
From World Naked Bike Ride
Revision as of 14:46, 10 June 2007 by Sbunny8 (talk | contribs) (History)
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Home > List of rides > US > Montclair  •  Google this ride!

The ride is planned for 9-June-2007 at 4:00pm in the sleepy suburb of Montclair, New Jersey (about 15 miles west of NYC).

We will meet under the big flagpole in the small park at Watchung Plaza, which is right next to the Watchung Avenue train station. Meet at 3:30; ride begins at 4:00. The route is a 2.5 mile loop repeated 3 times. It's a very easy ride with no big hills and the speed limit is 25mph for most of it.

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Date: Saturday 9 June 2007
Time: Meet at 3.30pm, Ride begins 4pm
Location: Under the big flagpole in the small park at Watchung Plaza, right next to Watchung Avenue train station


2007 is the first time a ride has taken place here.

The 2007 ride was a great success! A total of eight cyclists participated, wearing a variety of costumes ranging from shorts and t-shirts to little more than socks and shoes. Some had signs attached to their bikes or written on their bodies.

We delayed the start by a few minutes for some late arrivals. We agreed to start with more clothing and disrobe further later in the ride. With great enthusiasm, we started off.. and got less than ten feet before a bicycle chain snapped! Luckily, a spare bicycle was on hand and we were off five minutes later.

Traffic was light on the wide streets of Upper Montclair. The reaction from onlookers seemed mostly positive. Some beeped their horns and waved or gave a thumbs up. At the conclusion of the ride, we were met by police but they didn't seem eager to arrest us. They said some people had called 911 to report "naked people on bicycles". Fortunately, the ride was already over and the police seargent admitted "that ship has sailed". He reminded us that public nudity is illegal in New Jersey. He also pointed out that one rider's sign attached to his bicycle was against traffic laws, and that another rider had a problem with his bike rack obscuring the license plate of his car. The cops seemed more concerened with our safety rather than angry at us.

All in all, it was an exciting day with lots of smiles all around.



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