
From World Naked Bike Ride
Revision as of 04:35, 18 March 2006 by D (talk | contribs) (2006)
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Home > List of rides > UK > Manchester  •  Google this ride!

It looks like there will be a ride in Manchester in June 2006. There is quite a lot of interest so far, and someone has stepped forward to be co-ordinator for the ride. We still need about 6-12 people to offer to be part of the local planning collective (to take on some responsibilities, draw up a route, and circulate publicity about this ride).

Are you ready to help kickstart the ride? If so, please phone Jesse (UK rides coordinator) on 07814 587361. We will soon provide more info about the first ride planning meeting (TBA).

For more information about this ride, and how to make it happen in June 2006, please see:

Also, please register your interest at:

And please join the UK message list at:

Location information