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Home > List of rides > Chile > Santiago  •  Google this ride! Google translation: CZ / DE / EL / EN / ES / FR / IT / JA / KO / NL / PT / RU / ZH / ZT Google translation: CZ / DE / EL / EN / ES / FR / IT / JA / KO / NL / PT / RU / ZH / ZT

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Date: Saturday 09 March 2013
Time: 3:00pm
Location: museo de bellas artes, parque forestal, Santiago

Ride Report

See the media report in Google News
Naked cyclist movement spreads to Chile
SANTIAGO — Seven bicyclists have been arrested for "moral offenses" as Chile saw its first edition of the World Naked Bike Ride, which was taking place in cities around the world. The cyclists began their route fully clothed in a residential neighborhood and stripped off much of their clothing during the ride to arrive at the Plaza Italia either partially or completely nude. The ride in Santiago was part of the World Naked Bike Ride, a global event created in 2004 to protest oil dependency and call attention to cyclist rights. Protesters in Chile hoped to raise awareness about their rights to safe travel in the streets of the Chilean capital, where cycling has gained popularity in recent years. Santiago is one of the most polluted cities in Latin America.

Ride Details

Volunteer Organisers

Media enquiries


Publicity: flyers, posters, images etc


Media Coverage


Not in Spanish but in Portuguese: “Peladada” pede segurança aos ciclistas no trânsito de SP. Rede Brasil Atual (published 2012-03-11). Read 2020-05-01. — Simply mentioning a WNBR to have taken place in Santiago on Saturday 10 March 2012.


Press Coverage






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Location information
