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=== Slogan Suggestions  ===
=== Slogan Suggestions  ===
Dros ein byd, beicio ac ynni glân<br>For our world, cycling and clean energy<br> <br> Y noeth a’r doeth garia’r dydd <br>The naked and the wise will win the day
''Dros ein byd, beicio ac ynni glân''<br>For our world, cycling and clean energy<br> <br> Y ''noeth a’r doeth garia’r dydd'' <br>The naked and the wise will win the day

Revision as of 18:35, 12 February 2010

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WNBR Caerdydd - Taith Feicio Noeth y Byd! - Sadwrn 12 Mehefin 2010

WNBR Cardiff - World Naked Bike Ride! - Saturday 12th June 2010

The Cardiff World Naked Bike Ride highlights the urgent need to escape vehicle dependency and focus on the power and individuality of the human being.

Mae Taith Feicio Noeth y Byd - Caerdydd - yn tynnu sylw at y taer angen i ddianc rhag dibynnu ar gerbydau, ac i ganolbwyntio, yn hytrach, ar rym yr unigolyn.

  • Protesting against oil dependency / Gwrthdystio yn erbyn dibynnu ar olew
  • Campaigning to curb car culture / Ymgyrchu i roi ffrwyn ar ddiwylliant y car
  • Promoting green energy / Hyrwyddo ynni gwyrdd
  • Supporting sustainable transport / Cefnogi cludiant cynaliadwy
  • Making cycling safer for all / Gwneud beicio’n fwy diogel i bawb
  • Celebrating our bikes and bodies / Dathlu ein beiciau a’n cyrff

Welsh: NODER – Mae'r cyfieithiad Cymraeg o'r tudalen hwn ar y gweill. Nid yw'n gyflawn eto, ond hyderir y bydd maes o law.
English: NOTE – This page is partially translated into Welsh and hopefully soon will be fully translated.

Contact / Cysyllter â

First Planning Meeting 2010

The first planning meeting for the 2010 ride will take place in March somewhere suitably central in Cardiff. If you have any suggestion as to date, time or location please get in touch using any of the above methods. I will publish full details in the last week of February. 

If you fancy helping out in whatever way however large or small or if you just want to come along and meet some fellow riders please get in touch as it would reassure me greatly. I had a great time last year and felt so proud with the success of the ride. It also taught me some valuable skills, enhancing my CV and giving me something interesting to talk about at job interviews (and I did get the job!). Lets meet up, share some ideas and have a laugh.

Cyfarfod Cynllunio Cyntaf 2010

Bydd cyfarfod cynllunio cyntaf i ras 2010 yn cael ei gynnal ym mis Mawrth, mewn man addas a chanolog yng Nghaerdydd. Os hoffech awgrymu dyddiad, amser neu fan cyfarfod, byddem yn falch pe baech yn cysylltu drwy ddefnyddio un o'r cyfeiriadau a nodwyd. Bydd y manylion llawn yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn ystod wythnos olaf Chwefror. 

Os ydych chi'n awyddus i gynnig help, mawr neu fach, mewn unrhyw ffordd, cofiwch roi gwybod, neu os hoffech daro i mewn i gwrdd â rhai a fydd yn beicio gyda chi, cofiwch gysylltu â mi, oherwydd byddai'n galondid mawr i mi gael clywed gan bobl eraill. Ces i hwyl fawr llynedd ac ’roeddwn i'n teimlo'n hynod falch i'r daith fod mor llwyddiannus. ’Roeddwn hefyd wedi dysgu sgiliau gwerthfawr, gan ychwanegu at fy CV. Rhoddodd rywbeth diddorol imi siarad amdano mewn cyfweliadau am swyddi (a, do, fe ges i'r gwaith!). Beth am inni gwrdd i rannu syniadau ac i gael cyfle i chwerthin?''

Please donate to the WNBR UK Fund

The UK World Naked Bike Ride fund meets the cost of insuring rides
across the UK, and provides local organisers with money for
poster/flyer printing, advertising, ride equipment etc.
Please give generously.

Next ride

Editors: to change this section,
click the Edit tab at the top of the page

Date: Saturday 12th June 2010 TBC
Time: Gather at 3PM to get ready, paint yourself, decorate your bike etc. Setting off at 4PM
Location: Park Place, grassed area to rear of National Museum and adjacent to Cardiff University Main Building. See below for directions.

