Nudecastle 2007 Bodypainting Competiton Report and [[:Image:BodyPaintingComp.JPG|photo of entrants]].
*WNBR Nudecastle 2007 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder].   
*WNBR Nudecastle 2007 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder].   
*WNBR Nudecastle 2007 Ride Report by [http://newcastlebikeecologycentre.blogspot.com/index.html Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre].
*WNBR Nudecastle 2007 Ride Report by [http://newcastlebikeecologycentre.blogspot.com/index.html Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre].
*WNBR Nudecastle 2006 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder].   
*WNBR Nudecastle 2006 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder].   
*WNBR Nudecastle 2006 Ride Report by [mailto:newcastlecriticalmass@yahoo.com.au Daniel].  
*WNBR Nudecastle 2006 Ride Report by Daniel.  
*WNBR Nudecastle 2005 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder].
*WNBR Nudecastle 2005 Ride Report by [mailto:wnbrnudecastle@yahoo.com.au Marte Kinder].

Revision as of 14:00, 12 September 2008

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World Naked Bike Ride – Nudecastle

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Date: Saturday 14 March 2009 or sometime during that weekend
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WNBR Nudecastle 2008

  • Date: Sunday 9 March 2008
  • Time: 2:00PM
  • Location: Next to Warabrook Station in Rosegum Road Reserve, Warabrook

30 riders partipated in the 4th annual WNBR Nudecastle. The ride went from Warabrook Station to Newcastle Beach. One arrest occurred at New Lambton after a rider drew a complaint from the public after his bike had a mechanical problem which halted his progress. Supporters of the WNBR are urged to contributre to the international legal defense fund by purchasing the WNBR T-Shirt which has a free feature length DVD documentary. Funds raised will contribute to the legal defense of the arrested Newcastle rider and any others riders arrested around the globe.

Ride report

World Naked Bike Ride – Newcastle 2008 Ride Report by Daniel Endicott

I started my World Naked Bike Ride day off by heading off to the Loop The Lake Charity bike ride. There I set up the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre stall and went into bike promotion mode. With little (only 1) approach to the stall I had to make a more direct approach and walked around handing out free bike magazines, and other local bike handouts including BNSW, NCM, Critical Mass, NBEC, WNBR, etc. Thanks to all the NBEC vollies that helped me. Many people wanted more info about Newcastle Cycleways Movement, so I will be recommending to NCM to be more pro-active in handing out more info to more people. At 1pm, and with a lighter load we rode to the Newcastle University to the WNBR start point.

About 30 cyclists then prepared themselves and their bikes. A family with 2 kids had a great time hand painting themselves all sorts of colours. There were love hearts, peace signs, and slogans a plenty. Dave had a personal plea on a stop sign painted on his chest “Stop F’n crash’n into me”. Dave is slowly recovering from being hit by a car door. I am slowly convincing him not to ride in the car door lane, but there is so much pressure to ride there (no matter how dangerous), it is difficult.

Group photo’s finished, we were off east towards the inner city. Early on it became apparent that some riders would need assistance. I helped 3 riders change their gears, one to tighten handlebars, and another to put their chain back on. Emerging from the Uni cycle way, and crossing Newcastle Road we got lots of applause from onlookers who supported some of the protest themes for naturism, environmentalism, peace and the rights of cyclists to use the road safely. We promote environmental consciousness and practices at every level of society in attempt to save the planet.

I tried to entice the boy of the family participating by telling him that after the Jesmond cycleway hill it was all down hill for a long way. But exhaustion got the better of him and the grandparents support ute picked him up. This is the only downside of having a lovely sunny and hot day for the ride! The 8 year old girl was determined to get over the hill and was all smiles rolling down towards the Croudace St traffic lights.

In Lambton a man’s chain went off the low side into the frame at the rear wheel. While stopping to dislodge the chain, and re-attach, we heard a man yelling obscenities at us and getting very angry. Later on the East-West cycleway we got a call from the police that the angry man had complained. The police paid us a visit, and the man was arrested, put his pants on and continued with the ride.

Being the tail-runner, I was relied upon to know where we were going. Going over the train hill into Hamilton caused another spreading out of riders. When we reached the Beaumont St turn we again lost sight of the main group. The lights went green and the family set off in front of me, but confusion over taking the footpath or road led to a parent-child collision at about zero speed. The lady put her bike in the ute and hitched a ride to the end.

We re-grouped with the front bunch and headed towards the beach. Riding down a small section of Darby St we got a great reaction. Thanks to all the onlokking Novocastrians for encouraging the colourful, cheerful cyclists. Whoever thought protesting could be so much fun?

