User talk:Babelkot

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Ben jij de beheerder van ? Zo ja, waarom voeg je een link toe die (althans voor mij) niet werkt ? ("Votre ip x.x.x.x est refusée par l'administrateur. ") - Erik Baas 14:49, 13 July 2009 (PDT)

  • Bonsoir,
le lien fonctionne parfaitement.Des centaines de personnes viennent sur mon site tous les jours avec celui-ci.
Vous êtes la seule personne qui fait ce genre de remarque.Voyez avec votre FAI,c'est vous qui avez un problème ,pas moi.Bien à vous..babelkot 19:37, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

But are you going to solve the problem ? I can't imagine being the only person not able to access your site... - Erik Baas 04:54, 15 July 2009 (PDT)

  • Oui,vous êtes la seule personne à ne pas voir ma page..Allez dans un coffe-shop ou chez un ami et faîtes le test...Hier 119 personnes ont visités mon sites..Les statistiques sont en bas de mon site.Il est ouvert depuis 7 ans... Babelkot 11:59, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

I find that hard to believe, besides: how would you know ? And, again: are you going to solve that problem ? - Erik Baas 05:09, 15 July 2009 (PDT)

  • Il n'y a pas de problème,c'estvous qui en avez un.Maintenant j'aimerais que vous me laissiez tranquille..Apprenez à vous servir d'un ordinateur... Babelkot 12:12, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

Goed, dan maak ik het simpel: als ik geen toegang heb tot je site, neem ik aan dat sommige andere mensen dat waarschijnlijk ook niet hebben. Als je dat probleem niet oplost is het zinloos om op deze site links naar de jouwe te plaatsen, en zal ik die dus (opnieuw) gaan verwijderen. Aan jou de keuze... - Erik Baas 18:08, 16 July 2009 (PDT)

Hello Babelkot and Mister Baas
The link provided like this one runs perfectly well for thousand of people, so Mister Baas (which you are not in this wiki) please stop to change it and check your internet provider
Velosteph 10:35, 18 July 2009 (UTC) (postsigned & dated by SomeHuman 2010-01-03)
It has nothing to do with my ISP, it is the administrator of who has blocked connections from my IP, and possibly (and probably ?) also from others, and he refuses to do something about that.
Quote from "Votre ip xx.xx.xx.xx est refusée par l'administrateur."
What's the use of posting a link to a website that can obviously not be viewed by everyone ? - Erik Baas 06:42, 18 July 2009 (PDT)
P.S.: Please do not make such childish remarks about my last name. :-(
Five months later, and nothing has changed: I still can't access
Erik Baas 02:57, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
The babelphotos site does indeed block access to IPs. The links that I had followed invariably show a series of list scroll boxes, the relevant Album Photos first in the centre, then automatically jumping to the left of the page while on most occasions the centre gets occupied by irrelevant data underneath the top banner. Underneath that irrelevant data block appears :
  • a line that states to be a 'Lien direct'. DO NOT CLICK IT or your IP will be blocked as Eric Baas described.
At first sight, that's it.
But using my browser's vertical scrollbar, I can find two more things underneath :
  • a closed selection scrollbox that always has 'Ixelles' preselected, completely disregarding the original link's mentioning some CycloNudista 200X.
  • a very large number of thumbnail photos about Ixelles that takes far too much time to load.
I can click the scrolldown arrow to the right of 'Ixelles' and then select a CycloNudista, upon which the long sought thumbnails appear.
After trying to find the true paths for the much too complicated and assumedly by many not even observed set of thumbnails, those attempts also caused the 'administrator' blocking my IP. Each IP block however, lasts only for a while. I can understand a site temporarily blocking access to someone trying to circumvent the (far too unclear and time-consuming) navigation, but it is totally unacceptable that the most obvious proper navigation by following a 'direct link' also ends up in a block - and as Eric Baas showed, that block message does not say it to be only temporary.
In its present state, like Eric Baas, I find the babelphotos links unacceptable. As they do provide access however if you are lucky:
  • by trying out the listscrollbox that had moved to the left instead of clicking the 'Lien direct', or
  • by being so fortunate that { } does bring you where it's supposed to (as I was on a few occasions - but a moment ago as well as a few times before, I got the third possibility: "Erreur. Vous ne disposez pas des accès a cette album photo"),
the links should stay but get a proper warning. And that is not really the way to go.
Babelkot, please do provide an always and for everyone functional direct path to the relevant set of thumbnails, or handle the problem on your site - and do something about that 'Lien direct' problem there. By the way, it is more than unlikely that Eric Baas and I would be using the same Internet provider and moreover, I am using a very new system under Windows 7.
SomeHuman 2010-01-03 07:21 / 07:46 (GMT)
Oh, Babelkot... Les lecteurs et surtout les participants des cyclonudistas bruxelloises sont, comme moi-même, assez charmés d'avoir eu un coup d'oeuil aux images des toffe fietsuitstapjes.
SomeHuman 2010-01-03 08:46 / 09:07(GMT)