Y Daith Nesaf

Dyddiad: Sadwrn 12 Mehefin 2010 - i'w gadarnhau

Amser: Ymgasglu am 3pm i ymbaratoi, i'ch peintio eich hun, i addurno eich beic ac yn y blaen. Cychwyn am 4pm

Lleoliad: Plas y Parc, y man glaswelltog y tu ôl i'r Amgueddfa Genedlaethol National Museum ac nid nepell o brif adeilad Prifysgol Caerdydd Cardiff University Main Building ]. Gweler isod am gyfeiriadau pellach.''



62 riders began the ride, according to Facebook event report. However, we picked up some extra riders along the way and ended with 67.

2009 Ride Report - On the Saturday the 13th of June, Cardiff's second running of the World Naked Bike Ride took place. The ride, highlighting the need for a less oil dependent future, the vulnerability of cyclists in city traffic and promoting body freedom was, once again, a great success. After a slight delay with the police escort and a last minute route adjustment, the ride set of at 4:15p.m. with 62 riders. The public reception of the ride was excellent, word seemed to have gotten around that the ride was taking place and people looked like they were expecting us. After picking up five extra riders at the halfway mark we headed back through town and ended the ride with a respectable 67 riders. The media coverage of the ride was awesome. We made the BBC Wales evening news, and had good coverage in the Wales on Sunday and the South Wales Echo. A good time was had by all and there is much to look forward to with next years ride. I hope we can build up the numbers for the next one. I think we have gained a few new recruits already so we have a head start for 2010.



62 o feicwyr a roddodd gychwyn i'r daith, yn ôl adroddiad Facebook event, ond gwnaethon ni godi rhagor o feicwyr wrth fynd ymlaen, a 67 a oedd yno ar y diwedd.

Adroddiad Taith 2009 - Ar ddydd Sadwrn, 13 Mehefin, cymerodd Caerdydd ran am yr ail dro yn Nhaith Feicio Noeth y Byd. Llwyddiant mawr oedd y daith, a oedd yn tynnu sylw at yr angen i beidio â dibynnu cymaint ar olew yn y dyfodol ac at y modd y mae'n hawdd i feicwyr gael eu hanafu yn nhraffig y ddinas, ac a oedd hefyd yn hyrwyddo rhyddid i'r corff. Wedi peth oedi wrth aros i'r heddlu ein hebrwng ac wrth newid y llwybr arfaethedig ar y funud olaf, dyma'r daith yn cychwyn am 4:15p.m. gyda 62 o feicwyr. Cafwyd ymateb gwych gan y cyhoedd; mae'n ymddangos bod y si wedi mynd ar led fod y daith yn cael ei chynnal ac ’roedd fel pe bai pobl yn ein disgwyl. Wedi codi pump o feicwyr ychwanegol hanner ffordd, dyma fynd yn ôl drwy'r dref a gorffen â 67 o feicwyr, nifer go barchus. ’Roedd diddordeb y cyfryngau yn anhygoel. ’Roedden ni ar newyddion nosweithiol BBC Wales, a rhoddwyd tipyn o sylw inni yn Wales on Sunday ac yn y South Wales Echo. ’Roedd pawb wedi cael hwyl, ac mae taith y flwyddyn nesaf yn rhywbeth ’rydyn ni'n gwir edrych ymlaen ato. Gobeithio y gallwn ddenu nifer mwy y tro nesaf. ’Rwy'n credu bod nifer o bobl newydd am ymuno â ni, felly ’rydyn ni ar y blaen eisoes i 2010.


Wales's first ever WNBR took place in Cardiff on 14 June 2008. An enthusiastic band of riders planned the ride within a relatively short time and an atmosphere of growing enthusiasm and commitment was generated. Following this hugely positive event, interest in the 2009 ride soon began spreading far and wide.

2008 Ride Report - Cardiff's first ever WNBR was a resounding success - declared by many to have been awesome! The sun shone (despite forecasts suggesting otherwise) and at 4.00 p.m. 37 riders rode out onto the streets of a busy Cardiff which was also marking Veterans Day and preparing for a Bruce Springstein concert! A wonderful mix of people sporting a range of adornments and slogans made their way from Cathays Park to Cardiff Bay and back along the city's main highways, with an outstanding response from the public who snapped up all the on-ride leaflets in no time! Media coverage was wide and positive. The police escort were efficient and friendly. Riders came from all round Cardiff and area as well as a few from Bristol, Hereford and other places. Participants applauded loudly when we reached our destination in Sophia Gardens and pledged to come back next year for an even more positive and powerful event.

About the ride

Assembly point

The 2008 & 2009 assembly point was in a quiet, enclosed area with grass and trees, easily found to the rear of the National Museum of Wales. The Museum is located in the Civic Centre in Cathays Park, immediately next door to City Hall, with its distinctive tower. The area in question is between Park Place and Museum Avenue. Here is a map of the assembly location. This is also the intended assembly point for 2010.