Finally, when the last incline up Scott St came, the 8 year old girl’s legs could go no further, and she walked the remaining 200m. At Pacific Park, all the front group gave a huge cheer for the girl. And the girl almost died of embarrassment, and hid behind a parent. Some riders already redressed (I wore my shorts for the 4th time, going “As bare as I dared”) and we headed to the Newcastle Surf Life Saving club for the post-ride party.

Thanks for James who is a better Electrical Engineer than me for getting the music system working (James is also a good bike fixer, having sourced and fixed a bike at the NBEC the day before to ride on the day). Thanks to the chef’s and other WNBR organizing committee for the food and beer, more people helping this year was great. Thanks to mother nature again for a great warm wash off in the ocean. Thanks to the little girl who made a remarkable recovery and showed everyone how well she could dance. And thanks to Marte, the WNBR organizer who also had a major part in Sydney and Melbourne’s WNBR rides this year aswell. We all had a bike-tastic day and next year will be even more fun!

Media Coverage

February 08– March 08, World Naked Bike Ride Nudecastle 08.

Ride location and how to get there

Assemble at the red bicycle, in Rosegum Road Reserve on the northern side of the rail line at Warabrook Station. Please do not drive to the event because it will create greenhouse gases and contradicts the purpose of the event. Please ride your bike to the assembly place or take the train if it is too far for you to ride. CityRail allows passengers to take their bikes on the train.

Warabrook Station

CityRail Timetables

Hunter Line
Newcastle & Central Coast Line
  • Central to Hamilton (and on to Newcastle via Strathfield or Chatswood Weekends). All change at Hamilton for Hunter Line.

How to participate

Read the following information first. This page is the most important source of information on WNBR Newcastle.
After this page read the other Wiki WNBR Newcastle pages (Newcastle_archive and Newcastle_previous_ride) and have a look at WNBR Australia (official site).

In months before the ride

It may seem like things are quiet between World Naked Bike Rides but the Newcastle organisers are working now to make the WNBR Nudecastle 2008 enjoyable for everyone. In the lead-up to the WNBR there are many other community grassroots events in Newcastle that are of interest to Naturists, Biketivists, Pacifists and Environmentalists. Have a look at the links to organisations that endorse the WNBR in Newcastle (see Newcastle#Endorsement below) and Australia and you will find something that will inspire your passion for expressing yourself for the benefit of the planet. All the organisations that endorse WNBR are friendly though our closest ally is Critical Mass (see Newcastle#Critical_Mass below). WNBR Nudecastle encourages everyone interested in participating in WNBR to also participate in Critical Mass.

Get a bike

Do you need a bike? Are you broke? Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre has going bikes from $5 to $50 or you can fix an old bike for yourself for FREE! Volunteers & bike/part donations welcome. Open most Saturdays 9 to 5, 106 Robert St Islington, phone 49616582.

Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre poster

Getting email updates before the ride

If you want to have emails sent to you with details of pre-ride events, reminders of the WNBR Nudecastle time and start location, or discuss any apects of the upcoming ride: you need to join the discussion group (see Newcastle#Discussion_group.2Fs below). If you have not got a Yahoo! account, you can set one up for free in about 5 minutes. You can use your existing email account or get a Yahoo! email account for free. You can set the email account up using a nickname if you want to as well. The management of Yahoo! have classified the discussion group as "adults only" but only because they are puritanical prudes who do not know the difference between the human body and pornography. WNBR is nothing to do with pornography so do not worry.


You do not have to register, pay money, sign anything or give your personal details to anyone. There are suggestions on the international pages of WNBR websites that say you should complete the on-line registration process. This is NOT mandatory for the WNBR Nudecastle. Vetted media people will attend the WNBR Nudecastle 2008 to photograph and video the event so if you have any concerns about this you should consider painting your face, wearing a novel mask or big dark sunglasses to preserve your anonymity.


The laws that are relevant to public nudity in New South Wales are applicable througout the state. For discussion of this topic, please refer to the separate page about New South Wales Laws.

Women’s Support Woman

Christabel has volunteered for the role of Women’s Support Woman for WNBR Nudecastle 2008. The Women’s Support Woman (WSW) role is to offer special support to women who have any concerns about their participation or potential participation in the event. The WSW will be attending the whole of the event and will be available to help all women participants. The WSW will be making a special effort to ensure that female participants feel comfortable while being a mentor. If you wish to assist Christabel in this role or would like to ask any relevant questions, please email Christabel.

The Actual WNBR Nudecastle 2008

It does not matter if you have done none of the suggested pre-ride activities above because you are still most welcome to take part.

Assemble clothed at Warabrook Station at 2:00 PM on Sunday the 9th of March 2008.

