
From World Naked Bike Ride
Revision as of 12:43, 8 March 2008 by Cgale (talk | contribs) (Assembly Point)
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WNBR Caerdydd! Taith Seiclo Noeth y Byd! (WNBR Cardiff! World Naked Bike Ride!)

There is a current proposal to hold a ride in 2008, and this page is set up in recognition of this possiblity. Many people have expressed interest in a Cardiff or Swansea ride, so a South Wales ride seemed inevitable.

NODER: Mae gweddill y dudalen hon yn yr iaith Saesneg. Hwyrach y bydddudalen Gymraeg maes o law.

NOTE: The rest of this page is written in English. We may put up a Welsh language page as well.

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Date: (TBC) Friday 6 June 2008
Time: (TBC) 6pm
Location: (TBC)

About the 2008 Ride

Assembly Point

This will be in an easy-to-find location within reach of rail facilities. More details to follow.

Dress Code

Come as bare as you dare. Nudity makes a great statement, and many of us will be completely naked, but if you're more comfortable in a little clothing, that's fine too. In previous years, riders have worn shorts, bras, swimwear, body paint, wigs, sunglasses etc. Most wear footwear and bring bags to carry clothes. Body painting and adornment, customised bikes and other creative expression are all strongly encouraged.


The organising group is currently devising a route to take in many of Cardiff's landmarks and iconic buildings. More details will be posted shortly when the route is finalised.


Simple nudity isn't illegal in the UK, but using nudity to intentionally cause harassment, alarm or distress may be illegal. Don't act offensively and you are very unlikely to be arrested.

Public Transport

The Assembly Point is likely to be within easy cycling distance of Cardiff Central Rail Station, served by frequent trains from various parts of Wales and England.


There is much planning still to do and assistance would be appreciated! Please get in touch via the wnbr-cardiff/caerdydd or wnbr-uk Yahoo! groups if you plan to ride or if you are able to help.


The Johnny Zapatos film about the 2005 London ride was shown at the Cycle Cardiff film night at Chapter Arts Centre in December, 2007. Much positive discussion was generated. Links are now being made with other forthcoming events. To contribute ideas on further film screenings or other activity in Cardiff or elsewhere please visit wnbr-cardiff/caerdydd Yahoo! group.

Planning Meetings

The second planning meeting for the 2008 Cardiff ride will take place at Nos Da Hostel on Fitzhamon Embankment, Cardiff at 3.00 p.m. on Saturday, 1st March. Directions are here:, and please note that the meeting is not in the Cardiff Backpacker on Neville street).

This will be a chance to start planning in earnest. If you intend to come, you may like to post a message on the wnbr-cardiff/caerdydd Yahoo! group.

Press Releases

(none yet available)

Press Coverage


Personal Photos and Footage


(posted on Flickr when available)




  • WNBR UK (This page has FAQ info and links to the other UK rides)

See also United Kingdom page

Discussion groups

  • WNBR UK Yahoo! group for Announcements and discussion of all UK rides.
