Newcastle Bike Love Corral

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Home > List of rides > Australia > Newcastle > Newcastle Bike Love Corral •  Google Newcastle Bike Love Corral WNBR

The Bike Love Corral is a manifestation of bike fun presented by Newcastle volunteers from a variety of supporting bike activism groups.

The Supporting Volunteers Bike Activism Groups

Critical Mass Australia

The following international website has information about Critical Mass in Australia.

Critical Mass Wiki

This is a wiki website for information about Critical Mass bike rides in cities around the world.

It has free information space for local Critical Mass groups.

If you are involved in a local Critical Mass group, you can add information and upload flyers to this site.

This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date Critical Mass website.

Critical Mass Newcastle

Critical Mass Newcastle ride on the first Friday of every month from Civic Park (opposite the Town Hall). Assemble at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start. Ride Daily! Celebrate Monthly!

Critical Mass Wiki Newcastle NSW

Newcastle Bike-Ecology Centre

Newcastle's own environmental, not-for-profit, community based, sustainable transport, no green-wash cars, bikefun centre. Push bike co-op: We take pre-loved bikes & parts that are then restored by volunteers. Free workshops on how to fix bikes, cycling tips, & traffic skills. If you want a bike, we help you recycle one, for free! Volunteers welcome to help save the world through BIKEFUN!

Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc.

Work with Government bodies to improve bicycle facilities in the Greater Newcastle Area.

Its aims are to promote the safe responsible use of bicycles for transport, leisure and fitness.

Members get bike riding insurance, discounts, rides, legal advice, and more.

World Naked Bike Ride - Australia

Peacefully expose the vulnerability of cyclists, humanity and nature in the face of cars, aggression, consumerism and non-renewable energy. The next World Naked Bike Ride in Australia is on Saturday the 13th of March 2010.

Exact dates may vary from city to city.

World Naked* Bike Ride - Newcastle

Peacefully expose the vulnerability of cyclists, humanity and nature in the face of cars, aggression, consumerism and non-renewable energy. The next World Naked Bike Ride in Newcastle is on Sunday the 14th of March 2010.

Date: Sunday 14 March 2010 Time: 5pm Location: Civic Park, opposite Newcastle Town Hall

Body paint yourself with peace signs, hearts and flowers.

Clothing 100% optional. Helmet Compulsory.

The Hosting Partners:


Newcastle University Students' Association

NUSA Environment Collective

Ride a Bike Campaign

The Newcastle University Students' Association, Enviro Collective is the student environmental group on The University of Newcastle campus. In mid 2009 the Enviro Collective began the Ride a Bike Campaign to encourage bike use over car use among the Uni community. Riding a bike has minimal environmental impact, does not produce green house gasses or toxic emissions, does not produce noise pollution, is far cheaper than driving a car and it is easier to find somewhere to park your bike. Parking on campus for a year costs more than the price of many new bikes and decent second hand models. The Bike Love Corral details are:

  • Time: 10am to 4pm
  • Date: Every Thursday During Semester
  • Place: Outside the NUSA Building (around the corner a bit or maybe on the back verandah if it rains).

Follow the link to the current flyer / poster, to be used for the Bike Love Corral at NUSA to help promote participation. Please print these and stick them up where people will see them.

  • Bike Love Corral on Facebook
  • Newcastle University Students' Association (NUSA)
  • NUSA Environment Collective

Bike Bus

Ride to Work Day 2009. Have fun and ride in safety with a visible group of cyclists along Newcastle’s East – West Cycleway from Nobbys Beach to The University of Newcastle for a free breakfast.

Organised by the Bike Love Corral as part of The University of Newcastle Ride to Work Day in association with the Newcastle University Students' Association (NUSA), Environment Collective, Ride a Bike Campaign.

Date: Wednesday 14 Oct 2009

Place: Assemble at the Nobbys Beach picnic pavilion, Newcastle East.

Bring: Your bike, helmet, a bottle of water and wet weather gear (just in case it rains).