What to bring

  • Bring your bike, scooter, tricycle, skates or skateboard (in fact any form of human powered wheeled transport).
  • You MUST bring an Australian Standard approved helmet (shoes and bike gloves are recommended).
  • Bring some money for the after ride party and a water bottle.
  • Bring a noise maker like a whistle or party novelty.
  • You can bring sunscreen and body paint if you want though the organisers will try to provide enough for everyone it is uncertain how many people will turn up.
  • Bring swimmers and something to store your minimal clothing things (like a bum bag, a bag for your luggage rack, panniers or basket) while you are riding. Remember you will not have pockets to put things and wearing a backpack will spoil the look of your painted back as would a bulky item on your luggage rack.
  • Bring your friends. Share the fun with your friends and bring them along for the ride.
  • Win a Prize: For bringing the most friends win a Newcastle Community Push-Bike Library bike of your choice.

Body painting

The organisers will lead everyone to the secret body painting place. Paint yourself and each other with love hearts, peace signs, flowers and biketivist and environmental slogans. When the body painting is complete, the ride will commence.

  • Win a Prize: For best body art win a Newcastle Community Push-Bike Library bike of your choice.

Magical Mystery Tour

Only the organisers know the route of the ride before hand. The organisers will show you the way as the ride goes along. If you ask where the ride is going before the ride, everyone else will think you are a cop or a voyeurist.

Ride and have fun

During the ride have fun, make noise, sing out your message, chant, obey the road rules and follow the organisers. This is the best part and you will get sore sides and a sore face from laughing and smiling.


Media enquiries for Newcastle: please contact Marte Kinder the WNBR Newcastle Organiser.

Please think ahead if you want to have a media presence on the day of the WNBR Nudecastle and contact Marte well ahead of time because your involvement will need vetting.

Publicity: flyers, posters, images etc

These are the current: flyer and poster and BIG POSTER to be used for the WNBR Newcastle 2008 to help promote participation. Please print these and stick them up where people will see them. Why not colour one in and stick it to your refrigerator?


Critical Mass

Critical Mass Newcastle and the World Naked Bike Ride endorse and participate in all events held under both names in Newcastle. Critical Mass ride on the first Friday of every month and starts from Civic Park, opposite Newcastle Town Hall. Assemble at 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start. Ride Daily! Celebrate Monthly!

For more information on Critical Mass see: Critical Mass World Information , Critical Mass Australiaor Newcastle Critical Mass Discussion Group or email Daniel on newcastlecriticalmass{at}yahoo.com.au

Other Upcoming Events where WNBR Newcastle will participate

This Is Not Art

Independent, emerging & experimental arts festival
02-06 October 2008, Newcastle, Australia
What is This Is Not Art about?

Bike Library

So, you want an easy way to get around town while you are enjoying the festival? You want to have fun, want to be engaged with your surroundings, you want it cheap, and you like it pollution free? BIKES. BIKES. BIKES. And BIKES!

You can pick up a push bike to ride from the Bike Library which will be operating during This Is Not Art courtesy of the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre. The Bike Library will be set up in Civic Park from 11am - 4pm every day of the festival. A fully refundable deposit is required for bike hire plus deposits for helmet and lock. Deposit prices are usually around $30 but may be less or more depending on the condition of the bike.

Pre-register now - For a ready to ride bike

If you would like to have the use of a bike during the festival, the best thing to do is to pre-register with Dan the Bike Man. Email newcastlecriticalmass[at]yahoo.com.au or phone (02) 4961 6582.

Let him know you want a bike and include any specifications you might require, such as bike size. Pre-registration BEFORE 19 SEPTEMBER is essential if you want to ensure there is a bike built and ready for you during the festival.

DIY bike repair workshops - Fix your own bike during the festival

Dan the Bike Man is mad keen for bikes. Mad keen for fixing bikes which have been discarded as junk. He reckons reclaiming and fixing up your own bike - and using it - is the best thing you can do to counter consumer-culture and its symptomatic social disaffection, as well as our dependence on petroleum, pollution and car culture. And the easiest - he'll show you how! With a little know-how and the courage to try, you can fix most bike maladies - the only new thing you need is wet cement for punctures. Come to the Bike Library in Civic Park any time 11am - 4pm for a workshop on fixing up a bike.

Bike Library & DIY Bike Repair Workshops
  • Civic Park, Newcastle
  • Thursday 02, Friday 03, Saturday 04, Sunday 05 & Monday 06 October
  • 11.00 - 16.00 (i.e. 11am to 4pm)
Fix your own bike before the festival

Alternatively, if you live locally, drop into the centre prior to the festival and build your own bike for FREE with the help of bike inspired volunteers. 106 Roberts St, Islington. Saturday's 9am - 1pm.