Dress code

Come as bare as you dare. Nudity makes a great statement, and many of us will be completely naked again this year - but if you're more comfortable in a little clothing, that's fine too. On previous rides, riders wore shorts, bras, swimwear, body paint, head-dresses, wigs, sunglasses etc. Most wore footwear and brought bags to carry clothes. Body painting and adornment, customised bikes, portable seed-trays and other creative expression are all strongly encouraged.


Cardiff World Naked Bike Ride 2010 Proposed Route

Assembly Point - Cathays Park - Grassed area adjacent to the University Main Building (bounded by Park Place and Museum Avenue).

Setting off at 4PM - Form up on the path facing Museum Avenue. Left into Museum Avenue.

Museum Avenue, City Road, left into King Edward VII Avenue. Gorsedd Gardens Road, right into Park Place. Greyfriars Street, the Friary, right into Queens Street. St. John Street, Working Street, Tthe Hayes, Hayes Bridge Road, Bute Street, Herbert Street, Lloyd George Avenue. Onto cycle path (left hand pavement) after Hemingway Road.

Over crossing to pass in front of Millennium Centre, to the rear of the Pier Head Building, pause in front of the Senedd.

Set off along the front of the Pier Head Building, returning past the front of the Millennium Centre. Left across the forecourt to the crossing giving access to the westbound carriageway of Lloyd George Avenue. Across the crossing and north up Lloyd George Avenue. Left into Herbert Street, ahead into Callaghan Square, St. Mary Street, High Street, Castle Street, Cowbrdge Road East. Onto the cycle path (left hand pavement) over Cardiff Bridge, concluding in Sophia Gardens. Riders are advised bring a bag or pannier to carry clothes and possessions.


The police facilitated both the 2008 and 2009 rides; riders found the officers most helpful, and they in turn fully acknowledged our right to demonstrate in our chosen manner saying that they were impressed with the public reaction last year. One of the veterans on the Veteran Day celebrations 2008 actually told the police that he thought that it was marvelous. To put it simply, simple nudity isn't illegal in the UK, but using nudity intentionally to cause harassment, alarm or distress may be illegal. Don't act in an offensive or lewd manner and you are not going to get arrested.

Public transport

The 2010 ride will start within easy cycling distance of Cardiff Central Rail Station, served by frequent trains from various parts of Wales and England.

Signing up

It's not essential to sign up for the ride - you can just turn up on the day - but it does help to get an idea of anticipated numbers. To sign up, visit the yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wnbr-cardiff/ . Facebook users can also sign up by following the link to our facebook events page http://www.facebook.com/cardiffwnbr . 


The Johnny Zapatos film about the 2005 London ride was shown at a film night in Chapter Arts Centre in December 2007. Much positive discussion was generated. To contribute ideas on further film screenings or other activity anywhere in Wales please visit WNBR Cardiff/Caerdydd Yahoo! group.


Cardiff riders are underway with planning the 2010 WNBR! Please get in touch via WNBR Cardiff/Caerdydd or WNBR UK Yahoo! groups if you plan to ride or if you are able to help.

Planning meetings

Whether involved in planning previous years, a 2008 or 2009 participant, or a new rider for 2010, you are very welcome to join in the preparations this year. If you would like to contribute, please come to the initial meeting, or post a message on the wnbr-cardiff/caerdydd Yahoo! group. Also join our Facebook group at (http://www.facebook.com/cardiffwnbr) to let us know that you want to come along!



For the 2009 ride, some A4 posters have been printed. If more are needed, a PDF file can be downloaded from

for printing locally.

Slogan Suggestions 

Dros ein byd, beicio ac ynni glân
For our world, cycling and clean energy

Y noeth a’r doeth garia’r dydd
The naked and the wise will win the day

Got any more suggestions? Just add them here or let me know, I can get Welsh/English translations if necessary. 

Media coverage






<youtube v="Frw_gcXNIAc" />



Discussion groups

  • WNBR Cardiff/Caerdydd Yahoo! group – Join to give an idea of numbers and for announcements and discussion of the ride. Having joined you can access the "Files" section to print A4 size Welsh language ride cards – with WNBR slogans - to use on your bike on the ride (for English versions, see London)
  • WNBR UK Yahoo! group – announcements and discussion of all UK rides

Press contact

Ronnie (WNBR Cardiff coordinator)
07880 854678

To arrange interviews with riders or get a press release call the Cardiff ride Coordinator.

Supportive local groups
