Template talk:Ride location next ride

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Next ride & Last ride : usage

For pages using the 'Ride location next ride' template, there is also a 'Ride location last ride' template.
Soon after a particular ride,
- if the page does not yet have a 'Ride location last ride',

1. simply copy the 'Ride location next ride' immediately underneath the original and change "next" into "last"
2. edit the 'Ride location next ride' arguments, e.g. "to be determined" ;

- if the page already has a 'Ride location last ride',

1. simply copy the 'Ride location next ride' arguments and paste these across the arguments for 'Ride location last ride',
2. edit the 'Ride location next ride' arguments, e.g. "to be determined".

SomeHuman 2009-12-07 23:34 (GMT)

Section 1