Free breakfast: Registering your participation is required for the free breakfast on the Ride to Work Day 2009 website:

Timetable (Follow link for map)

  • 7:30 AM Start: Nobbys Beach picnic pavilion, Newcastle East
  • 7:40 AM Stop and pick-up at Civic Park opposite the Town Hall, King St Newcastle (left hand side of Street when heading West)
  • 7:47 AM Stop and pick-up at Hunter institute of Technology, Hamilton Campus, Parry St (Corner of Wood St), Newcastle West on the left hand side of Street, at Traffic lights when heading West along Parry St.
  • 7:52 AM Stop and pick-up at Corner of Beaumont and Donald Sts, Hamilton on the left hand side of Street, at Traffic lights when heading West along Donald St.
  • 8:00 AM Stop and pick-up at the Cycleway next to the stormwater drain, between the hockey fields and Energy Australia Stadium on Turton Road, Broadmeadow
  • 8:07 AM Stop and pick-up at the beginning of off road cycleway, Corner of Croudace and Howe Streets, Lambton
  • 8:12 AM Stop and pick-up at the Pedestrian and Cycleway traffic lights, Newcastle Road, opposite Jesmond Park, Jesmond
  • 8:20 AM Stop and pick-up at Western Entrance of The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan
  • 8:30 AM Finish at The Forum Sports and Aquatic Centre, The University of Newcastle



Cultural Stomp

Newcastle’s annual Multicultural and Community Festival, to be held in Civic Park on Saturday 6 June 2009 (Long Weekend) in Civic Park, in conjunction with World Environment Day June 5, under the theme: "BE THE CHANGE", relating to Gandhi's statement - You must be the change you wish to see in the world!"

This Is Not Art

01 to 05 October 2009 Newcastle, Australia Independent, emerging and experimental arts festival. It's the five days of the year where you get to meet and collaborate with fellow creatives, share your ideas, passions and skills, showcase your work, and reinvigorate your practice at the nation's most inspiring party!

This Is Not Art - innovating, developing and showcasing emerging art and new media forms.

This Is Not Art festival is an annual extravaganza which includes; workshops, panels, performances, speakers, special events and exhibitions that challenge ideas about making art, making culture and making noise.

Throw in some experimental indy theatre performances, artist networking, industry exposés, and a some ripe social & political cheekiness, and you have a rough idea of what This Is Not Art Festival has become - the largest and most diverse annual media and arts festival in Australia.

The groups that will come together to program the 2009 This Is Not Art festival include:

  • Electrofringe
  • National Young Writers' Festival
  • Sound Summit
  • Critical Animals
  • The Crack Theatre Festival (for more about TINA click here)

Bike Love Corral

Bike Love Corral is a This Is Not Art "Special Event". We love push bikes and will provide the bike, accessories, activities and fun for FREE! Bikes are the easy, cheap, enviro friendly way to get around town and connect with our community. All day: Bike fixing and traffic skills workshops. Help fix / check your own bike OR choose one to help fix and keep. Buy or borrow bikes from the Newcastle Community Bike Library. Bike Activism workshops on Bike User Groups, Bike Co-op models, Critical Mass & World Naked Bike Ride.

Newcastle Community Bike Library Buy or borrow bikes, helmets, locks and lights (cheap deposit applies). Pre-register to borrow a bike: email Dan newcastlecriticalmass(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au by 20 Sept. These must be picked up from NBEC by or on 1st Oct. More bikes available each day at the Corral in Civic Park.

  • Location: Civic Park
  • Days: Thursday - Monday
  • Times: 11.00 to 16.00

Bike activist groups supporting the Corral have special events each day in Civic Park:

Critical Mass - Friday Global Ride Celebrating Cycling. Assert our right to ride on roads and not in the car door death lane. Start Civic Park 18.00. Bike decorating from 16.00 to 18.00

World Naked Bike Ride - Saturday Peacefully expose the vulnerability of cyclists, humanity and nature in the face of cars, aggression, consumerism and non-renewable energy. Oz rides in March. Semi-naked promotional ride (wear at least minimums): Start Civic Park 17.00. Body painting from 11.00 to 17.00

Newcastle Bike Ecology Centre - Sunday Community volunteer bike help concept offering free bikes / help all year round Fri / Sat at Islington Community Bike Re-use Workshop 2-3pm,

Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc. - Monday Work with Government bodies to improve bicycle facilities in the greater Newcastle Area. Its aims are to promote the safe responsible use of bicycles for transport, leisure and fitness. Members get bike riding insurance, discounts, rides, legal advice, and more. How to lobby govt. workshop: 2 – 3pm