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Date: ?
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Location: Lima

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Date: Saturday 8 Mar 2015
Time: ?
Location: Lima, Av. Arequipa cuadra 52 (Cruce con Pardo)

Ride Details

The assembly time and location are to be posted here or might be found on the official website Cicloaxion: Ciclistas Urbanos del Peru

Media coverage






Lima hosted the first Peruvian 'Ciclonudista' on 10 June 2006. The March 2007 ride had 300 riders, and lots of press coverage. Annual rides continued always in March: on the 8th in 2008, 14th in 2009, 13th in 2010. By April 2020, the Cicloaxion's Facebook page 'past events' showed these to have gone on the 12th in 2011, the 10th in 2012, the 9th in 2013, the 8th in 2014, until the 10th ride, on 14 March 2015, but listed no more 'as naked as you dare' rides since.



Discussion group/s

Grupo de activistas con el objetivo de promover el uso de la bicicleta como medio de transporte, exigir el respeto a los ciclistas por parte de los conductores y demandar las condiciones adecuadas para montar usar la bicicleta en la ciudad.

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