The Otesha Project (Australia): Cycling for Sustainability

The objectives of The Otesha Project (Australia) are to increase awareness about the impacts of the products and resources we consume, increase the number of responsible consumer choices made by young Australians, and increase the number of young role models and sustainability advocates.

The Otesha NSW Regional Cycling Tour

The Otesha Cyclists are riding from Brisbane To Newcastle and will stay in Nelson Bay on the night of the 18 December and then cycle into Newcastle on Friday 19 December. The riders will be in Newcastle for 3 nights (fri, sat, sun). The tour will officially end on Monday 22 December 2008.

During their stay in Newcastle they will be visiting schools and community groups in the area to present their theatre performance and workshops.

The Otesha Bike Parade and Party

The Bike Parade preceeds the Party. Both legs of the event will be all ages.

Otesha Bike Parade
  • Date: Saturday the 21st of December
  • Time: Decorate or fix your bike some time between 9am and 5pm. The Bike Parade begins at 5pm.
  • Place: Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre

Come to the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre at 106 Robert St Islington anytime between 9am and 5pm. If you get there early you can fix your bike or find a pre-loved bike to ride. The Otesha Crew will be hanging out at the NBEC to help decorate yourself and your bike for the parade. They'll have some recycled material for you to use. Or bring your own recycled fabrics, cardboard, paints, colourful and funky stuff. The parade seeks to spread the positive message of empowerment and sustainability in a loud, colourful and fun way that engages the public. The Otesha Bike Parade takes us to the Otesha Party.

Otesha Party
  • Date: Saturday the 21st of December
  • Time: Evening (exact details to be decided and announced)
  • Venue: The Royal Exchange Hybrid Performing Arts Gallery, 32-34 Bolton Street Newcastle.
  • Price: a $5 door charge applies for bike riders arriving with the parade. More door charge applies for others - so go in the Parade!

The evening will feature fun theatrical presentations by the Otesha riders, music, a photo show of the NSW Otesha regional tour, food and refreshment. The exact details of the programme are yet to be determined although it will be a fun get together of cycling activists, environmentalists, social justice and human rights advocates, community volunteers, pacifists, climate defenders, and assorted happy hippies and groovy artists. Food and beveridges may be provided or it may be B.Y.O. and this too is yet to be worked out.

Endorsement and support

The Otesha Project (Australia): Cycling for Sustainability is supported by:

Earlier Events where WNBR Newcastle was represented

Cultural Stomp 2008

Newcastle’s annual Multicultural and Community Festival, Cultural STOMP, to be held in Civic Park on Saturday May 17 from 9am to 9pm, will this year take the theme of Water. WNBR will participate by supporting and helping the Bike Corral at The STOMP Festival.

Orientation Week at The University of Newcastle

Between Monday the 11th to Friday the 15th of February 2008 in the Shortland Union, Eco Peace Biketivism Love Co-operative will have a stall. Drop by and find out more about EPBLC, WNBR and other cycling activist stuff happening in Newcastle. You can put your name down for WNBR, Critical Mass and Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre mailing lists or join EPBLC.

Get a free bike!

We will be taking deposits for BIKE LIBRARY bikes provided by the Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre. The Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre loans bikes that ride as new for an indefinate period for a minimal deposit (usually $20 to $50). There will also be an incentive to join EPBLC because one lucky 2008 member will get a bike for free (no deposit) to keep as long as they want!

More earlier events

For more events held since the previous WNBR in Newcastle, please follow the link to the Newcastle earlier promotional activities page.

Newcastle 2008

  • Date: Sunday 9 March 2008
  • Time: 2:00PM
  • Location: Next to Warabrook Station in Rosegum Road Reserve, Warabrook

30 riders partipated in the 4th annual WNBR Nudecastle. The ride went from Warabrook Station to Newcastle Beach. One arrest occurred at New Lambton after a rider drew a complaint from the public after his bike had a mechanical problem which halted his progress. Supporters of the WNBR are urged to contributre to the international legal defense fund by purchasing the WNBR T-Shirt which has a free feature length DVD documentary. Funds raised will contribute to the legal defense of the arrested Newcastle rider and any others riders arrested around the globe.

Newcastle 2007

Date: Saturday 10 March 2007
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Next to Warabrook Station in Rosegum Road Reserve, Warabrook
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle previous ride page.

Newcastle 2006

Date: Sunday 12 March 2006
Time: 7am
Location: Merewether Surf Life Saving Club
For more information about the pre-ride planning, events and media see Newcastle 2006 page.


See Newcastle archive for:







Discussion group/s


The following organisations support and/or endorse the WNBR in Newcastle:

Location information
